Latest Additions
This list shows the computers, calculators, game consoles and peripherals that have been added to our collection recently.
Platform: FS-100
The FS-100 was released in 1995, as a flight simulator meant to run as a DOS program on computers in the mid 90s.
This is a 66% scale functioning model of the DEC PDP-8/I, first sold in 1968.
Released in 2017, the Lightwriter SL50 was designed as a text-to-speech device, to help people communicate.
Similar to the Domino ST8, this was retrofitted with a Raspberry Pi, for use as a portable computer.
It is a low-end computer from 1989, featuring an Intel 286 CPU running at 12MHz, featuring either a 20, 40 or 80 MB hard disk drive.
Camdata’s customer Domino were the first manufacturer of industrial ink jet printers used in product labelling and fast changing data printing (such as batch codes, sell by dates and customer addresses).
Platform: Storage Device
This is a cassette storage device which uses mini cassettes.
Platform: Sinclair Black Watch
This is a Black Digital Watch in kit form, every component held separately in a smart case.
Platform: Cambridge CAD
English Electric LEO Marconi magnetic tape that came from the Cambridge Computer Aided Design Centre.
The Lynx 48K was released in March 1983 as a home computer system to directly rival the Spectrum.
Resembling a Home Micro, with its all in one striking looking case, housing keyboard, main board and disk drive, this was a fully formed PC that was released after Schneider's successful partnership with Amstrad had ended in 1987.
Platform: StrongARM
The Intel StrongARM SA-1101 Microprocessor Companion Chip (SA-1101) allows developers to utilize a cost-effective and power-efficient solution for portable applications.
Platform: StrongARM
StrongARM SA-110S is a first digital microprocessor from the StrongARM family developed by Digital Equipment Corporation and manufactured in the 1995.
Platform: Z80
A BBC 2nd Processor board having 68000 microprocessors that can run a UNIX System III in case it is acquired as the Unicorn product variant, along with a Z80 processor that can run CPN, fitted with 25...
Platform: Multimeter
The Sinclair PFM200 frequency meter measures signals within the frequency band 20Hz to 200 MHz.
Platform: Multimeter
The Sinclair PDM35 digital multimeter is a compact, portable digital multimeter which measures AC and DC voltage, DC current and resistance on a LED display reading up to 1999.
The Sinclair SC110 is a low-power, lightweight, portable oscilloscope that was comparable to a standard bench instrument, according to Sinclair.
Platform: Amstrad PCW 8256
RAM Upgrade - PCW8256 used to install upgrades for the PCW8512.
Lego RCX 1.0 or the Robotics Command Control eXplorer (RCX) was sold as part of the Lego Mindstorms Robotic Invention System 1.0, released in 1998....
Logitech YR0032 UltraThin Bluetooth Magnetic Clip-On Keyboard Cover for Ipad...
Platform: PC
IBM External Keypad made in U.K. is one of the earliest versions of the later on created M15 Numeric Keypad released in 1994, 3 years later after IBM External Keypad release. This added a numerical ke...
The Dragon 64, launched in 1983, was exactly the same computer as the Dragon 32, except that it had 64k RAM instead of 32k, an OS9 operating system and a RS232C connector.
This is a case upgrade for the Sinclair QL, that amongst other things replaces the unreliable Microdrives with two 3.
The Casio PB-110 is a pocket computer that was released in 1983 as a follow-up to the PB-100.
The Nintendo Classic Mini: Super Nintendo Entertainment System has the same look and feel of the original system only smaller and comes pre-loaded with 21 games such as Super Mario World, The Legend o...
Platform: Sinclair ZX81
This centronics type parallel printer interface for the ZX81 can be attached to the computer to activate the printing feature for the Sinclair ZX81.
Super Space Invader2 is a game console that allows two players to fight the alien hordes at a time.
Platform: Nintendo Wii
This board, originally released alongside Wii Fit, containing four sensors which can be used to accurately check the amount of weight placed on the board, as well as how it is distributed across the surface.
This single-game console allows you to play a version of Space Invaders.
The GRiDCase computer is range of rugged laptops from GRiD Systems as a successor to the GRiD Compass laptops.
The Husky Hunter is a portable rugged computer that was developed by Husky Computers of Coventry in the 1980s for military and outdoor scientific and engineering uses.
The Newbear 77-68 was a first generation home computer that was based around the Motorola 6800 microprocessor.
Platform: 77-68
32K Dynaram board (issue A) for the Newbear 77-68 home computer, which was based around the Motorola 6800 microprocessor.
Platform: 77-68
ROM monitor board (issue A) for the Newbear 77-68 home computer, which was based around the Motorola 6800 microprocessor.
The Newbear 77-68 was a first generation home computer that was based around the Motorola 6800 microprocessor.
First model from Samsung's Galaxy Tab range of tablets.
The second iteration of the Kindle Paperwhite e-reader.
Flowchart template which includes symbols that conform to the international and American standards, as well as three symbols specific to IBM, off-page connector, transmittal tape, and keying.
Acclaimed third game in the long running one on one fighting game franchise.
Arcade system release by Sega in 1998 as a successor to the Sega Model 3.
Fun game where two players can play simultaneously and use there weapons and powerups to burst a series of balloons onscreen, they start off large, and as they are shot, divide into smaller and smaller balloons.
The game is a faster and trickier version of the classic Pac-man.
The Tandy EC-306 Electronic Chequebook calculator is a thin, chequebook-shaped calculator that features three continuous memories that allow you to keep record of your finances, alongside standard calculator functions.
The ASA CZ-1a "Pathfinder" calculator is an aviation computer which replaces the slide-rule calculator which would have been used previously.
Platform: Nintendo Game Boy
A camera add-on for the Game Boy that allowed users to take and edit simple photographs.
Educational machine designed to teach lessons to children from ages 5-8 years old.