Computing Books published by Sunshine Books
The following is a list of Computing Books published by Sunshine Books in the Centre for Computing History collection. It is not an exhaustive list of and other books may have been published. If you have a book that you would like to donate to our collection, please view our donations page.There are 28 Computing Books published by Sunshine Books in our collection :
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The working spectrum is based on a collection of solid sophisticated programs in areas such as data storage, finance, calculation, graphics, household management and education.
Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: David Lawrence

In this novel approach to the language Boris Allan finds a way through Forth, by looking at how it works and how it functions. This is not a manual - Boris Allan is more concentrated with the use of forth in analysing its logical implications ad in the use of graphics than with the more mundane numerical applications.
Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: Boris Allan
Platform: BBC Micro

The graphics in this book match the style and the sophistication of the BBC computer and its basic language. Boris Allan shows what can be achieved with turtle graphics - the most powerful and artistic way of programming graphics on a computer.
Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: Boris Allan
Platform: BBC Micro

Step by step instructions guide you in constructing a wealth of gadgetry. At the same time you will build an understanding of the principles of digital and analogue input and output.
Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: John Billingsley
Platform: BBC Micro

Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: Mike Grace
Platform: Commodore 64

Publisher: Sunshine Books (An imprint of Scot Press Ltd)
Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: John Scriven and Patrick Hall
Platform: BBC Micro

The Working Dragon 32:
A Library of Practical Subroutines and Programs
by David Lawrence
ISBN 0946408017 / 9780946408016 / 0-946408-01-7
Publisher Harcourt Education
Language English
Edition Softcover
Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: David Lawrence
Platform: Dragon 32

Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: David Lawrence, Mark England
Platform: Commodore 64

Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: David Lawrence
Platform: Commodore 64

Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: Keith Brain / Steven Brain
Platform: Dragon 32

Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: Tony Bridge & Roy Carnell
Platform: Sinclair ZX Spectrum

Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: Keith & Steven Brain
Platform: Dragon 32

The book explains Al from first principles and assumes no previous knowledge of the subject. All the important aspects of Al are covered and are fully illustrated with example programs.
Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: Keith and Steven Brain
Platform: BBC Micro

This book explains all the mathematical utilities. In fact, all the mathematical functions that you find on the BBC and Electron computers are described. Their use is illustrated in short programs that you can lift and use within your own programs that you can lift and use within your own programs. Sample program runs are also included.
Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: Czes Kosniowski
Platform: BBC Micro

Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: David Lawrence
Platform: Commodore 16

This is a book for everyone who owns a micro. It is aimed at those users who want more than a games machine and wish to put their micro to work. It shows how a database, a spreadsheet and a word processor can help you in many different ways.
Using everyday examples based on his extensive experience the author explains how a database can be of help in running your home, in extending your hobbies, in taking away the drudge of pen, paper and book.
Word processing - the magic talisman to solve your problems or so the advertisements tell you. But many people dabble and find a whirlpool of inexplicable symbols and cryptic jargon. It need not be so.
How many of us need spreadsheets and financial planning? We all deal with money and figures. A simple knowledge of how to manipulate money inside your micro can lessen the drudgery of these essential tasks.
Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: Mike Grace
Platform: Microcomputers

Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: David Lawrence and Mark England
Platform: Commodore 64

Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: David Lawrence
Platform: Commodore 64

Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: Keith and Steven Brain
Platform: Dragon 32

Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: John Scriven and Patrick Hall
Platform: Commodore 64

If you own an Electron computer and are looking to put it to more serious use, then this is the book for you.
Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: John Scriven
Platform: Acorn Electron

Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: Keith and Steven Brain
Platform: Sinclair QL

This book is intended to show you how to develop serious applications programs for use on your Amstrad CPC 464 or 664. David Lawrence emphasises throughout the importance of good program planning and design, and illustrates the principal points with a host of examples.
The book begins with a look at the advantages of modular programming, which makes subsequent checking and debugging on your routines much easier. There follow chapters of debugging, proper methods of inputting information, string handling techniques, error trapping, storage and retrieval, data structures, sorting and searching.
At each stage there are handy hints and tips which suggest new ways of tackling problems - how to save greater volumes of data in your Amstrad's memory, or how to sort a long list of items efficiently. These make the book a handy ready reference to have available whenever you are tackling a new and potentially difficult program.
Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: David Lawrence
Platform: Amstrad CPC 464/664

If you're the proud owner of a new Atari 520 ST, or if you're wondering whether you should buy one, then this book is for you.
Jeremy Vine describes in detail all the features of this revolutionary new micro, including the window - icon - mouse based GEM operating system from Digital Research, which gives the ST a user interface as friendly and powerful as that on the Apple Macintosh.
Also covered are the ST operating system, TOS, the Atari Intelligent Keyboard controller, the sound and graphics chips, input and output ports, and the custom microprocessors.
The Atari ST Companion gives you all the information you need to take full advantage of all the sophisticated facilities - the "power without the price" - of the machine, whether you are using it for programming, business or just for fun.
Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: Jeremy Vine
Platform: Atari ST

Andrew Pennell describes all the features of QDOS. Each system call is covered, not only in terms if its function and its use, but also the exact steps it takes when carrying out its task. The complete input/output process is explained, including how device drivers wok, an how to add your own to the system. The author also leads you through he various system variables and tables, as well as describing how to access the I/O ports within the machine.
Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: Andrew Pennnell
Platform: Sinclair QL

An introductory guide to the hardware
This is a book for people who want to know how their Sinclair QL ticks. It will guide you, even if you have no knowledge of electronics, to an understanding of electronics, to an understanding of what is going on inside the case of your computer.
Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: Jeff Naylor and Diane Rogers
Platform: QL

Ian Waugh has written 'Making Music on the Amstrad CPC 464 and 664' for the many owners of these micros who would like to take advantage of their sophisticated sound facilities, to write musical programs.
Ian Waugh is a professional musician and keen micro enthusiast, who shows you how you can make the Amstrad play music of all kinds, including effects like vibrato, echo, trills, polyphonic music and even sound effects like seagulls and ricochets. Did you know, for example, that you can turn your Amstrad into a drum synthesiser or rhythm unit using a BASIC program?
Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: Ian Waugh
Platform: Amstrad CPC 464 and 664

Publisher: Sunshine Books
Author: Jeff Naylor and Diane Rogers
Platform: Amstrad CPC464