IBM - Personal Computer Hardware Reference Library - Technical Reference

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The IBM Personal Computer Technical Reference Manual is designed to provide hardware design and interface information. This publication also provides Basic Input Output System (BIOS) information as well as programming support matter.

This manual is intended for programmers, engineers involved in hardware and software design, designers, and interested persons who have a need to know how the IBM Personal Computer is designed and works.

This manual has three sections:

  1. Hardware Overview: features an overview of the system as a whole, calling out specific items such as the System Unit, Keyboard, IBM Monochrome Display, and the 80 CPS Graphics Printer.
  2. Hardware: contains a description for each functional part of the system. This section also contains specifications for power, timing, and interface. Programming considerations are supported by coding table, command codes, and registers.
  3. ROM and System Usage: describes BIOS as well as how to use BIOS, interrupt vector listings, memory map, vectors with special meanings, a cassette section, a keyboard encoding section, and a set of Low Memory Maps.
    Appendices: to address the ROM BIOS listing, an instruction set, logic diagrams, and expanded charts used to support specific hardware descriptions.

Reference Number : 6936896

Date Published : January 1983

Manufacturer : IBM

Platform : IBM PC

Format : Ringbinder






This exhibit has a reference ID of CH44000. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.

IBM - Personal Computer Hardware Reference Library - Technical Reference

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