Computing Games written by Binary Design

The following is a list of Computing Games written by Binary Design in the Centre for Computing History collection. It is not an exhaustive list of and other games may have been published. If you have any games or software that you would like to donate to our collection, please view our donations page.

There are 18 Computing Games written by Binary Design in our collection :
Order By : Title - Release Date - Publisher
Miami Dice Date: 1986 Miami Dice

A computer version of American Craps

Software House: bug-byte
Author: Binary Design
Platform : Commodore 64

Feud Date: 1987 Feud

Amusing and highly original arcade game, where you take control of a wizard, and have to traverse a village, collecting ingredients for spells, taking them back to a cauldron for mixing, and then cast ...

Software House: Bulldog
Author: Binary Design
Platform : AmstradCPC 464

Feud Date: 1987 Feud

Two brothers are fighting it out using their trusty cauldrons to mix up spells to use on their foe, including turning villagers into zombies, and sprite firing balls

Software House: Bulldog Software
Author: Binary Design
Platform : Atari 8 Bit

Feud Date: 1987 Feud

Two brothers are fighting it out using their trusty cauldrons to mix up spells to use on their foe, including turning villagers into zombies, and sprite firing balls

Software House: Bulldog Software
Author: Binary Design
Platform : ZX Spectrum

Hard Drivin' Date: 1988 Hard Drivin'

Software House: Domark
Author: Binary Design
Platform : Amstrad CPC464

Amaurote Date: Amaurote

This is an isometric arcade adventure, where the player controls a tripod walking machine that that can fire bombs in a straight line where it bounces along, until it hits an object

Software House: M.A.D
Author: Binary Design
Platform : MSX

Energy Warrior Date: 1987 Energy Warrior

Graphically complex for the Spectrum, the game has decent parallax scrolling, where the foreground moves at a faster pace than the back ground

Software House: M.A.D.
Author: Binary Design
Platform : ZX Spectrum

Amaurote Date: 1987 Amaurote

This is an isometric arcade adventure, where the player controls a tripod walking machine that that can fire bombs in a straight line where it bounces along, until it hits an object

Software House: M.A.D.
Author: Binary Design
Platform : ZX Spectrum

Motos Date: 1987 Motos

Protect the Solar Base against an attack by the Space bees, move across the landscape and bump off any enemies before they can do the same to you

Software House: MAD
Author: Binary Design
Platform : Commodore 64

Bosconian Date: 1987 Bosconian

A scrolling multi-directional shooting game originally from Namco

Software House: Mastertronic
Author: Binary Design
Platform : Commodore 64

Vectorball Date: 1988 Vectorball

Played between two droids on a specially constructed pitch, Vectorball is an exciting blend of many different traditional games

Software House: Mastertronic
Author: Binary Design
Platform : IBM PC

Bosconian 87 Date: 1987 Bosconian 87

This is a very good arcade conversion of the Namco classic, very familiar to anyone who has played the game, fly a space ship round a square play area and take out the motherships by shooting the four ...

Software House: Mastertronic
Author: Binary Design
Platform : ZX Spectrum

Zub Date: 1986 Zub

Software House: Mastertronic Added Dimension
Author: Binary Design
Platform : Amstrad CPC 464

Star Wars Droids Date: 1988 Star Wars Droids

Software House: Mastertronic Added Dimension
Author: Binary Design
Platform : Amstrad CPC

Amaurote Date: 1987 Amaurote

This is an isometric arcade adventure, where the player controls a tripod walking machine that that can fire bombs in a straight line where it bounces along, until it hits an object

Software House: Mastertronic Added Dimension
Author: Binary Design
Platform : Amstrad CPC464

Double Dragon (Cassette) Date: 1988 Double Dragon (Cassette)

Software House: Melbourne House
Author: Binary Design
Platform : ZX Spectrum

Glider Rider Date: 1986 Glider Rider

Software House: Quicksilva
Author: Binary Design
Platform : Amstrad CPC464

Double Dragon Date: 1988 Double Dragon

A very poorly received home conversion of the hit arcade game

Software House: Virgin
Author: Binary Design
Platform : Commodore 64

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