Structured Programming in PL/C

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Structured Programming in PL/C: An Abecedarian


This introductory text to a complex subject succeeds on many counts. One of the most important is the choice of PL/C as the compiler. This new compiler provides extensive devices to detect and correct errors. In fact, the authors report that their structured approach, combined with PL/C's error correction, cut in half the number of computer runs their beginning students needed to complete programming assignments. Moreover, the use of PL/C reduces the cost of providing the more modern PL/I language to within the range of older languages like Fortran. 

Much of what the book teaches is not stated explicitly in the text but is demonstrated in the structure of the programs.

ISBN : 0-471-92566-7

Publisher : John Wiley & Sons

Author : Gerald M. Weinberg , Norie Yasukawa, Robert Marcus

Format : Paperback: 238 Pages

This exhibit has a reference ID of CH3168. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
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