Dragon 32 Books

The following is a list of Dragon 32 Books in the Centre for Computing History collection. It is not an exhaustive list of and other books may have been published. If you have a book that you would like to donate to our collection, please view our donations page.

There are 44 Dragon 32 Books in our collection :
Order By : Title - Release Date - Publisher
35 Programs for the Dragon 32 Date: 1982 35 Programs for the Dragon 32

Your search for programs for your Dragon 32 is over!
Here for the first time, is an exciting collection of games and home applications.
ISBN : 0 7126 0173 2

Publisher: Century Publishing Co. Ltd
Author: Dr. Tim Langdell

40 Educational Games for the Dragon Date: 1984 40 Educational Games for the Dragon

If your family already owns a Dragon - or if you are thinking of buying one - the chances are that it's because you have thought about the part computers are going to play in your family's future. The programs in this book have been designed to help the younger members of your family to handle the Dragon and to increase their general knowledge - whilst enjoying themselves.

All of these ideas have been developed with the assistance of educationalists and a professional programmer. They are intended to give young users games which will complement their schooling and also give them a head start in using a micro.

Publisher: Granada Publishing
Author: Vince Apps

A Pocket Handbook for the Dragon Date: 1984 A Pocket Handbook for the Dragon

A Pocket Handbook for the Dragon

Publisher: Gerald Duckworth & Co Ltd
Author: Peter Gerrard

Advanced Sound & Graphics for the Dragon Computer Date: 1st January 1983 Advanced Sound & Graphics for the Dragon Computer

Advanced Sound & Graphics for the Dragon including machine code subroutines

Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: Keith & Steven Brain

An introduction to BASIC programming using the DRAGON 32 micro computer Date: 1982 An introduction to BASIC programming using the DRAGON 32 micro computer

Publisher: DRAGON Data Ltd.
Author: Richard Wadman

Anatomy Of The Dragon Date: 1983 Anatomy Of The Dragon

ANATOMY OF THE DRAGON...by Mike James..(Sigma).6.95.
Dragon Data Approved.

This book is for anyone wanting to know how their Dragon works and how to control it from BASIC. It describes the Dragon's hardware and software from the point of view of a BASIC programmer. It introduces a number of new graphics modes, and explains how GET and PUT can be used to create user- defined graphics, shows how to disable the BREAK key and a great deal more.


Publisher: Sigma
Author: Mike James

Artificial Intelligence on the Dragon Computer Date: 1984 Artificial Intelligence on the Dragon Computer

The book explains Al from first principles and assumes no previous knowledge of the subject. All the important aspects of Al are covered and are fully illustrated with example programs.

Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: Keith and Steven Brain

Brainteasers for the Dragon 32 Date: Brainteasers for the Dragon 32

Puzzles, tests, games for the Dragon

Publisher: Phoenix Publishing
Author: Geneviève Ludinski

Dragon 32 Games Master Date: 1983 Dragon 32 Games Master

Learn how to write your own top level games.
Games master uses a carefully structured approach to showyou ho to write and develop computer games programs on your Dragon 32.
ISBN : 0 0946408 03 03

Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: Keith Brain / Steven Brain

Dragon 32 Machine Code For Beginners Date: 1983 Dragon 32 Machine Code For Beginners

Dragon 32 Machine Code for beginners
19863 Compudat
90 pages

Publisher: Compudat
Author: Compudat

Dragon Graphics and Sound Date: 1984 Dragon Graphics and Sound

Discover the creative world of Dragon graphics and sound! Here is a practical guide showing you how to get the best from the Dragon's remarkable capabilities.

Many practical programs are provided as you are shown the principles of graphics and the various techniques of drawing, producing graphs and using colour. The book goes on to explain animation - an essential for video games - as well as how to create perspective and three-dimensional effects. It also sets out how to produce exciting sound effects and music, with many practical listings for you to try out and enjoy.

Publisher: Granada Publishing
Author: Steve Money

Dragon Machine Code Date: 1984 Dragon Machine Code

Bored with BASIC?
Talk to your dragon in it's own language - 6809 machine code! Here's an easy-to-folow guide for the newcomer to machine code, or for the experienced programmer new to the 6809 - one of the most sophisticated chips on the market.
ISBN : 0 906812 68 2

Publisher: Shiva Publishing Ltd
Author: Robin Jones & Eric Cowsill

Dragon Machine Language for the Absolute Beginner Date: 1983 Dragon Machine Language for the Absolute Beginner

Write faster, more powerful space saving programs for your Dragon.

Publisher: Melbourne House Publishers
Author: John Vander Reyden

Dragon Magic Date: 1st January 1983 Dragon Magic

Your first Dragon programming book

Publisher: W Foulsham & Co Ltd
Author: Richard Wadman

Dragon Micro Guide Date: 1984 Dragon Micro Guide

The Century Microguide to the Dragon includes: Special Keyboard Features, Alphabetical Quick Reference, BASIC Commands, Sound, Graphics, Colour, Input/Output Instructions, Numeric/Trigonometric/String Functions, Arithmetic and Logic Operations, Print and Plot Screens, Error Handling, Memory Maps, System Variables, Character Sets and Codes.

ISBN 0 7126 0352 2. 29 Pages.

Publisher: Century Communications Ltd
Author: Peter Morse Brian Hancock

Dragon Programs Date: 1st January 1984 Dragon Programs

20 exciting and interesting programs for the Dragon

Publisher: Duckworth
Author: Nick Hampshire

Dragon Tout Feu Tout Flammes (French) Date: 1983 Dragon Tout Feu Tout Flammes (French)

A series of type-in programs for the Dragon 32.

The title translates as 'Dragon, All Fire, All Flames', and is the French version of the English book 'Load and Go with your Dragon'.

Translated by Olivier Arnaud.

Publisher: P.S.i.
Author: John Phipps and Trevor Toms

Dynamic Games for your Dragon 32 Date: 1983 Dynamic Games for your Dragon 32

A good computer program starts with one original idea, which is nurtured and allowed to grow in its own good time.

From the moment the first keys are pressed on the Dragon 32, to the time when the final program starts to roll off the printer, programmers often find they are undergoing a process of discovery. So it was with this book. Many times, the authors found the computer was bringing its own influence to bear, helping to shape programs into their final form. In many cases, they found the Dragon appeared to have as much to do with the creative process as the programmers did, as the screen format and extensive colour and sound facilities demanded to be used to the full.

Publisher: Interface Publications
Author: Robert Young, Roger Bush, Robert Shrimpton

Easy Programming for the Dragon 32 Date: 1983 Easy Programming for the Dragon 32

If you've just bought - or are thinking of buying - a Dragon 32 then this is the book for you!

This simple but thorough introduction to computing uses the Dragon's own particular dialect of BASIC and outlines its special features. The authors get you writing your own programs from the very beginning and include suggestions for projects, with answers at the end of each chapter.

Publisher: Shiva Publishing
Author: Ian Stewart and Robin Jones

Educational Programs for the Dragon 32 Date: 1983 Educational Programs for the Dragon 32

Publisher: Century Publishing
Author: Ian Murray

Enter the Dragon Date: 1983 Enter the Dragon

A collection of programs for the Dragon 32
ISBN : 0 86161 114 4

Publisher: Melbourne House
Author: Colin Carter

Exploring Adventures on the Dragon Date: 1st January 1984 Exploring Adventures on the Dragon

All about Adventure Games on the Dragon 32.

Publisher: Duckworth
Author: Peter Gerrard

Further Programming for the Dragon 32 Date: 1983 Further Programming for the Dragon 32

This sequel to Easy Programming for the Dragon 32 will take you further along the road to conquering your Dragon. It illuminates some of the more advanced features of the machine and includes sections on:

Publisher: Shiva Publishing
Author: Ian Stewart and Robin Jones

Games for Your Dragon Date: 1983 Games for Your Dragon

££££'s of Entertaining Games for only £2.95
More than 20 challenging programs, each one especially written for the series and guaranteed to provide hours of entertainment.
ISBN : 0 907080 898

Publisher: Virgin Publishing
Author: Clive Gifford

Getting Started on Your Dragon Date: October 1983 Getting Started on Your Dragon

by Tim Hartnell, Robert Young
Edition    Softcover
Paperback: 174 pages
Publisher: Futura Publications (Oct 1983)
Language English
ISBN-10: 0708824447
ISBN-13: 978-0708824443

Getting the Most from Your Dragon 32 Date: 1983 Getting the Most from Your Dragon 32

Getting the Most from Your Dragon 32 is a comprehensive and carefully designed introduction to your machine. The book is written and edited by professional journalists and writers and, through the use of  diagrams, colour photographs, programs, entertaining examples and informative appendices, it takes you, in a clear and painless way, from the elements of computing through to the mastery of your machine.

Publisher: Penguin
Author: David Bannister

Giant Book of Games for your Dragon Date: 1984 Giant Book of Games for your Dragon

Turn your Dragon 32 into an all-singing, all-dancing games machine! This giant collection of games programs will show you jsut how effective and exciting a computer your Dragon can be. Outstanding programs include:

Publisher: Fontana
Author: Tim Hartnell, Alan Blackman, Roger Bush and Robert Young

Guide to The Dragon 32 Date: 1983 Guide to The Dragon 32



Publisher: Boots
Author: Ian Sinclair

Inside The Dragon Date: 1st January 1983 Inside The Dragon

Inside the Dragon

Publication date: 1984-01
Kindly donated by Pam D'Arcy


Publisher: Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc
Author: Duncan Smeed & Ian Sommerville

Instant Arcade Games for the Dragon 32 Date: 1983 Instant Arcade Games for the Dragon 32

Publisher: Pan Books Ltd
Author: Jean Frost

Introducing Dragon Machine Code Date: 1st January 1984 Introducing Dragon Machine Code

Dragon Machine Code book

Publisher: Granada
Author: Ian Sinclair

Know Your Dragon Date: Know Your Dragon

A friendly guide to a friendly computer
Illustrations by Bill Tidy

Publisher: Tiny Publishing
Author: Don Monro

Load and Go With Your Dragon Date: 1982 Load and Go With Your Dragon

Publisher: Phipps Associates
Author: John Phipps and Trevor Toms

Making the Most of Your Dragon 32 Date: 1983 Making the Most of Your Dragon 32

With this book, even the newest beginner can conquer the Dragon! All you need to know to write your own programs is here, explained in a clear, easy to understand style. Included are a staggering 150 plus programs, which show the Dragon's advanced features to the full. Play such exciting games as Missile Command, Las Vegas and Lost in Space while learning about High Resolution Graphics and defining functions. Let your Dragon settle accounts, compose poetry and play beautiful music as you relax with a round of putting or fight dreaded monsters in a twisting maze. All this and much, much more is contained in this essential guide for any Dragon user.

Publisher: Interface Publications
Author: Clive Gifford

Sixty Programs for the Dragon 32 Date: 1983 Sixty Programs for the Dragon 32

A massive library for the price of a single cassette.

Publisher: Pan Book
Author: Robert Erskine, Humphrey Walwyn, Paul Stanley, Michael Bews

Software for the Dragon 32 Date: 1983 Software for the Dragon 32

For the past five years, Personal Computer World has led the market in the microcomputer magazines and has developed a reputation for publishing the very best software for all the most popular micros. Now the cream of these programs has been gathered together in a single volume, enhanced and converted for the Dragon.

Publisher: Century Publishing Co. Ltd

The Dragon 32 and How to Make the Most of It Date: 1983 The Dragon 32 and How to Make the Most of It

The Dragon 32 and How to Make the Most of It
by Ian Robertson Sinclair
ISBN 0246121149 / 9780246121141 / 0-246-12114-9
Publisher    Granada Publishing, Limited
Language English
Edition    Softcover

Publisher: Granada
Author: Ian Sinclair

The Dragon 32 Book of Games Date: 1st January 1983 The Dragon 32 Book of Games

21 games written to be played on the Dragon 32

Publisher: Granada
Author: Mike James, S M Gee & Kay Ewbank

The Dragon 32 Dragon Companion Date: Unknown The Dragon 32 Dragon Companion

The Dragon 32 Dragon Companion by M Jarvis
61 Pages

Author: IM Jarvis

The Dragon 32 How to use and Programme Date: 1983 The Dragon 32 How to use and Programme

The Dragon 32 How to use and Programme
ISBN 0586061037
by Ian Sinclair
Published by Panther - Grenada Publishing

Publisher: Grenada
Author: Ian Sinclair

The Dragon programmer Date: 1983 The Dragon programmer

Now you have a dragon you will want to improve your programming knowledge as soon as possible.

Publisher: Granada Publishing
Author: S M Gee

The Dragon Trainer Date: 1984 The Dragon Trainer

The Dragon Trainer is written as a combined manual and beginner's course on the power of Dragon BASIC. It is aimed at the complete beginner and assumes no previous experience of computing.

Brian Lloyd starts by explaining how to set the computer up. He then introduces the first principles of simple computer programming. Page by page The Dragon Trainer works through each of the programming features available on the Dragon, in each case giving practical examples of the ways in which the features can be used in your own programs.

Once all the basic principles have been mastered Brian Lloyd shows how you can experiment with more sophisticated tasks such as programming in high resolution graphics, vital for your own games and applications.

To help you on your way to writing your own programs the book ends with a series of games which you can type in and play.

Publisher: Sunshine
Author: Brian Lloyd

The Power of the Dragon Date: 1983 The Power of the Dragon

Publisher: Microsource
Author: John Sharp and David Bolton

The Working Dragon 32 Date: 1983 The Working Dragon 32

The Working Dragon 32:
A Library of Practical Subroutines and Programs
by David Lawrence
ISBN 0946408017 / 9780946408016 / 0-946408-01-7
Publisher    Harcourt Education
Language English
Edition Softcover

Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: David Lawrence

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