People and Computers IV
People Management and PRINCE
Pergamon  Press Complete Catalogue 1969
PICK Your System
PostScript(R) Language Tutorial and Cookbook
Practical PRINCE: A Guide to Structured Project Management
PRINCE in the Customer and Supplier Context
Problems of Cybernetics IV
Process Quality Control
Product Based Project and Stage Planning
Program Construction and Verification
Programming the OS/2 Presentatin manager
Project Oberon: The Design of an Operating System and Compiler
Purchasing Computers
Purnell's World of Computers
Quality Management within PRINCE
Realizing the Object-Oriented Lifecycle
Reconfigurable Massively Parallel Computers
Rounding Errors in Algebraic Processes
Sam's System A Guide to Computers
SCEPTRE: a computer program for circuit and systems analysis
Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Mechanical Vibrations
Silicon Mirage: Art of Science of Virtual Reality
Simulation Using GPSS
Soft Computing Art and Design (Signed)
Software Engineering: A Programming Approach
Software Metrics
Software Reliability: Principles and Practices
Software Secrets: Input, Output and Data Storage Techniques
Son of Cheap Video
Sound Blaster: The Official Book
Special Purpose Computers
Stress: A Reference Manual
Structured Analysis and System Specification
Structured Design: Fundamentals of a Discipline of Computer Programme and Systems Design 
Supercomputing Systems
System Design for Computer Applications
System Simulation
Systematics : A New Approach to Systems Analysis.
Systems Analysis
Systems Analysis for Business Data Processing
Systems Management
Teach Yourself Linux
Techniques of Information Retrieval
Tex for Scientific Documentation
The 3 Hour Guide to Personal Computers
The ACT Sirius 1 Computer
The Arithmetic of Computers
The Armchair Universe
The Bytes Brothers: Program a Problem (Book 2)
The Challenge of the Computer Utility
The Code Book
The Computer
The Computer Guide for Builders
The Computer Users' Year Book: 1971
The CTW 1989 Yearbook and Diary
The Effective Computer
The Essential Computer Dictionary and Speller
The Essential Guide to Vms Utilities and Commands
The Fanatics Guide to Computers
The Making of FINAL FANTASY The Spirits Within
The Oberon System: User Guide and Programmer's Manual
The Philips Pocket Book of Telecommunications
The Pocket Calculator
The Psychologist and the Microcomputer
The Publishers Choice Manual
The Rough Guide to the Internet 2000
The Sinclair Book of Management Calculations
The Sinclair Book of Students' Calculations
The System Board Technical Guide

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