Sinclair QL Games
The following is a list of Sinclair QL Games in the Centre for Computing History collection. It is not an exhaustive list of and other games may have been published. If you have any games or software that you would like to donate to our collection, please view our donations page.There are 15 Sinclair QL Games in our collection :
Order By : Title - Release Date - Publisher |
BJ is lost again! This time BJ must find his way out of a tortuous three dimensional maze
Software House: Eidersoft
Author: Janko Mrsic-Flogel
"Pit your wits against the Computer SCRABBLE Program
Software House: Leisure Genius
Author: Leisure Games
From the back of the box: "In 1944 Adolf Hitler was the master of Europe
Software House: Games Worksoft
Author: Dagenham Design Cell
FileBOUND checks existing documents and can create your own list of technical words to be added to the dictionary
Software House: PDQL
"One of the greatest dangers of Mortville Manor is its deadly charm: a house "calm" at the heart of the storm
Software House: Pyramide & Kyilkhor Creation
Author: Bruno Gourier, Bernard Grelaud (translation by Mick Andon)
"Not a game but a real full feature flight simulator for the Sinclair QL written by an Aeronautical Engineer for pilots and student pilots alike
Software House: Microdeal
Author: Dennis Silvestri
"All the powerful features you will need to obtain stunning results in both 4 colour (hi resolution) mode and 8 colour (low resolution) mode, together with probably the most user-friendly interface of ...
Software House: Pyramide
Author: Mick Andon
"STRIP POKER, as its name implies, could make playing cards with a computer a somewhat embarrassing experience! Denise, your attractive opponent, will always exchange an item of clothing for £20 ...
Software House: Talent Computer Systems
Author: Stefan Schmidt
QL Vroom is a motor racing game for the QL
Software House: Pyramide
Author: Daniel Macre
You are on the track of a notorious gang of robbers who have gone to ground near an abandoned mining town, deep in Indian territory
Software House: Talent Computer Systems
Author: Allan Black & Jon Malone