Girl Guide Computer Interest Badge 1980-2002

The requirements for earning this Computer badge are scanned from the 1989-1990 Girl Guide Badge Book. They can be viewed in the second image and are transcribed below.

Computer (A Computer)

  1. Complete a glossary of at least 15 computing words or terms, e.g. hardware, software, VDU, RAM, ROM, K.

  2. Know how to connect up a computer with which you are familiar; explain simply the functions of each part and show that you are able to load and run a program stored on cassette or disk and exit from it.

  3. Write a useful program. Document your program so that another user will know its function, be able to load and run it. Demonstrate your program and discuss how you designed and tested it.

  4.  Be able to discuss with the tester the use of computers in three of the following:
    1. Offices.
    2. Shops.
    3. Banking.
    4. Libraries.
    5. Schools.
    6. Space exploration.
    7. Home.
    8. Any field you know which is now using computers widely.

Date : 1980 to 2002

Physical Description : Embroidered badge, 3.5cm diameter.

This exhibit has a reference ID of CH61251. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.

Scan of Document: Girl Guide Computer Interest Badge 1980-2002

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