Video Genie System Expander EG3014

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Video Genie (or simply Genie) was a series of computers produced by Hong Kong-based manufacturer EACA during the early 1980s. They were compatible with the Tandy TRS-80 Model I computers and could be considered a clone, although there were hardware and software differences.

The EG3014 Expander add-on corresponds to the Tandy TRS-80 Model I Expansion Interface. It has a Centronics printer port and a single density floppy interface for up to 4 single-sided or 3 double-sided drives. It also has sockets for adding two 16K banks of RAM (making it possible to expand to 48K RAM) and edge connectors for the EG3020 RS-232 interface and EG3022 S-100 bus interface. The EG3014 could also be expanded with the EG3021 double density kit.

Date : 1980

Manufacturer : EACA

Physical Description : Expander

This exhibit has a reference ID of CH19092. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.

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