BBC Micro Games
The following is a list of BBC Micro Games in the Centre for Computing History collection. It is not an exhaustive list of and other games may have been published. If you have any games or software that you would like to donate to our collection, please view our donations page.There are 1467 BBC Micro Games in our collection :
Order By : Title - Release Date - Publisher |

A peaceful island is being held by a ruthless dictator and his military troops
Software House: US Gold
Author: Peter Johnson

Collection of minigames designed to help children learn how to count
Software House: Good Housekeeping Software
Author: Five Ways Software

Chuckie Egg - Ghouls - Gisburne's Castle - Tarzan - Special Operations - Tales of Arabian Nights - Felix and the Factory - Eddie Kidds Jump Challenge - Mr EE - Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castl
Software House: Beau-Jolly
Author: Various

Contains: Frenzy Smash & Grab Jet Power Jack Circus Videos Revenge Starstriker Jet Boot Jack Webwar Kissin' Kousins Evil Dead
Software House: Beau-Jolly
Author: Various

Contains: Frenzy Smash & Grab Jet Power Jack Circus Videos Revenge Starstriker Jet Boot Jack Webwar Kissin' Kousins Evil Dead
Software House: Beau-Jolly
Author: Various

Brian Jacks Challenge - Caesar The Cat - Wallaby - Felix & The Evil Weevils - Mineshaft Danger UXB - Moonraider - Manic Miner - Snooker - Battle Tan
Software House: Beau-Jolly
Author: Various

Contains: Galaforce Bug Eyes 2 Deathstar Killer Gorilla Karate Combat Ghouls Repton Blagger The Mine Psycastria Thrust Zalaga
Software House: Beau-Jolly
Author: Various

A package of 100 different programs for BBC Micro computers
Software House: Acornsoft
Author: John Gordon

A darts simulation game which includes play options such as 180 and Shanghai, among others
Software House: A & F Software
Author: G R Owen

A game of government managemen
Software House: Incentive Software Ltd.
Author: S. J. Crocker, R.M.H. Carter

Software House: Blue Ribbon Software Ltd
Author: Mike Williams (3D Munchy), Mike Goldberg (Hangman)

The first 3-dimensional computer Pool game that lets you view the table from almost any angle you choose! Rotate and tilt the Pool table to set up your shot, then crack the cue ball into the pack
Software House: Firebird Software
Author: Nick Pelling

The Cyborg Empire has begun its invasion of the Federation Sector
Software House: Microbyte Software
Author: Microbyte Software

747 Flight Simulator is a flying game where the user can pick from a selection of airports and scenarios, such as Take-Off and Landing
Software House: Doctor Soft

Earlier yellow cover version
Software House: Doctor Soft
Author: Doctor Soft

YOUR MISSION: Your objective is to seek and destroy the alien command space station
Software House: Opus Software
Author: Andrew Hilbig

Sports quiz based on the TV program 
Software House: Superior Software

"Far away from here, in a hidden gorge through the Mountain of the Golden Lion, lies the forgotten ABYSS
Software House: Cases Computer Simulations Ltd.
Author: J. P. W. Smith, P. Martin

Blackjack - Pontoon - Draw Poker - Stud Poker Complete with manual
Software House: Oasis Software

With original retail receipt
Software House: Acornsoft
Author: Jon Thackray, David Seal, Jonathan Partington

Try to destroy the moths, pods and spinners before you guide your ship through the maze to the next level
Software House: Firebird Software
Author: Mike Granby

Collection of 3 popular Acorn User games: Megamonster Hexangle Vampire
Software House: Acorn User
Author: Micrograf

" You wander through an enchanted world trying to recover the thirteen lost treasures
Software House: Adventure International
Author: Scott Adams, Brian Howarth, Cliff Ogden

Airline management game that challenges players to make enough profit to buy out British Airways
Software House: Cases Computer Simulations Ltd
Author: J. Jiggins

Alien8 is a game by software house "Ultimate Play the Game"
Software House: Ultimate Play the Game
Author: Paul Proctor

Alien8 is a game by software house "Ultimate Play the Game"
Software House: Ultimate Play the Game
Author: Paul Proctor

Protect the trilithium refineries on the planet Karthos in this side scrolling shooter
Software House: Tynesoft
Author: Kevin Blake, Jason Sobell

A Ultimate Educational Quiz For Ages 12 & Over Quizzes combined with Space-Age sound and colourful graphics are irresistible
Software House: Kosmos

A Sports Game with a Difference for all ages The program contains a choice of popular sports games combined with a gigantic collection of quizzes covering a multitude of sports subjects
Software House: Kosmos

Born a honey ant and brought up in an ant hill made of neapolitan ice cream your life is sweet, until one fatal day ravenous green ant eaters with a voracious appetite for honey and ice cream invade y ...
Software House: Krypton Force
Author: Andysoft

A turn-based stratergy game for the BBC Model B
Software House: Red Shift

Apocalypse is a game of strategy in which the player's skills, both logical and psychological, predominate
Software House: Command Software

"The peace and tranquility of a small mid-west town in America is shattered by bands of rogue aliens (probably communists) invading the town and committing the ultimate sacrilage -- stealing the start ...
Software House: Visions (Software Factory)Ltd.
Author: Tim Chown

Cosmoids, Bugvaders, and Bogiemen Which appear to be clones of Asteroids, Space Invaders, and Robotron respectively
Software House: Clemoes Software

We are the arcadians our mission is to destroy all aliens
Software House: Acornsoft Games
Author: Nick Pelling

For the BBC Microcomputer Model B  
Software House: Acornsoft Games

Software House: Acornsoft/ Superior Software
Author: Matthew Atkinson

Repton returns
Software House: Superior Software
Author: Matthew Atkinson

You are the maintenance man just arrived from Earth
Software House: Blue Ribbon Software Ltd
Author: Mike Williams

BBC version of the Ultimate Play The game classic, in the big box format
Software House: Ultimate Play the Game
Author: David Rhys Jones

This game is a flight simulator that is set in a 3D world ready for you to explore you get points for landing properly performing tricks and destroying enemy aliens
Software House: Acornsoft Games
Author: Geoff Crammond

For the BBC Microcomputer Model B Pushing the BBC Micro to its very limits is this wire frame graphics flight sim from Geoff Crammond, who has kindly signed this copy
Software House: Acornsoft Games
Author: Geoff Crammond

A Shakespearean tragedy of our time
Software House: Topologika
Author: Dr. Jonathan Partington

You enter the arena in fear and trepidation! You have been chosen as a player in the Ballistix challenge
Software House: Blue Ribbon Software Ltd/ Superior Software
Author: Peter Scott, Martin Edmondson

For both BBC B and Electron 5
Software House: Superior Software
Author: Peter Scott Martin Edmondson

Buster the Clown enjoys a good laugh and something that gets him chuckling is bursting balloons
Software House: Blue Ribbon Software Ltd
Author: Mike Williams

Banana Man: You are a Banana Man and must eat 40 banana sandwiches a minute
Software House: Blue Ribbon Sofdtware Ltd
Author: Mike Goldberg

Object of the game: Guide your ship without crashing into any 'Trackers' and shoot all attackers
Software House: Oak Software
Author: Dino Dini

Software House: Micro Power Ltd
Author: John Taylor, Ed Hampartsoumian

The evil sorcerer Drax has abducted the beautiful Princess Mariana to satiate his nefarious desires
Software House: Superior Software
Author: Peter Scott, Dylan

For both BBC B and Electro
Software House: Superior Software
Author: Peter Scott

The Barbarian and Mariana fight the monsters
Software House: Superior Software
Author: Palace

Software House: Acornsoft/ Superior Software
Author: Peter Scott

Software House: Blue Ribbon Software Ltd/ Superior Software
Author: Peter Scott

You are a tank and another tank has just come into view over the mountains it is your job to shoot it before it shoots you But your job doesn't stop there there will be more tanks and more enemies to ...
Software House: Superior software
Author: Mark Silver

Battlefields has been developed to run on both the Electron and the BBC Microcomputer, cassette based and with operating system 1
Software House: BBC Soft
Author: Ian Trackman

Two cassettes containing: Psycastria Thunderstruck Ultron Contraption Wizzy's Mansion Space Ranger Last of the FREE
Software House: Audiogenic Software Ltd.

Collection of 7 games from Audiogenic: Psycastria - Thunderstruck - Ultron - Contraption - Wizzy's Mansion - Space Ranger - Last of the FRE
Software House: Audiogenic Software Ltd.
Author: Various

Software House: Collins Software
Author: Collins Software

Software House: Collins Software
Author: Collins Software

Turn your BBC Micro into a four channel sequencer with facilities for both manual and automatic music composition
Software House: Bug-Byte Ltd
Author: Trevor Hall

Take control of a light aircraft on a night time flight
Software House: Hewson Consultants
Author: David Price

No inlay cove
Software House: Microdeal Software
Author: Microdeal Software

Art program that allows users to draw shapes and lines in 16 colours, and save any created images to a cassette so it can be reloaded at any time
Software House: Quicksilva Ltd.
Author: Dave Mendes

A PacMan clone for the BBC micro
Software House: IJK Software Ltd
Author: IJK Software

Early release of the game with standard IJK Software cover with a sticker on the spine
Software House: IJK Software Ltd

Wing a plane to release a carrier pigeon
Software House: Firebird Software
Author: Andrew Frigaard

For the BBC Microcomputer Model B Kindly Donated By Chris Whytehead
Software House: Acornsoft Games
Author: Benjamin Finn, Philip Oliver, Andrew Oliver

For the BBC Microcomputer Model B  
Software House: Acornsoft Games
Author: Benjamin Finn, Philip Oliver, Andrew Oliver

Black Queen is a contract bridge program both for beginners and for club players who wish to practice and improve their game
Software House: BBC Soft
Author: Michael Fellows

Follow the exploits of Roger the Dodger, master burglar, as he works his way through numerous buildings - searching for the golden keys, robbing safe after safe but always on the alert to the many obs ...
Software House: Alligata Software Limited
Author: Ross Goodley

Destroy the command centres in eight stages of Asteroids-style inertia-based movement

Your mission to the far side of the galaxy leads you to a strange, apparently uninhabited world
Software House: ASL
Author: Sam Inglis

This is the all new computer game of one of the most successful quiz shows ever! Pit your wits and knowledge against "Bob" (he's in the computer) or other players
Software House: Domark (TV Games)
Author: Kevin Blake

Software House: Robico Software
Author: Robert O'Leary Mike O'Leary

This superb text adventure from Robico is the first in a series of stories featuring the scourge of the seas, Captain Blizzard
Software House: Robico Software
Author: Robert O'Leary Mike O'Leary

A text adventure game for the BBC micr
Software House: MP Software
Author: John Hudson, Helen Seymour

Nightmare Maze - Q Man - Castle Assault - Banana Man - 3D Munch
Software House: Blue Ribbon Sofdtware Ltd
Author: Mike Williams and Mike Goldberg

Contains: Diamond Mine Screwball Darts Q Man's Brother Guy in the Hat
Software House: Blue Ribbon Sofdtware Ltd
Author: Mike Williams (Diamond Mine, Q Man's Brother), Mike Goldberg (Screwball, Darts, Guy in the Hat)

Ravage Artist Diamond mine 2 Astro Plumber Joe
Software House: Blue Ribbon Sofdtware Ltd

As the renowned pilot "Baron Von Ripoffen" it is your duty to destroy the enemy landscape
Software House: Optyx Software

Bonding is a chemistry program designed to reinforce and strengthen students' concept of the bonding of elements
Software House: BBC Soft

You are Bono, a friendly dragon residing in a picturesque sea-castle
Software House: Superior Software
Author: Andreas Kemnitz and Martyn Howard

From the far reaches of the west, to the dwarvish caves of the east, the awesome power of the Great Ring was known
Software House: Silversoft
Author: Fergus McNeill, Ian Willis

Classic game for the BBC micr
Software House: Big Five Software Ltd

For the BBC Micro Model B Kindly Donated By Chris Whytehead
Software House: Acornsoft Games
Author: Walter Mansell

Venture through the three lands of Havoc as Bozo the Brave and lead your armies to claim the pieces of the Crown of Ultimate Darkness

A stratergy game for the BBC micr
Software House: Virgin Games
Author: Greg Choppen

Trapped in a world of fire and energy, you must battle for the most valuable prize of all; your life
Software House: ASL
Author: Ian Collinson

How does your knowledge of the science fiction rate against a Grandmaster of the genre
Software House: Acornsoft - Ivan Berg Software
Author: Brian Aldiss

Football management game with a big difference
Software House: CDS Software Ltd

Sports game for the BBC micro
Software House: Software Communications Ltd

In Bruce Lee you will experience the power and glory of Bruce Lee, one of the greatest masters of martial arts

A collection of minigames designed to capture the atmosphere and magic of a real Wild West Rodeo
Software House: Micro Value
Author: Kevin Blake

"BugBlaster is the best implementation yet of the classic hit game Centipede now brought to you by Blue Ribbon
Software House: Blue Ribbon Software Ltd/ Superior Software
Author: Steve Evans

Kindly signed by the author Simon BirrellNew and Sealed
Software House: Virgin Games
Author: Simon Birrell

Bug Eyes II: Starman To The Rescue Light years from Earth lies the rusting hulk of the Xxabanean flagship, disabled while on its mission to vaporise our planet by the super-heroine Space Agent Zelda! ...
Software House: Audiogenic Software Ltd.
Author: Jason Sobell, Kevin Blake

Light years from Earth lies the rusting hulk of the Xxabanean flagship, disabled when its power generator was destroyed by Space Agent Zelda
Software House: Alternative Software Ltd
Author: Jason Sobell, Kevin Blake

Bullseye is a computerised adaptation of the highly successful family ITV quiz show

Easy to learn, easy to use - something that can't be said of many business programs
Software House: Supersoft

A realistic boxing simulation
Software House: Superior Software
Author: Micheal Simpson and Terry Simpson

A boxing simulator that encouraged cheating to win
Software House: Superior Software
Author: Acornsoft

You have been deposed from your throne in CAMELOT
Software House: Blue Ribbon Software Ltd/ Superior Software
Author: Tony Oakden

Package of 2 games: Candy Floss - Manage a candy floss stall in Blackpool and try to maximise your profits Star Trek - Strategy game in which players must destroy the Klingon fleet in a set number of turns
Software House: IJK Software
Author: Various

You are the pilot of a small biplane, and the sole remaining active defender of the little mountain kingdom of Asdel against the invading robot tyranny of the Empire of Sar
Software House: BBC Soft
Author: Peter Voke

For the BBC Microcomputer Model B  
Software House: Acornsoft Games
Author: David Shepherd

Games included: Maze Eater Galactic Attack Space Mission Lunar Landing Plasma Bolt Startrek Radar Landing Attacker Galactic Dog Fight Zion Attack Ivasive Action Noughts and Crosses Boggles Pontoon Ski Jump Hangman Old Bones Thin Ice Orbitter Motorway Force Field Nim Tunnel Escape Barrel Jump Cannonball Battle Overtake Sitting Target Smash the Windows Space Ship Jet Flight Phaser Intruder Inferno Ghosts Submarines Rocket Launch Planets Black Hole Dynamite Do your Sums Derby Dash Space Search Universe Rats Tanker Parachute Jetmobile High Rise The Force Exchange
Software House: Cascade Games
Author: Cascade Games

Software House: CDS Software Ltd
Author: Andrew Cummins, Geoff Richardson, Mark Sheppard

Are you courageous? Do you have nerves of steel? Has your TV broken down? If the answer to any one of these questions is 'Yes', then this adventure is for you! Written for the BBC Model B, the game st ...
Software House: Ducksoft
Author: Ray Davies

Help Bertie Bear collect as many gems as possible through a series of simple 3D environments
Software House: MRM Software
Author: Hopesoft

The adventuring trade just isn't what it used to be and you begin to contemplate earning an honest living but then a cold Draught and the slam of a door distract you and seconds later a tall, silver h ...
Software House: Acornsoft Games

Probably the most challenging game ever devised for the BBC Micro, has the novel idea of putting a time for completion at three months, the date written inside at time of purchase
Software House: Micro Power Ltd
Author: Anthony Sothcott

Probably the most challenging game ever devised for the BBC Micro
Software House: Micro Power Ltd

2 Education programs for the BBC
Software House: Macmillan Software
Author: Macmillan

A scrolling shooter game for the BBC micr
Software House: Joe the Lion
Author: John Walsh

Pop music quiz for the BBC micro
Software House: Outlook Enterprises Ltd

Blagger: Follow the exploits of Roger the Dodger, master burglar, as he works his way through numerous buildings - searching for the golden keys, robbing safe after safe but always on the alert ...
Software House: Alligata Software Limited
Author: Ross Goodley (Blagger, Neanderthal Man, Web Runner); Steve Evans (Eagle Empire, Monaco);

For the BBC Micro Model B Our copy new and sealed  
Software House: Acornsoft

This pack contains 3 A level Chemistry programs on cassette and a booklet
Software House: Acornsoft

For the BBC Micro Model B  
Software House: Acornsoft Education

A comercial program of chess designed for the BBC Micr
Software House: Acornsoft

Chick chase is an education game for 1-4 children aged six to nine
Software House: Chalk Soft
Author: Tim Stebbings

In Chip Buster, the object is to keep your computer circuit board in working order by running about the tracks repairing damaged components
Software House: Software Invasion Ltd.

Before the war, humans hid in nuclear bunkers, programming robots to patrol the surface of the earth
Software House: Firebird Software
Author: Joey Williams and Glyn Williams

21 programs for the BBC Micro: Land Santa Xmas Simon Anagrams Ski Slope Carol Quiz Tictactoe Pick Tree Maze Snowpud Chimes Wordsearch Dodge Dad Mover Xmas Words Blind Buff Forest Run Half Word Turkey Crazy Santa Xmas Snap Skittles
Software House: The Micro User
Author: Various

Games for the BBC Micr
Software House: The Micro Users Ltd

Upgrade pack approved by A 'n' F Software
Software House: Bit Twiddlers
Author: Bit Twiddlers

This software package has been digitally preserved
Software House: Selective Software
Author: Selective Software

Have you ever wished that you could compose music? Well here's your chance - and you don't even need a piano
Software House: Argus Press Software
Author: Computer Tutor

Many years ago lived the Cloggers, unusual creatures with three feet and no head, but unusual powers that allowed them to perceive their environment in a way that is incomprehensible to man
Software House: Impact Software Ltd.
Author: Gordon J. Key

A 2D action platform game and sequel to Stryker's Run
Software House: Superior Software
Author: Acornsoft

CODENAME: DROID presents a new challenge for Commander John Stryker
Software House: Superior Software
Author: Nicholas Chamberlain and Martin Edmondson

This allows you to create folders and checklists of items in your collection, and is useful to refer to to show what you own and don't own
Software House: Acornsoft Games

Software House: Level 9 Computing Ltd
Author: Mike Austin, Nick Austin, Pete Austin

A text adventure game for the BBC micr
Software House: Level 9 Computing

The Colossus computer allows one player to play a complete game of Bridge with the computer controlling the other three hands
Software House: CDS Software Ltd

For BBC Micro & Acorn Electron COLOSSUS is probably the most complete chess program available for any home computer, written by the very latest techniques by a computer chess programmer of eight ...
Software House: CDS Software Ltd

COLOSSUS is the best computer chess program available on any home computer
Software House: CDS Software Ltd

This was an action battle simulation, with technical support from Westland Helicopters, who made the Lynx Helicopter
Software House: Durell Software
Author: Nick Wilson, Julian Todd

This was an action battle simulation, with technical support from Westland Helicopters, who made the Lynx Helicopter
Software House: Durell Software
Author: Nick Wilson, Julian Todd

The gameplay is very close to the arcade original, and follows the vertical scrolling formula
Software House: Encore
Author: Trevor Harwood, John Nixon

This superb sports simulation explores new territory in programming, with a new sprite compression technique used for the first time to give you the very best in graphics display
Software House: Tynesoft
Author: David Croft

This superb sports simulation explores new territory in programming, with a new sprite compression technique used for the first time to give you the very best in graphics display
Software House: Tynesoft
Author: David Croft

Includes: Snapman Alien Intruders Panzer Assault Mayday
Software House: The Micro User

Match your intellect against the computer Kensington program
Software House: Leisure Genius

Contains a daily trivia quiz, alert you of people's birthday's and their starsigns
Software House: Leisure Electronic Designs Ltd

A computerised version of the classic word-building boardgame
Software House: Leisure Genius
Author: Leisure Genius

Software House: Leisure Genius
Author: D. Laksham, Dr. P.J. Turcan

Set in a malfunctioning Plutonium Plant, your job is to collect 50 valuable plutonium crystals
Software House: Blue Ribbon Software Ltd
Author: Jonathan Temple

This is a tactical warfare game for 2 players which covers 20th century conventional warfare
Software House: M.C. Lothlorien
Author: R. T. Smith

This is an expansion for the game Confrontation and adds 4 separate scenarios: Afghanistan, Sinai, Angola & Kent
Software House: M.C. Lothlorien
Author: R. T. Smith

A sophisticated bridge game for one player, where all other hands are bid and played by the computer
Software House: Alligata Software Limited
Author: Chris Burkinshaw

Farm management simulator with the goal of achieving £250,000 worth of total assets
Software House: Cases Computer Simulations Ltd
Author: P. Martin

Climb your way through your office building while making sure to avoid the tax collectors in the lifts
Software House: Dynabyte Software Ltd
Author: Mark Yell, J.E.D. Hurwitz

Point based space game
Software House: Alligata Software Limited

Featuring Lunar Jetman Jetpac Alien 8This compilation was the only place to play the BBC version of Lunar Jetman, which uses the machines hi-res mode, consequently the game is less colourful , also ...
Software House: Ultimate Play The Game
Author: David Rhys Jones, Paul Proctor

In Cosmic Kidnap, you take the role of the Autoguard in charge of your side's three most important alien captives
Software House: Superior Software Ltd
Author: Nick Wilson, Julian Todd

While orbiting the treasure laden but inhospitable, planet doomawangara Doom for short your ship suffers a devastating attack from the local air defence system For your ship is both damaged and under ...
Software House: Acornsoft Games

For the BBC Microcomputer Model B  
Software House: Acornsoft Games

Software House: Acornsoft/ Superior Software
Author: Kevin Edwards, Martin Galway

For the BBC Micro Model B
Software House: Acornsoft Games
Author: Wal Mansell

Companion cassette for the book of the same nam
Software House: Acornsoft
Author: Jonathan Griffiths

You can now draw almost anything including animated images and rotatable 3D objects
Software House: Acornsoft Games

Banking themed arcade action, where the hero must go on a rescue mission, with the help of your Trustcard!!
Software House: TSB
Author: John Cassar Joe Austen

Vampire bats, ectoplasm bolts, slime covered ledges and acid pools
Software House: Atlantis Software Ltd
Author: Rob Dulstone

How does your knowledge of crime fiction rate against a Grandmaster of the genre
Software House: Acornsoft - Ivan Berg Software
Author: Julian Symons

You're in a spot of bovver! - Trample the time-bombs, But avoid the Boots or be 'Crunched
Software House: Virgin Games LTD

Navigate through maze-like levels while avoiding snakes and collecting keys and artifacts as you try to reach the heart of the pharaoh's tomb
Software House: Software Projects Ltd
Author: Michael Jakobson

Pistol Shooting - Spring Board Diving - Tug o War - Giant Slalom - Rowing - Ski Jump - Penalties - Cycling New and Sealed
Software House: Ocean Software
Author: Ocean

Pistol Shooting - Spring Board Diving - Tug o War - Giant Slalom - Rowing - Ski Jump - Penalties - Cyclin
Software House: Ocean Software
Author: Ocean

Computer board game of oil exploration and exploitation in Texas
Software House: Cases Computer Simulations Ltd
Author: J. Jiggins

How many direct hits can you score? How many points can you accumulate? Will you ever be as successful as the famous 617 Squadron and blast the Möhnesee Dam to destruction with the revolutionary ...
Software House: Alligata Software Limited
Author: Ross Goodley

A text adventure, and the 2nd part of the Dan Diamond trilogy
Software House: Salamander

You, as the sheriff of Dodge (the bullets) City, must stop the bandits getting away with the bags of money from the City Bank, and freeing their comrades in jail
Software House: Alternative Software Ltd
Author: Richard Stevenson

Special Advance Issue  
Software House: RH Software
Author: Michael Pritchett

Starbombs are your only defence against the mighty Deathstar! Fly around each planetiod spraying it with bullets until it starts to emit glowing Crystals
Software House: Blue Ribbon Software Ltd/ Superior Software
Author: Peter Johnson

Gear up your team of four rescuers and set out into the notorious Death's Head Hole cave to rescue 3 trapped civilians

A text adventure about Denis Thatcher overcoming insurmountable odds to make his way to the pub to escape from the political jungle
Software House: Applications Software Specialities
Author: Roger Taylor, Ian Bishrey

Desk Top is a software package that combines 5 of the most popular computer applications (word processing, graphics, communications, electronic spreadsheets and databases), into a single integrated pa ...
Software House: Satchel

Dick Decker has yet another new job, as a Despatch Rider with the Dorkin Despatch Agency
Software House: Audiogenic Software Ltd.

"OK, you guys, it's like this see? Der's dis broad and der's dis stiff
Software House: ASP Software
Author: Ian Soutar, Dr. Le

A spot of gardening for BBC B owners with 1
Software House: Visions (Software Factory) Ltd.
Author: Howard Richards

Get into a fully guarded mine and shut it down before the Saurians create a chaos weapon with the minerals in it For the BBC Micro boxed with instruction
Software House: Acornsoft Games

Management simulation game, also known as Wheeler Dealer
Software House: OIC Computer Consultants
Author: OIC Computer Consultants

Fresh out of gaol after serving a three year stretch for your part in the Long Ditton Spaghetti Caper, you're itching for that one massive caper which will allow you to live on the Costa Brava for the ...
Software House: Melbourne House Ltd
Author: Peter Jones, Trevor Lever, Roger Taylor, James Byrne

Even though you play this version of Dominoes on your own, it won't be long before the 'Oldies' in your family are muscling in on the action! Yes, this traditional game, which has been superbly translated for the computer is suitable for all ages and is sure to provide many hours of simple fun
Software House: Blue Ribbon Software Ltd
Author: Mike Williams

Xanadu Cottage: A treasure trail adventure taking you to places that you'd never dream of, making you do things you wouldn't have thought possible
Software House: Alligata Software Limited
Author: M. Richards, P. Belben (Xanadu Cottage)

The Alien from Outer Space and Dragons Toot
Software House: Incentive Software Ltd.
Author: Andrew Pickford (The Alien from Outer Space), Philip McHardy (Dragons Tooth)

The object of the quest is to succeed in staying alive until level 2
Software House: Bug-Byte Ltd
Author: Bug-Byte Ltd

A computer version of the popular board game
Software House: Computer Concepts
Author: D Thompson

For the BBC Microcomputer Model
Software House: Acornsoft Games
Author: Patrick Dowling

"Farmer Tubby is out to bag a few ducks, and maybe a swan, for his dinner
Software House: Firebird Software
Author: Melvyn Wright

Software House: Level 9 Computing
Author: Mike Austin, Nick Austin, Pete Austin

A text adventure game for the BBC micr
Software House: Level 9 Computing

"4 Heroes must recover the Chalice of Binding and save the World
Software House: Bug-Byte Ltd
Author: Julian Avis

A driving game for the BBC B and Master
Software House: The Fourth Dimension
Author: Gordon J Key

A career awaits YOU in INTERGALACTIC GEOLOGY!! Here's YOUR opportunity to meet new and different alien things, explore, dig up, and analyse brave new worlds, to boldly survey where none have surveyed ...
Software House: Salamander Software
Author: Guy Nisbett

Single, double and multishot action killing everything that moves - phoenix, eagles and finally the empire
Software House: Alligata Software Limited

Editor Assembler and Debugger by Kansas City Systems Our cassette says 'Tempory label' [sic] on both sides
Software House: Kansas

Software House: The Micro User

Education software for the BBC micr
Software House: Salamander

O and A level Maths teaching softwar
Software House: Salamander

Maths education software for the BBC micr
Software House: Salamander

Fletcher's Castle Thorn Sea Treasure Money Target The Perfume Hunter
Software House: Fernleaf
Author: Fern lLeaf

Egyptian adventure will transport you to a world of mythology, where many dark secrets lie in wait
Software House: Duckworth
Author: Ray Davies

EIFFEL TOWER is a game which teaches and tests your knowledge of French vocabulary
Software House: Chalksoft

Written in Cambridge by Ian Bell and David Braben, it was published by Acorn's publishing arm Acornsoft, this was a space trading, space combat gamethat really pushed the technology of the time to t ...
Software House: Acornsoft
Author: Ian Bell / David Braben

Written in Cambridge by Ian Bell and David Braben, Elite was published by Acorn's publishing arm Acornsoft
Software House: Acornsoft

Written in Cambridge by Ian Bell and David Braben, it was published by Acorn's publishing arm Acornsoft, this was a space trading, space combat gamethat really pushed the technology of the time to t ...
Software House: Acornsoft
Author: Ian Bell / David Braben

Written in Cambridge by Ian Bell and David Braben, it was published by Acorn's publishing arm Acornsoft, this was a space trading, space combat gamethat really pushed the technology of the time to the ...
Software House: Acornsoft
Author: Ian Bell / David Braben

Written in Cambridge by Ian Bell and David Braben, it was published by Acorn's publishing arm Acornsoft, this was a space trading, space combat gamethat really pushed the technology of the time to the ...
Software House: Superior Software

Software House: Superior Software

Imagine the scene: You are Cyril, a likeable old gentleman - the proprietor of a small but busy chemist's shop
Software House: Acornsoft/ Superior Software
Author: Richard Williams, Christopher Hyde, John Llewellyn

Text adventure that sees the player exploring a mysterious island after their plane goes down over the Bermuda Triangle
Software House: Level 9 Computing
Author: Level 9 Computing

General Knowledge Editio
Software House: Audiogenic Software Ltd.

Can you halt the progress of the evil empire as it conquers country after country
Software House: Paxman Promotions
Author: Shards Software

Turn-based stratergy game for the BBC micr
Software House: Red Shift

Puzzle game in which players must discover the rules of the game to win
Software House: Brainbox Software
Author: Clive Loveluck

Espionage is a unique game of intrigue
Software House: Modular Resources Ltd
Author: Modular Resources Ltd

Contents: Castlemaze Adventure Tunnel Adventure Underground Adventur
Software House: Ducksoft
Author: Peter Gerrard

Four great games by two of the greatest BBC/Electron programmers of all-time
Software House: ASL
Author: Peter Scott

Reclaim the magnificent Fantasia Diamond, a family heirloom, and rescue Boris the Masterspy from an imposing fortress in this text adventure
Software House: Hewson Consultants
Author: Kim Topley

Fat Man Sam may be fat but he sure can jump
Software House: Firebird Software
Author: Phil Whitehurst

A flight simulator game for the BBC micro
Software House: Kansas
Author: Julian Charles Bury

Travel to a land of magic and monsters in this absorbing adventure game
Software House: MP Software
Author: John Hudson, Helen Seymour

For BBC Micro / Electron An Introduction to Chess for 8 Years Upward
Software House: Longman Software

3D Space Raiders - Tarzan - Growing pains - Uncle Claude - Bug Blaste
Software House: Alligata Software Limited

Geoff Capes Strongman Deathstar Twin Kingdom Valley Repton Combat Lyn
Software House: Beau-Jolly
Author: Various

Contains: Southern Belle The Way Of The Exploding Fist Thunderstruck Project Thesius Frak! Strike Force Harrier Caveman caper
Software House: Beau-Jolly
Author: Various

A football game for the BBC micr
Software House: IJK Software
Author: D.M. Smith

Sail the seas in search of the legendary Flint's Gold in this swashbuckling text adventure
Software House: Micrograf
Author: Andy Mitchell

"An incredible combination of sight and sound creating a totally new concept in computer games
Software House: Icon Software Ltd.
Author: Adrian Stephens, John Dale

Dairy farmer, growing a plant, shopkeeper, spelling/word finde
Software House: Fiveways Software

The football strategy to answer every boyhood dream - the chance to make it to the very top of football stardom
Software House: Gremlin
Author: Mark Rogers

The year 2000 A
Software House: Icon Software Ltd.
Author: David Croft, Ian Elliott, Jason Sobell, Kevin Blake

The cassette contains the BBC B Version on one side of the tape and the Electron on the othe
Software House: Atlantis Software Ltd
Author: David Croft, Ian Elliott, Jason Sobell, Kevin Blake

For the BBC Microcomputer Model B  
Software House: Acornsoft Games

The last ting I saw before the prang was a squadron of Jerries swoop down from behind the sun
Software House: Silversoft

There is a frenzy in a scientific research center
Software House: Micro Power Ltd
Author: Walter Mansell

Fruit machine simulator for BBC systems
Software House: Superior Software Ltd
Author: Richard Hanson

Young Freddy has decided to raid Mr
Software House: Softspot
Author: Chris Butler

A comprehensive collection of fun educational programs for the BBC Micr
Software House: SHARDS Software Ltd

Software House: Database Educational Software
Author: Steve Turnbull

Software House: Database Educational Software
Author: Steve Turnbull

A comprehensive teaching program for 6-12 year olds, written by a teacher and tested in school
Software House: SHARDS Software Ltd
Author: SHARDS Software Ltd

BBC / Electro
Software House: Tynesoft
Author: Jason Sobell, Kevin Blake

A space shooter game for the BBC micr
Software House: Kansas
Author: Mike Chalk

Fly your craft in the Galactic Patrol and transport colonists to their transports
Software House: Mastertronic
Author: Mastertronic

It is the year 2200
Software House: RH Electronics
Author: C J Chapman

Software House: Acornsoft/ Superior Software
Author: Kevin Edwards, Martin Galway

3-D Naughts & Crosses, Reversi, PentagonOur copy is new and still sealed
Software House: BBC Soft

Alphabet Soup - Simon - Hangman - Firema
Software House: Salamander

This is a compilation of: Mole - Boot Hill - Bombe
Software House: Salamander Software
Author: Andrew Pymer (Mole, Boot Hill)

Contains: Fruity Tooty Loony Lander Space Invaders Fruit Worm
Software House: Computer Concept
Author: Oliver Wurstlin (Loony Lander), Paul Hiscock (Fruit Worm), Malcolm Bateman (Space Invaders)

Games include: Auction Flip Reverse Telepathy Hexa 15
Software House: Golem

Adventure game for the BBC Micro Model B Our copy of this software is as new and sealed
Software House: Acornsoft

Software House: Ricochet
Author: Michael Archer David Wainwright

Endorsed by Geoff Capes, Olympic shot putter, World and European Strongman and World Highland Games Champion
Software House: Software Communications Ltd
Author: Michael Archer, David Wainwright

Geordie Racer is a game in which you are invited to play detective to find stolen treasure
Software House: BBC Soft

THE ADVENTURE SERIES: AN OVERVIEW By definition, an adventure is a dangerous or risky undertaking a novel, exciting, or otherwise remarkable event or experience
Software House: Adventure International
Author: Scott Adams

This is a text adventure game which features some graphics
Software House: Superior Software Ltd
Author: Robin Burgess, Jean Burgess

Guy of Gisburne, treacherous henchman of the Sheriff of Nottingham, has captured Maid Marion
Software House: Ricochet
Author: David Wainwright

Glider Pilot 2 and noteboo
Software House: Apex Software
Author: Apex Software

Text adventure game for the BBC micro
Software House: Level 9 Computing
Author: Peter Austin

"A realistic football simulation featuring excellent graphics, music, and an intelligent opposition that actually adjusts its skill level during the game depending on current state of play
Software House: Tynesoft
Author: David Croft

and other programs listed in the pages of The Micro User Vol
Software House: The Micro User

The Gorfian Empire is attacking the Earth! You are the only surviving pilot to defend your planet
Software House: Doctor Soft
Author: Matthew Waltham

An unofficial port of the classic arcade space shooter Gorf
Software House: Doctor Soft
Author: Matthew Haltman

Cricket simulation licensed by former England cricket captain Graham Gooch
Software House: Audiogenic Software Ltd.
Author: Gary Gray

Software House: Acornsoft/ Superior Software
Author: Andrew Bradley

A game where you can build your own race track to race either a friend or AI on track on varing levels of difficulty
Software House: Superior Software Ltd, Acornsoft

Sophisticated but simple to use graphic design system for the BBC Model B
Software House: Stack Computer Services
Author: Stack Computer Services

Software House: Simon W. Hessel Software
Author: Simon W Wessel

Grid Iron 2 is the knock down and get up, all American Football Management Simulator
Software House: Alternative Software Ltd
Author: Clockwize

"A realistic 3D Simulation of a heated Wild West Street Gun Battle in which you will have to defend yourself against up to 16 enemy sharp shooters
Software House: Software Invasion Ltd.
Author: Simon Vout

"A realistic 3D Simulation of a heated Wild West Street Gun Battle in which you will have to defend yourself against up to 16 enemy sharp shooters
Software House: Software Invasion Ltd.
Author: Simon Vout

Guy in the HatYou are the Guy in the Hat and you are on a diet of biscuits
Software House: Blue Ribbon Sofdtware Ltd
Author: Mike Goldberg, Mike Williams

Hack into the colossal Multivax computer which controls all mankind to try to escape from your life of hard labour in ths text adventure
Software House: Micrograf
Author: Andy Mitchell

Software House: Bourne Educational Software
Author: Bourne Educational Software

The Ultimate simulation of American Football on a micro computer
Software House: Coda Software
Author: C.S.Adams

Football game for the BBC Micr
Software House: Hewson Consultants

The bank has been robbed and it is your job as the manager to bring all the scattered money bags back to the vault
Software House: Softspot
Author: Marcus Altman

For use with BBC B (OS 1
Software House: Mirrorsoft
Author: PrImer Educational Software

Text adventure that follows a band of rebels in the year 1070 as they attempt to rise up against William the Conqueror
Software House: Fernleaf
Author: Martyn Radstone

Take The Challenge! Test your knowledge and intellect across a broad range of subjects
Software House: Blue Ribbon Software Ltd
Author: Mike Williams

How does your knowledge of history rate against a Grandmaster of the genre
Software House: Ivan Berg Software
Author: John Julius Norwich

Golf simulation game designed by golf enthusiasts for maximum realism
Software House: The Fourth Dimension
Author: Gordon J Key

Golf simulation game designed by golf enthusiasts for maximum realism
Software House: The Fourth Dimension
Author: Gordon J Key

Golf simulation game
Software House: The Fourth Dimension
Author: The Fourth Dimension

Golf simulation game designed by golf enthusiasts for maximum realism
Software House: The Fourth Dimension
Author: Gordon J Key

For the BBC Microcomputer Model B  
Software House: Acornsoft Games

A text adventure game for the BBC micr
Software House: A & F Software
Author: J. Snowden R. Dunn

An embassy has been overrun by terrorists
Software House: Superior Software
Author: Peter Scott

Software House: Tynesoft
Author: David Croft (with Art Crew Productions)

Starship Icarus is plummeting towards to the sun and the only hope of averting the impending catalysm is for you to teleport on board, disable the master computer and regain control
Software House: Mandarin
Author: Julian Avis

Contains the Electron, BBC Micro, Master and B+ Versions
Software House: Mandarin
Author: Powerhouse Software

A Fascinating Educational Program for All Ages The IDENTIFY EUROPE program provides a fascinating way of solving the European jigsaw puzzle
Software House: Kosmos

Trapped - in a 1970s arcade game! Every escape route is blocked by a wall of brightly coloured bricks
Software House: ASL
Author: Gary Partis

Four excellent Indoor Sport Simulations - Air ball, Table tennis, Darts and 10-pen bowling, each depicted in stunning graphical detail and reflecting all the addictive qualities and required skills of ...
Software House: Tynesoft
Author: David Croft and Kevin Blake

Inertia is a totally original game, with a huge landscape just waiting to be explored
Software House: The Fourth Dimension
Author: D. Postlethwait

Over 1000 different screens, 32 different aliens, more than 50 puzzles, over 80 different objects, great music and sound effects, sound on/off, pause mode, quit and save, 5 lives (can gain up to 20), ...
Software House: White Panther Software
Author: William Scales and John Thornewill

Software House: Simon W. Hessel Software
Author: Simon W. Hessel

INSTANT RECALL is a simple electronic filing system (or database) which allows you to file over fourteen thousand characters of information
Software House: Supersoft

A simple to use professional program that will rapidly produce high quality invoices to your customers
Software House: Software for All
Author: Software for All

For the BBC Microcomputer Model B  
Software House: Acornsoft Games
Author: Jonathan Griffiths

The Computer Game
Software House: Domark
Author: Adrian Ludley, Robin Waterfield

BBC version of the classic Ultimate Play The Game title
Software House: Ultimate Play The Game
Author: David Rhys Jones

The streets of London are rife with crime and only one man is tough enough to protect them, Joe Blade
Software House: Players
Author: Wayne Dobson

Combat and Flight Simulator Every pilot has the dream of flying one of these unique and complex fighting machines
Software House: Anirog
Author: Vaughan Dow

Combat and Flight Simulator Every pilot has the dream of flying one of these unique and complex fighting machines
Software House: Anirog
Author: Vaughan Dow

A selection of educational software for the BBC, including: Shipwreck Shapes and Crosses Beat the Monster Number Bingo Fractions Hexagons Our copy does not have the outer a ...
Software House: Tomsoft

An all action, thrill packed arcade game in four levels where you take the role of Sheriff in a bid to make peace with the Indians
Software House: Mastertronic
Author: Mike Woodbridge

A fighting game in which the player must take on 16 opponents in unarmed combat
Software House: Superior Software Ltd
Author: Martin Sykes

Set in the realm of the mystic Orient, Karate Combat pairs you, in thrillingly realistic battle, against sixteen of the mightiest and most skillfull exponents of "open-hand" fighting
Software House: Blue Ribbon Software Ltd/ Superior Software
Author: Martin Sykes

Set in the realm of the mystic Orient, Karate combat pairs you in thrillingly realistic battle, against 16 of tehe mightiest and most skillful exponents of "open-hand" fighting
Software House: Superior Software Ltd
Author: Martin Sykes

Karls Kavern (also known as Karl's Cavern) is a game for the BBC B
Software House: Software Projects Ltd
Author: Neil Kolban

Expansion kit for Killer Gorilla, a Donkey Kong clone
Software House: Bit Twiddlers
Author: S. D. Ellington

One day long, long ago in the Kingdom of Helior, people looked to the distant skies
Software House: Longman Software

The BBC version of the Ultimate classic game differs little from the Spectrum original, the graphics, are much the same, except totally monochrome, the sound is a little better, but there is no joysti ...
Software House: Ultimate Play The Game
Author: Paul Proctor

3x cassettes for the Atari 800/130
Software House: Rainbird
Author: Mike Austin

Knitting pattern software for the BBC Micr
Software House: H J Taylor
Author: H J Taylor

Knitting softwar
Software House: Database Publications
Author: Database Publications

How well do you know yourself? How do others see you? Are you sensible, balanced outgoing, likeable and lovable or are you cool, reserved, calculating and philosophic? Find out with this revealing an ...
Software House: Mirrorsoft
Author: Ivan Berg Software

IncludesGreen BeretYie Ar KUNG-FUHyper SportsMiki
Software House: Imagine Software Ltd.

Top down action game that follows King Arthur on his quest to reclaim his crown jewels and the legendary sword Excalibur from a rival clan
Software House: Go-Dax Hi Tek Entertainment
Author: Mark C. Rogers

Welcome to the ultimate challenge! A two way test of skill and nerve - can you out manouevre the awesome ogre and blast a path through the myriad of colourful bricks? Are your reflexes adept enough to retrieve the speeding missile deflected from its block-shattering journey or regurgitated contemptuously from the ogre's mouth? 
Software House: Gremlin
Author: John Mackay

Educational mathematical adventure game by The Association of Teachers of Mathematics
Software House: Association of Teachers of Mathematics

Guide Mork through the labyrinth, eating fruit to replenish his dwindling energy supply
Software House: Acornsoft games
Author: Michael Matheson

Text adventure set in a labyrinth full of priceless treasures and terrifying monsters
Software House: Micro Power Ltd
Author: Micro Power Ltd

Travel back to the age of chivalry and take control of Sir Lancelot, knight of the Round Table
Software House: Mandarin
Author: Mike Austin

Software House: Talent Computer Systems
Author: John Collin, Jon Malone, Mike Masters

You start in the notorious Central Park, with thugs, police and bees to get past and a map, a pick and a hamburger to collect
Software House: Superior Software
Author: Peter Scott

The Ordanoids have been enslaved and destroyed by the Proleoids, a later model of Droid with a fundamental design fault that has made them too aggressive
Software House: Atlantis Software Ltd
Author: Peter Scott

Clone of the classic arcade game 'Frogger'
Software House: IJK Software
Author: IJK Software

Help guide Ledgeman across girders and conveyor belts to cellect all the flashing squares in each level
Software House: Software Projects
Author: Niall McCarroll

Help bounce people across a river after the bridge is destroyed
Software House: Dynabyte Software Ltd
Author: Mark Yell

Train route simulator, about a midlands railway route, with the sharpest incline in the country
Software House: Dee-Kay Systems
Author: Dee-Kay

The Gruneberg LINKWORD language course in German has been designed for a variety of people - those who want an elementary knowledge of German for going on holiday; business people who need to acquire ...
Software House: Acornsoft

For the BBC Micro Model B Our copy is New & Sealed
Software House: Acornsoft

Adventure game in which the player is given control of a train in the wild west, and must collect and deliver gold to the bank all while avoiding outlaws and robbers
Software House: BBC Publications
Author: Amazon Systems

You are a highly trained Galactic Commando deep in enemy territory
Software House: Software Projects Ltd
Author: Tom Lanigan

Has two sheets, one on how to look after your EPROM, and the other how to order software for the Valiant and Jessops Turtle
Software House: Logo Software
Author: Logo Software

You are the operator of the Looney Lift and it is your job to bring customers down to the ground floor of the hotel you work in
Software House: H&H Software
Author: H&H Software

A scrolling shooter for the BBC micr
Software House: Kansas
Author: Tony Monckton, Mark Monckton

Adventure game that sees the player travelling across time and space to collect a variety of items that must be cast into a cauldron
Software House: Level 9 Computing
Author: Sue Gazzard

Software House: Level 9 Computing
Author: Sue Gazzard, Mike Austin, Pete Austin, Ian Buxton

For the BBC Microcomputer Model B
Software House: Acornsoft
Author: Richard Clay, Tim Dobson, Neil Raine

Software House: BBC Soft
Author: Ian Trackman, Henry Budgett

The heat is on for our man Mango
Software House: Blue Ribbon Software Ltd
Author: Blue Ribbon Software Ltd

Two excellent machine code action games for the price of one
Software House: Acorn User

Scrolling space shooter actio
Software House: Micro Power Ltd
Author: Jeremy Smith

Snooker-style trivia quiz game for 1 to 4 players
Software House: Superior Software
Author: Walter Mansell, small crack in case, minimal scuffs

Simple stress-free typing course, quick and accurate
Software House: Longman Software

Masterfile is a general purpose file management program that uses manifold
Software House: Beebugsoft
Author: Sheridan Williams

Author: Anita Strake
Software House: Capital Media
Author: Anita Straker

Author: Anita Strake
Software House: MEP
Author: Anita Straker

A very simple maths game based around Snap
Software House: Sherston Software

Mathskills is a collection of programs, each of which deals with a different aspect of the standard school maths syllabus up to 'O' level
Software House: Griffin Software
Author: A Cowley

A computer simulation and graphic adventure gameA copy provided for review with no serial number
Software House: Satchel

A-Level maths tuition and revision course
Software House: LCL
Author: G Ludinski

Arcade shooter for the BBC micr
Software House: Software Communications Ltd

Arcade shooter for the BBC micr
Software House: Software Communications Ltd

Geoff Capes Strongman - Galactic Patrol - Kane - Way of the Exploding Fist - Eddie Kidd Jump Challenge - Vegas Jackpo
Software House: Mastertronic
Author: A. G. Cartlidge, Micheal Archer, David Wainwright, Mike Woodbridge, Micheal Simpson

Mental Arithmetic was written by an experienced maths teacher to fulfill the need for frequent and progressive practice in mental arithmetic as outlined in the Cockroft Report on Mathematics Teaching ...
Software House: Griffin Software

For the BBC Microcomputer Model B  
Software House: Acornsoft Games
Author: Wal Mansell

Steer your laser ship through a hail of meteors smashing them with your laser bolts
Software House: Acornsoft Games

For the BBC Microcomputer Model B  
Software House: Acornsoft Games

Compilation of:Killer GorillaWhereMartianStock CarEldorado GoldPlutonium PlunderBarrageDune RiderNemesisLabyrint
Software House: Micro Power Ltd
Author: Various

Compilation Disc - Helldriver - Chess- Frenzy - Cybertron Missio
Software House: Micro Power Ltd

10 more great games Asteroid Storm - Bumble Bee - Blockbuster - Croaker - Demon Decorator - Felix Meets the Evil Weevils - Rubble Trouble - Space Jailer - Swoop - The Min
Software House: Micro Power Ltd

Software House: Firebird Silver
Author: Steven Reece, David Pearce

The interstellar freightliner, Nimbus, is crippled deep in unchartered space
Software House: Firebird Software
Author: David Pearce, Steven Reece

Part of the Battlegame Series from Design People Software
Software House: Design People Software
Author: Design People Software

A suite of office software for the BBC Micro
Software House: Database Publications
Author: Database Software

Mini Office II turns your BBC Micro into a versatile business machine
Software House: Database Software
Author: Database Software

Printer control software for Mini Office II on the BBC Micr
Software House: Database Software

You must defend your base from missile fire with your three defence stations
Software House: Acornsoft Games
Author: Andy Green

Clone of the arcade classic 'Space Invaders'
Software House: IJK Software
Author: IJK Software

An F1 racing game based on the Monaco Grand Prix
Software House: Alligata Software
Author: Steve Evans

Collect the fruit, find your way around the maze and watch out for those arrows
Software House: Bug-Byte Ltd
Author: Simon Ryder-Smith

Education for 6-14 year olds
Software House: SHARDS Software Ltd
Author: SHARDS Software Ltd

This highly addictive arcade game is a copy of the arcade game Space Panic by Universal CBS
Software House: Acornsoft Games
Author: Tim Dobson

For the BBC Microcomputer Model B  
Software House: Acornsoft Games
Author: Tim Dobson

Software House: Alternative Software Ltd
Author: Sean Scarff, Crazy Dave

Launched at Play Expo 2013
Software House: Retro Software
Author: Papa's Gong

Help Marvin the ravenous mouse to collect puddings through 22 action-packed levels to reach his ultimate goal, a wedge of cheese, in this arcade platformer
Software House: Tynesoft
Author: Chris Robson

Various fun activities teach recognition and naming of coins; sorting and matching by size, colour and value; and comparing coins and sets of coins as an introduction to simple addition and subtractio ...
Software House: Good Housekeeping Software

There are Jigsaws, Shape Makers, Addition Activities, Counting, and a Spot the Shapes Game
Software House: Good Housekeeping Software

"The Hamburger Game The Greatest Game Under the Bun
Software House: Ocean Software Ltd.
Author: Richard Kay

Maze game created by J
Software House: Blue Ribbon Sofdtware Ltd
Author: Superior Software

A package of 3 utilities designed to aid with various aspects of programming BBC computer: Character - Defines/edits multi-coloured characters Soundlab - Experiment with up to 7 envelope and 9 sound commands simultaneously Graph7 - Creates and saves any possible mode 7 display
Software House: Dynabyte Software Ltd
Author: Dynabyte Software

The third and final entry in the Saga of a Spy trilogy of humorous text adventures
Software House: Robico Software
Author: Rob O'Leary, Mike O'Leary

As Adventure 7 begins, you find yourself hopelessly lost in the middle of a carnival fun house
Software House: Adventure International
Author: Scott Adams, Alexis Adams, Mak Jukic

As the food drops from heaven, move it through the caves to your family at the bottom

Enjoy the ultimate shopping experience - take all you can carry away with you
Software House: Visions (Software Factory)Ltd.
Author: Janko Mrsic-Flogel, Mungo Amyatt-Leir

You are Sleepy Joe trying to collect enough keys to escape Nightmare Maze
Software House: Blue Ribbon Software Ltd
Author: Mike Williams

Written by Ultimate Play The Game, and the first game using the Filmation 2 graphics engine The BBC version is quite a bit different from the other formats, firstly the game is totally monoch ...
Software House: Ultimate Play The Game
Author: Paul Proctor

Budget re-release that only works on BBC not it's younger brother, despite the claim on the label
Software House: Mastertronic
Author: Paul Proctor

Educational software designed for children aged 5-14
Software House: A.S.K
Author: Don Walton

Software House: Longman Software
Author: Loughborough Primary Micro Project

Designed for 32K BBC Micr
Software House: Software Projects
Author: Software Projects

Puzzle game in which the player must collect and stack a series of coloured blocks in order to match the stack that is in the same place on the other side of the screen
Software House: Games Machine
Author: Andrew Richard Webb

Art software designed for use by children and adults alike
Software House: Storm Software
Author: Storm Software

Arcade sports game containing 10 playable events: 100m race 400m race 1500m race Long Jump Shot Putt Javelin Hurdles Discus Pole Vault High Jump
Software House: Alligata Software
Author: Daniel Lucas

11 Field and track events Previously released as Micro Olympics
Software House: Alternative Software
Author: Database

Orpheus is a 7 screen arcade style game
Software House: A & F Software
Author: A & F Software

Your objective is to allocate your resources (wardens) to enable your Ospreys to successfully nest and breed with the minimum disturbance from the hazards that surround them
Software House: BES
Author: Kathy Read

A multi-stage 3D race for the World Drivers' Championship! There are five different stages including night, snow, desert, and riverside scenes
Software House: Superior Software Ltd
Author: Peter Johnson

Oxbridge takes a light-hearted look at the world of higher education
Software House: Tynesoft
Author: Colin Jack

Shapes and colours education game aimed at 4-6 year olds for the BBC micro
Software House: Collins Software
Author: Michael Bond, Karen Bond and Peter McBride

By practicing acts of benevolence and goodwill, you have offended the evil wizard Caldeti
Software House: Superior Software
Author: Martyn Howard

Property game, very similar to another extremely popular game beginning with M
Software House: Kay-Dee

From the marketing text: The pack contains ten magic tricks and some simple props for you, the conjurer, to use
Software House: Acornsoft

A world of entertainment at your fingertips! LOOK at the 4 complete performances - a break-dancer on the street, clown on the high-wire, skeleton in the graveyard and disco dancing girl - just to see ...
Software House: A.S.K
Author: Chris Davis

Large collection of different games that appeared in the magazine Personal Computer World
Software House: Century Software
Author: Various

Software House: Imagine Software Ltd.
Author: Stephen Knight, Ally Noble, Dawn Jones

A game for all the family requiring skill, logic, memory and chance
Software House: Silverlind
Author: Alan Gray

So it was in those, the most ancient of times, that Zeus the all powerful came to rule the Heavens
Software House: Digital Fantasia

PETE THE PLASTERED POSTMAN Pete the postman has been driven to drink by canine harassment
Software House: ASP Software

A text adventure for the BBC Micr
Software House: SHARDS Software Ltd
Author: Steve Maltz

An Adventure game that you need your wits for as you have to make decisions weigh up risks and more
Software House: Acornsoft Games
Author: Peter Killworth

The best in British adventure game
Software House: Topologika

Picture Craft is an inexhaustable, versatile and flexible suite of programs through which children can design shapes and patterns, paint them, and turn them into 'magical' pictures, puzzles and ga ...
Software House: BBC Soft

A text adventure for the BBC micr
Software House: Automata Ltd
Author: Christian Penfold, Mel Croucher

An adventure in space and time
Software House: Blue Ribbon Software Ltd
Author: Ian Holmes, William Reeve

Pip's Island Adventure is an educational adventure game developed and published by Northern Micromedia in 1988 for BBC Micro
Software House: Northern Micromedia
Author: Northern Micromedia

" 'Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum
Software House: Adventure International
Author: Scott Adams, Brian Howarth, Cliff Ogden, Alexis Adams

Loads on both the BBC Micro and Electron This is a highly acclaimed Robot action game, where the player controls a robot who looks rather like one that starred in Disney's The Black Hole, who must in ...
Software House: Bug-Byte Ltd
Author: Andrew Foord

Clone of the arcade game Galaxian, but replaces the alien spaceships with planes and helicopters
Software House: A & F Software
Author: Brian Clark, Marian Clark

Planetarium is a sophisticated program enabling you to plot constellations of stars, paths of planets, the sun, the moon, and even Halley's comet
Software House: Superior Software Ltd
Author: Terry Small

Use your laser ship to destroy the aliens
Software House: Acornsoft Games

For the BBC Microcomputer Model B  
Software House: Acornsoft Games
Author: Neil Rayne

You control Scaffolding Sid, our intrepid scaffolder
Software House: Virgin Games
Author: Neil Cannon

Contains: Citadel Thrust Stryker's Run Ravenskull  
Software House: Acornsoft
Author: Michael Jakobsen (Citadel), Jeremy Smith (Thrust), Chris Roberts (Stryker's Run), P. Meller (Stryker's Run), Nicholas Chamberlain (Ravenskull), Martin Edmondson (Ravenskull)

CitadelA fascinating arcade-adventure, features over 100 beautifully detailed screens of action
Software House: Superior Software Ltd, Acornsoft
Author: Various

Contains: Zalaga Qwak 3D Dotty Repton Thru Time
Software House: Acornsoft/ Superior Software
Author: Nick Pelling (Zalaga), Jamie Woodhouse (Qwak), J. L. Harris (3D Dotty), Matthew Atkinson (Repton Thru Time)

Zalaga - Qwak - 3D Dotty - Repton Thru Tim
Software House: Superior Software
Author: Nick Pelling, Jamie Woodhouse, J. L. Harris, Matthew Atkinson

Barbarian - Pipeline - Baron - Monster
Software House: Superior Software
Author: Angelo Sparacino, Ian Holmes, William Reeves, Peter Scott, Dylan and Tim Dobson

The Last Ninja - By The Means or Foul - Skirmish - Blagge
Software House: Superior Software

Barbarian II - Hyperball - Percy Penguin - Pandemoniu
Software House: Superior Software
Author: Steve Parkinson, Peter Scott and John Llewellyn

PredatorNothing like it has ever been seen before! You've heard about the Schwarzennegger film Predator
Software House: Superior Software
Author: Various

Last Ninja 2 - Cyborg Warriors - Network - Ricoche
Software House: Superior Software
Author: Peter Scott, Tony Oakden, Niel Davidson and David Williams

Hostages - Vertigo - Perplexity - Pipemani
Software House: Superior Software
Author: Ian Grimstead, Peter Scott, David Lawrence and Ian Collinson

Holed out! - E-Type - Citadel 2 - Nevryon A collection of late BBC games, which in the case of E-Type and Citadel 2 have become quite rare
Software House: Superior Software
Author: Various

Repton 3Repton3 is probably the best-loved of all superior's games
Software House: Superior Software Ltd, Acornsoft
Author: Various

Compilation of games containing: Commando Palace Of Magic Killer Gorilla Killer Gorilla 2
Software House: Superior Software Ltd
Author: Various

Commando - Palace of Magic - Killer Gorilla - Killer Gorilla
Software House: Superior Software
Author: Trevor Harwood, John Nixon, Martyn Howard, Adrian Stephens and Christopher Hyde

Includes Frak!SpellbinderCosmic Camouflage Grand prix construction se
Software House: Superior Software Ltd

Includes Frak!SpellbinderCosmic Camouflage Grand prix construction se
Software House: Superior Software Ltd
Author: Various

Imogen - Elixir - Bug Blaster - Fortress - Moonraide
Software House: Superior Software
Author: Steve Evans, Richard Williams, Christopher Hyde, John Llewellyn, Micheal St. Aubyn, Daniel Elliott

Galaforce 2 - Hunchback - Hopper - The Sentinel - Video Reveng
Software House: Superior Software
Author: Kevin Edwards, Martin Galway, John Dyson, Neil Raine and Toby Butler

FiretrackElectric Dream's smash hitBonecruncherSuperior's humorous soap operaSnapperAcornsoft Arcade ClassicGhoulsMicro powers ghostly hi
Software House: Superior Software
Author: Various

Winter Olympiad 88Tynesoft's No
Software House: Superior Software Ltd, Acornsoft
Author: Various

Contains: Camelot Steve Davies Snooker Spycat The Life of Repton  
Software House: Acornsoft
Author: Tony Oakden (Camelot), Peter Scott (Spycat), Matthew Atkinson (The Life of Repton)

Camelot - Steve Davis Snooker - Spycat - The Life of Repto
Software House: Acornsoft Superior Software
Author: Tony Oakden, Peter Scott, Dylan and Matthew Atkinson

Clear a path through the vault and shove the Radioactive Plutonium canisters behind the safety barrier before all hell breaks loose and the Megapods oscillating Nuclids appear
Software House: Micro Power Ltd
Author: John Chaytor

You are in a noisy, smoky saloon bar with six seasoned poker players
Software House: Ducksoft
Author: Tim Pinone

A mapping package for schools to determine the abundance of life in the nations ponds
Software House: Granada
Author: Brian Nixon / GSN Software

7 Great Games for your BBC: Contraption - Caveman Capers - Wizzy's Mansion - Stix - Space Ranger - Ultron -Wong
Software House: Audiogenic Software Ltd.
Author: Various

Predator - the Schwarzenegger film - now you play the leading role
Software House: Blue Ribbon Software Ltd/ Superior Software
Author: Peter Scott

Software House: CodeMasters Software Company Ltd
Author: Michael Simpson, Terry Simpson

This is a text adventure game which features 300 locations, 3D illustrations and logical puzzles
Software House: Colisoft
Author: Colin Jack

A game with a similar gameplay loop to space invaders, however the invaders are able to take off again once they have landed
Software House: DK'Tronics
Author: David Hoskins

Has a version for the BBC on one side of the tape and Electron on the othe
Software House: Audiogenic Software Ltd.
Author: Gary Partis

This is an Adventure that will transport you to a dangerous land of crumbling ruins and trackless desert wastes into the PYRAMID OF DOOM! Jewels, gold - it's all here for the plundering - IF you can f ...
Software House: Adventure International
Author: Alvin Files, Scott Adams, Mak Jukic

A realistic and fun pool simulato
Software House: The Fourth Dimension
Author: Grahame Taylor, Alan Troth

Take control of Walter Cobra across 100 screens of puzzles and platforms in this 2D platform adventure game
Software House: Superior Software
Author: Acornsoft

Fantastic Four - Part One  
Software House: All American Adventures

Text adventure
Software House: Adventure International

A Scott Adams adventure
Software House: Scott Adams

The Soviets launch a nuclear strike against major cities in the United States and Canada
Software House: US Gold

Lay track on the screen in any layout you want
Software House: Stell Software
Author: Stell Software

Clean up that river! Can you balance the flow of sewage and factory waste into the river against the water drawn off to fill the reservoir so that rainbow trout are seen once again in one of ...
Software House: Cambridge Micro Software
Author: Steve Morris

Shoot 'em u
Software House: Blue Ribbon Sofdtware Ltd
Author: Blue Ribbon Software Ltd

Your task is to save the village of Austburg from imminent devastation
Software House: Superior Software/ Blue Ribbon
Author: Nicholas Chamberlain, Martin Edmondson

An aura of doom hangs over the mediaeval(sic) world of Albion, a primitive, mysterious world where magic still exists
Software House: Robico Software

Magic may only being used by those gifted with The Talent and is controlled by the Order of Leofric, Patreon of Magic and Discoverer of the 13 Realms of the Arcane
Software House: Robico Software

As the might of the alien Arcadian Empire tightens its hold on our galaxy, the leaders of the secret Earth organisation, SAROS, gather their slender resources into one last daring and foolhardy missio ...
Software House: US Gold

Now YOU can fly with the legendary Red Arrows - in the most challenging flight simulation ever! It's the most exciting, full colour flight simulator ever written for the home computer - and it uses e ...
Software House: Database Software
Author: Christopher Price

Red Moon is a text adventure which re-enacts a tale from the time where Magik still worked and when mythical monsters guarded fabulous treasure
Software House: Level 9 Computing
Author: David Williamson, Pete Austin

Relationships is based on data from the World Health Organisation
Software House: BBC Soft

"The object of Repton is to collect all the diamonds on each screen avoiding the falling rocks and lurking reptiles
Software House: Superior Software Ltd
Author: Timothy Tyler

Software House: Superior Software
Author: David Lawrence/ David Acton