Computing Books published by Granada
The following is a list of Computing Books published by Granada in the Centre for Computing History collection. It is not an exhaustive list of and other books may have been published. If you have a book that you would like to donate to our collection, please view our donations page.There are 14 Computing Books published by Granada in our collection :
Order By : Title - Release Date - Publisher |

Publisher: Granada
Author: Mike James, S M Gee & Kay Ewbank
Platform: Dragon 32

Publisher: Granada
Author: Ian Sinclair
Platform: Dragon 32

The Dragon 32 and How to Make the Most of It
by Ian Robertson Sinclair
ISBN 0246121149 / 9780246121141 / 0-246-12114-9
Publisher Granada Publishing, Limited
Language English
Edition Softcover
Publisher: Granada
Author: Ian Sinclair
Platform: Dragon 32

ID Numbers
Open Library OL10226591M
ISBN 13 9780246120229
OCLC/WorldCat 9793325
Publisher: Granada
Author: Garry Marshall
Platform: Programming

Have fun with your computer! These programs - they start simple and become progressively more complex - will give you lots of fun and teach you how to experiment and enjoy your micro. You can adapt the programs to suit your needs and by the end of the book you'll be able to write your own programs.
Publisher: Granada
Author: Jonathon Inglis
Platform: BBC Micro/ Electron

Publisher: Granada
Author: Ian Sinclair

"Terrific games routines - and how to make them even better!"
Publisher: Granada
Author: Kay Ewbank, Mike James, S. M. Gee
Platform: Acorn Electron

From back cover:
...Just as you would find it difficult to learn a foreign language from a dictionary, you will probably find it difficult to learn to master your Amstrad CPC464 from the manual alone. This book takes you step by step, in detail, through the commands.
Publisher: Granada
Author: Ian Sinclair
Platform: Amstrad CPC464

"Programs for the ZX Spectrum and the ZX Spectrum +"
Publisher: Granada
Author: Jonathan Inglis
Platform: ZX Spectrum

Publisher: Granada
Author: Owen Bishop, Audey Bishop
Platform: Acorn Electron

Publisher: Granada
Author: Mike James, S .M. Gee
Platform: Acorn Electron

- The Sorcerer's Apprentice
- Ant Hill
- Leap Frog
- Frogling
- Snake
- Tadpole
- Snakes and Ladders
- Becoming a Master Programmer
Publisher: Granada
Author: Kay Ewbank, Mike James, S. M. Gee
Platform: BBC Micro

- Getting Started
- Organising for Character Display
- Filling the Screen
- Delays
- Printing Text
- Machine Input
- Prompting
- Lines in Pixel Graphics
- Utility Arithmetic and Conversion
- A BCD Arithmetic Suite
- Communicating
- Relocatable Code
- Changing Shapes
- Wrinkles
Publisher: Granada
Author: Alan Tootill, David Barrow
Platform: Z80