Computing Books published by Micro Press

The following is a list of Computing Books published by Micro Press in the Centre for Computing History collection. It is not an exhaustive list of and other books may have been published. If you have a book that you would like to donate to our collection, please view our donations page.

There are 12 Computing Books published by Micro Press in our collection :
Order By : Title - Release Date - Publisher
20 Games For The Oric 1 Date: 1983 20 Games For The Oric 1

These 20 diverse and highly entertaining games are self contained and easy to enter, and will provide hours of pleasure, using the capabilities of your ORIC to the full. The process of entering the programs will provide insight into the many and varied techniques used in the compilation of programs of this sort. By exploring fully the challenges of computer programming with this book, the reader not only finds games of lasting interest, but may gain insight into sound programming techniques, to be able to originate and write his own games in the future.

Publisher: Micro Press
Author: Wynford James
Platform: ORIC-1

Quality Programs for the BBC Micro Date: 1983 Quality Programs for the BBC Micro

Publisher: Micro Press
Author: Simon
Platform: BBC Micro

The Micro Maze: A Guide To Personal Computing Date: 1983 The Micro Maze: A Guide To Personal Computing

This is a guide through the Maze of Microcomputing. The first chapter defines sound reasons for buying a Micro - why we enter the maze in the first place - and provides a brief history of the development of computing. The author describes in simple terms how a Micro works, and takes you up to writing your own simple programs. He leads you through the bewildering choice of Micros by a comparison of the main features of all the popular machines on the market, to help you decide which machine best suits your needs. The strengths and weaknesses of the various programming languages are covered, as well as the peripherals on the market. This book draws together all the various pieces of the jigsaw - the Micro's components, the choice of popular machines, programming and programming languages - to draw you a map of the Micro Maze, so that you can get to the heart of this challenging new technology.

Publisher: Micro Press
Author: Wynford James
Platform: Microcomputers

Machine Code for Beginners on the Amstrad Date: 1984 Machine Code for Beginners on the Amstrad

Publisher: Micro Press
Author: Steve Kramer
Platform: Amstrad CPC464

Quality Programs for the Electron Date: 1984 Quality Programs for the Electron

18 programs to help you make full use of the Electron's facilities; but not just listings - detailed explanations of these structured programs are given to help you learn sound programming techniques, and increase the power and creativity of your own programming.

Publisher: Micro Press
Author: Simon
Platform: Acorn Electron

Advancing with the Electron Date: 1984 Advancing with the Electron

This book is a comprehensive guide to programming the Electron. An insight into all the areas of coding is provided by covering Input/ Output, Variables and Constants, Memory, Loops, Sorting and Searching- in detail. The book takes you on a logical route through the five recognised stages of programming: establishment of the OBJECTIVE, DEVELOPMENT, CODING, TESTING, and DOCUMENTATION. Time spent on proper establishment of the OBJECTIVE and DEVELOPMENT will pay for itself tenfold in terms of time wasted on TESTING (debugging) a program written straight into code.

Publisher: Micro Press
Author: Peter Seal
Platform: Acorn Electron

The Spectrum Operating System Date: 1984 The Spectrum Operating System

Publisher: Micro Press
Author: Steve Kramer
Platform: ZX Spectrum

Interfacing and Robotics on the BBC Micro Date: 1985 Interfacing and Robotics on the BBC Micro


Publisher: Micro Press
Author: Ray Bradley
Platform: BBC Micro

Plus/4 Magic for Beginners Date: 1985 Plus/4 Magic for Beginners

This introduction to the Commodore Plus/4 provides newcomers to the machine with a comprehensive guide to all the facilities available.

The book is divided into four sections with the first providing a review of the machine itself and applications software. The next  two sections are devoted to the use of ROM software and the hardware, whilst the final section covers the subject of programming.

Publisher: Micro Press
Author: Bill Bennett
Platform: Commodore Plus/4

Graphics programming techniques on the Amstrad CPC 464 Date: 1985 Graphics programming techniques on the Amstrad CPC 464

Publisher: Micro Press
Author: Wynford James
Platform: Amstrad CPC 464

BBC Micro Disk Drives Date: 1985 BBC Micro Disk Drives

This book describes the use of disk drives with the BBC Micro. 

Publisher: Micro Press
Author: R. D. Bagnall
Platform: BBC Micro

BASIC Programming on the Amstrad Computers CPC 464, 664 and 6128 Date: 1986 BASIC Programming on the Amstrad Computers CPC 464, 664 and 6128

Publisher: Micro Press
Author: Wynford James
Platform: CPC 464, 664 and 6128

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