Ameltone Stadium 4002

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Ameltone were manufacturers of transistor radios and power supplies, as well as early entertainment systems.

This was an early Pong style console, that could play Tennis, Squash, Squash Practice and Soccer. It was run by a ay-3-8500 CPU. It had a black and white display. As usual, the first player to 15 won the game. Two sliders at the top of the console were provided to keep a game score.

The controllers were wired into the console, and there were switches for auto serve, angle, slow or fast, large or small bats and the on off switch. There are also serve and reset switches.

The console could be powered by an AC adaptor, or 4 C type batteries. The instructions and precautions for use are printed on the two ends of the box.

Manufacturer: Ameltone
Date: 1977

This exhibit has a reference ID of CH46837. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.

Ameltone Stadium 4002

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