Practical Computing - June 1980, Volume 3, Issue 6

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Publication Date : June 1980

Publication Contents :

Page Item
6 Sinclair ZX80 - Britain's first complete computer kit [Advert]
23 Nascom 2 [Advert]
43 LSI System M-One Model 1 [Advert]
49 Editorial [Article]
Peter Laurie
Heritage and future
50 Feedback [Article]
Reader's letters
54 Schools given Apples worth £30,000 [News Item]
Apple microcomputers worth £30,000 have been given to specially-selected schools by the UK Apple importer and distributor Microsense Ltd. The schools were selected in co-operation with Mini and Microcomputers in Secondary Education (MUSE).
54 Home computer which talks [News Item]
A home computer which talks is how Texas Instruments plans to market the TI-99/4 .
54 Best-selling software [News Item]
Applied Computer Techniques, the company behind Petsoft, is diversifying into software for the Apple II microcomputer. The new company Appleware has launched with a catalogue of 75 established best sellers and intends to develop some of its own business packages.
54 Disc covers [News Item]
Swan Packaging, a company from Coventry, has produced the Discpac, a postal package which allows you to send 8-inch and 5.25-inch discs safely.
54 Good home needed for PDP-15 [News Item]
Birkbeck College in London is looking for a good educational home for its PDP-15.
55 Simple, but effective [News Item]
A new product with a grid corresponding with the POKE numbers for the Pet memory display locations has been released.
55 Survey shows satisfaction [News Item]
The Control Data Institute has conducted a survey of the 2,000 people from its computer-operating, programming and engineering courses.
55 Special prize for inventiveness [News Item]
The winners of the British microprocessor competition (Practical Computing, December 1979) have been announced.
55 Programmer-time savings [News Item]
Savings of up to one-third of programmer-time are claimed by Phipps Associates for a new software product for the Panasonic JD range.
55 Free maintenance service [News Item]
Alpha Research offers a free maintenance service provided by members of the group in departments in computer software, electronic equipment, meterology, botanical surveys, library research, among others.
56 Software company based on years of study [News Item]
A new software company, Microtrend International, has been formed to produce microcomputer software. The new company has more than 125 programs for the Pet, Apple, TRS-80 and CP/M-based micros.
56 New graphics board [News Item]
R-Squared Ltd, specialists in systems based on the Vector Graphics microcomputer now has a new high-resolution graphics board available.
56 Nascom word-processing package [News Item]
A word-processing package, Naspen, has been introduced for the Nascom 1 and 2 microcomputers.
56 Geest family [News Item]
Geest Micro Systems has launched a family of microcomputers based on the TI 16-bit micros - the TI 9900 and the 990/5.
56 U.K. factory for Puma robot [News Item]
Unimation, a US robot manufacturer, has recently announced its intention to establish a UK factory for its Puma industrial robot in Telford, Shropshire.
56 IBM stand-alone [News Item]
IBM has launched its 5120 stand-alone computer.
59 North Star Horizon [Advert]
61 Panasonic JD-700U heads Japanese challenge [Review]
Vincent Tseng
Vincent Tseng evaluates the potential of this Japanese machine.
64 VisiCalc [Review]
Mike McDonald
The general-purpose modelling package assessed by Mike McDonald.
68 Butel-Comco Athena [Advert]
69 Off-line [Article]
Caith Gill
72 The Electronic Newsagent [Article]
Duncan Scot
Time and money saved with electronic solution.
78 Videotex: Little doubt that Prestel is well on its way [Article]
Peter Sommer
Peter Sommer discusses the latest developments in viewdata systems.
80 Memory-mapped graphics [Article]
Gary Marshall
Ideas and methods for producing mobile displays
87 Social Services: Disabled and administration share the rewards [Article]
Martin Hayman
The London Borough of Hillingdon's social services department has devised several uses for the versatile micro
90 Robotics: Planning techniques find optimal routes [Article]
Mark Witowski
The interplay of ideas between robotics and artificial intelligence in part five of Mark Witkowski's series.
96 Motor Control: Servos are inexpensive and easy to build [Article]
Nick Hampshire
Nick Hampshire examines electric motors and their use as computer-controlled servo machines.
98 Machine Code: Address modes - vital topic which repays close study [Article]
David Peckett
In part four David Peckett describes different types of addressing and looks at what the 6502 and 8080A offer.
107 Apple Pie [Article]
Ideas, hints and comments for Apple users.
109 Rair Black Box Microcomputer [Advert]
111 Pet Corner [Article]
News and user's tips, queries and comments.
115 Tandy Forum [Article]
Devoted to the TRS-80 - news and user's tips, queries and comments.
117 6502 Special [Article]
The 6502 Special is dedicated to the exchange of information between 6502 users.
119 Sorcerer's Apprentice [Article]
Page dedicated to Exidy Sorcerer users.
122 Apple COS and the output bug [Article]
In part two of his quest for a cassette operating system for the Apple II, Hugh Dobbs meets the output bug.
126 Buyers' Guide Software [Article]
147 Superbrain [Advert]
156 Image Data Eight Microcomputer [Advert]
163 Glossary [Article]
Continuing the terminological gamut with T

ISSN Number : 0141-5433

Creator : IPC Electrical Electronic Press

This exhibit has a reference ID of CH5323. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.

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