Novelist William Gibson invents the term cyberspace

1st July 1984
Novelist William Gibson invents the term cyberspace

Novelist William Gibson invents the term cyberspace in his novel Neuromancer, the book that created a new science fiction sub-genre called cyberpunk.

Gibson first used the term cyberspace in his 1982 short story Burning Chrome, as the name of a piece of technology: the Cyberspace Seven.

However, he expanded the concept in Neuromancer, his debut novel:

"Cyberspace. A consensual hallucination experienced daily by billions of legitimate operators, in every nation ... a graphic representation of data abstracted from the banks of every computer in the human system."

Related information:


  • Neuromancer first edition from 1984
    Credit: James Warhola / Ace Science Fiction ISBN 0-441-56956-0. Images remain the copyright of the original copyright holder. Used under fair use policy for educational purposes only.





Novelist William Gibson invents the term cyberspace

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