Another World (Kixx)

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An adventure platformer, utilizing revolutionary vector graphics and rotoscoping. Another World was also innovative in its use of cinematic effects, that helped the game's commercial success. 

It also influenced other designers of video games, inspiring titles like Ico, Metal Gear Solid, and Silent Hill.

It also inspired Flashback, which looks very similar and has many throwback, some consider it a spiritual successor to this game.

Late at night , the professor is driving to his laboratory in his Ferrari. After going underground with the elevator and passing 2 security checks, the professor opens his computer to work on his latest project: PROJECT 23. It is a project about molecular acceleration.
Sipping down a drink , he waits for the countdown to get to the end - but as the clock reaches 0, lightning strikes h
is project and it backfires on him. Being molecularly accelerated, the professor disappeared into... ANOTHER WORLD.

Platform : Commodore Amiga
Format : 3.5 Disk
Publisher : Delphine Software
Authors : Éric Chahi
Date : 1991
Product Code :

Other Software by Delphine Software:

Item Manufacturer Platform Format Date
Future Wars Time Travellers Delphine Software Cinematique Commodore Amiga 3.5 Floppy Disk 1989
Another World Delphine Software Apple Mac Compact Disk 3.5 1990
Another World (Kixx) Delphine Software Commodore Amiga 3.5 Disk 1991
Darkstone Delphine Software Cinematique PC Windows 32-bit PC CD-ROM 1999

Information About Delphine Software:




This exhibit has a reference ID of CH20340. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
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