Dates In History

1970 [Detail]
 8th January Met Office installs IBM 360/195
 22nd January GEC-Elliott gets orders to control Motorways
 5th February Metropoloitan Police get dual Burrough's B6500
 12th February 5200 computers installed in Britain
 1st June Xerox opens the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC)
 11th June Computer terminals in homes predicted for 1980
 9th July Grace Hopper interview - Preparing for the jet computer
 25th August DEC introduces the PDP-8/E
 10th September CLASP computer system for buildings introduced
 17th September Open University to install ICL 32K 1902A computer
 October 1970 Intel release the Intel 1103, a 1kb DRAM chip
 1st October IBM 370/145 introduced
 12th November Univac 1110 is introduced
 12th November ICL announces system 4/72
 19th November UK Rutherford Laboratory chooses IBM 360/195

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