Amstrad PC Books
The following is a list of Amstrad PC Books in the Centre for Computing History collection. It is not an exhaustive list of and other books may have been published. If you have a book that you would like to donate to our collection, please view our donations page.There are 16 Amstrad PC Books in our collection :
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Publisher: Future Publishing
Author: Alec Rae

Publisher: Sigma
Author: John M Hughes

Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
Author: Jim Reid

Publisher: Glentop
Author: Kathy Lang

"The aim of this book is to teach you to program the Amstrad PC1512 and PC1640 computers in Locomotive BASIC 2. It assumes no prior knowledge of computers or programming, and it is hoped it will show that BASIC programming is not nearly as difficult as it might appear at first sight, and can be both interesting and enjoyable."
Publisher: Bernard Babani
Author: J W Penfold

Publisher: Blackwell Science Ltd
Author: Ian R. Sinclair

First Edition.
You do not need to know about computers to master word processing: you do not even need to have used a typewriter. Without guidance, however, teaching oneself to use a word processor can be a tedious and frustrating task, even with the Amstrad PCW.
This book enables beginners to learn professional word processing techniques really quickly without having to wade through long manuals. By following Ian Sinclair's clear examples and instructions you will soon be using your system for:
- Business letters, reports, invoices
- Envelopes and labels
- Stored phrases and paragraphs
- Forms and tables
- Multiple letters
- Long documents such as manuscript and magazine articles
Publisher: BSP Professional Books
Author: Ian Sinclair

You do not need to know about computers to master word processing: you do not even need to have used a typewriter. Without guidance, however, teaching oneself to use a word processor can be a tedious and frustrating task, even with the Amstrad PCW.
This book enables beginners to learn professional word processing techniques really quickly without having to wade through long manuals. By following Ian Sinclair's clear examples and instructions you will soon be using your system for:
- Business letters, reports, invoices
- Envelopes and labels
- Stored phrases and paragraphs
- Forms and tables
- Multiple letters
- Long documents such as manuscript and magazine articles
Publisher: BSP Professional Books
Author: Ian Sinclair

"Many people think of the PCW as a word processor, but it can also produce high quality pictures, graphs and diagrams. This book contains numerous BASIC routines for all types of design. You can produce plans for an extension to your house, rotate it and view it from any angle and then print it out. You can design a kitchen, theatrical scenery, electronic circuits - all to your own specification. And then add text, move parts of the diagrams around, cut and paste different parts of them - the possibilities are endless."
Publisher: Sigma Press
Author: Robert Gilmore

Publisher: Glentop Publishers Ltd.
Author: Kathleen Peel

Publisher: Sigma Press
Author: John M. Hughes

Publisher: Sigma Press
Author: Robert Ransom

For the first time user, new to computers, the process of learning how to use the machine can be a daunting process. This book, Using MS-DOS on the Amstrad PC, introduces the user to MS-DOS methods for those users who have some small prior knowledge of computing but no previous experience of MS-DOS or CP/M.
Publisher: Heinemann New Tech
Author: Ian Sinclair

Publisher: Glentop Publishers
Author: Stephen Morris