QuickShot Supervision

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The Watara Supervision, known as the QuickShot Supervision in the UK, is a monochrome handheld game console. It originated from Asia, and was introduced in 1992 as a cut-price competitor for Nintendo's Game Boy. It came packaged with a game called Crystball, which is similar to Breakout. One unique feature of the Supervision was that it could be linked up to a television via a link cable. Games played in this way would display in four colours, much like Nintendo's Super Game Boy add-on for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. A full colour TV link was also in the works, but because of the Supervision's failure to make a major impression among gamers it was cancelled, along with the games which were in development for it.

The QuickShot version differed from the original Watara format by having the console body split into two parts enabling the screen to be tilted in relation to the control section.

Our QuickShot is model number 9205 with a serial number of 27386. The Crystball game is included.

Manufacturer: Quickshot Ltd
Date: 1992

This exhibit has a reference ID of CH30308. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.

QuickShot Supervision

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