Turbo Pascal, version 3.0

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Turbo Pascal, version 3.0: Reference manual (Paperback)
The ultimate Pascal Development Environment
Paperback: 376 pages
Publisher: Borland International (1985)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0875240038
ISBN-13: 978-0875240039
Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.9 x 1.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds

Amazon Reviews:
Turbo Pascal 3.0 was the affordable program which opened up the PC for programmers, and this is the original manual shipped with Turbo 3. This is one of the best references to using Turbo Pascal in DOS mode.

This was the first integrated development environment (IDE) and a revalation in 1982. Prior to its release, compilers were run from the command line or as batch jobs on the main frames. This might be of interest to computer programming historians; however, given the nature of the industry, it's likely to just be forgotten or mentioned with a little smirk.


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