
"We love to hear your about your experiences, comments, criticisms, ideas and offers of support."

Dr Anjali Das,  Head of Learning at The Centre for Computing History


This section will provide you with information about:

  • Your feedback and the views of your students
  • Sharing your photographs
  • Heritage hunters
  • Projects at the Centre
  • Volunteering
  • Website and newsletter

Your support is essential for the future of the Centre and we receive comments, suggestions and offers of help in many ways.


Your feedback

After your education group visit we will ask for your feedback through an online feedback form.   Do please take time to think through your experience and let us know what you think.  We love to know when we get it right, but also your ideas for improvements and developments.

We are very interested in examples of where your visit, or the evidence you gathered here, was found to be useful and supportive later in your student's learning.

If you feel there is a part of the computing curriculum difficult to teach but an opportunity for us to focus on because of the collection, then email us your ideas at:


Your students

We welcome the views of your students.  If you gather feedback from them after the visit, do please send us a copy. 

Perhaps your students have undertaken some related work before or after their visit.  Why not send us some examples or photographs.



Whilst groups are at our Centre, the adults and students often take photographs as evidence of their visit. We hope the images prove useful and we would welcome copies of the very best, with particular emphasis on those showing the students at work, having fun and attentive! We might use images of students at the Centre for publicity purposes, so please only send us images where the appropriate parental and student permission has been given.

Images can be sent to us through:


Heritage hunters

We hope that after your visit you appreciate the importance of collecting, restoring and looking after our computing heritage. 

Do please become a 'heritage hunter' yourself and ask your students to be part of a national effort to ensure important historic items relating to computing, do not get lost or discarded.

If you think you have found a piece of hardware, software or documentation, then please contact us and provide as much information as possible together with an image, so we can assess its importance and advise you of how it is to be treated.

If you find someone who worked with computers in the past, encourage your students to record their experiences through an audio or video interview.  Send us a copy for our archives.



For students studying post 16 the Centre offers a unique opportunity to develop a project related to the collection.  We might provide access for research activity or a context for a project.  Is a student keen to develop a piece of software (such as an emulator) or a special display? Then, why not try it out on our visiting public?  

If you have a well thought through proposal, then please send us your idea to:



For those of you who have visited from close by, we are always interested in new volunteers.  As a teacher, if you wish to help us write new material, develop new activities or present new displays, then make contact with us at:


Newsletter and website

Don't forget to watch for new developments through our website and please sign up to our newsletter. 

You can also stay in touch through our Facebook page and Twitter stream.

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Founding Sponsors
redgate Google ARM Real VNC Microsoft Research
Heritage Lottery Funded
Heritage Lottery Fund
Accredited Museum