Computing Games written by Brian Howarth

The following is a list of Computing Games written by Brian Howarth in the Centre for Computing History collection. It is not an exhaustive list of and other games may have been published. If you have any games or software that you would like to donate to our collection, please view our donations page.

There are 17 Computing Games written by Brian Howarth in our collection :
Order By : Title - Release Date - Publisher
Arrow of Death Part 1 Date: 1982 Arrow of Death Part 1

Software House: Digital Fantasia
Author: Brian Howarth
Platform : BBC Micro

Arrow of Death Part 1 Date: 1982 Arrow of Death Part 1

Arrow of Death Part 1 is a graphic text adventure that uses the Scott Adams text adventure engine

Software House: Channel 8 Software
Author: Brian Howarth
Platform : Commodore 64

Arrow of Death Part 2 Date: 1982 Arrow of Death Part 2

Software House: Channel 8 Software
Author: Brian Howarth
Platform : Commodore 64

Circus Date: 1982 Circus

Software House: Adventure Soft (UK) Ltd
Author: Brian Howarth
Platform : BBC Micro

Gremlins - The Adventure Date: 1984 Gremlins - The Adventure

Software House: Adventure International
Author: Brian Howarth
Platform : Commodore C16 / Commodore Plus 4

Perseus & Andromeda Date: 1983 Perseus & Andromeda

Software House: Channel 8 Software
Author: Brian Howarth
Platform : BBC Micro

Perseus & Andromeda Date: Perseus & Andromeda

No inlay cove

Software House:
Author: Brian Howarth
Platform : Commodore C16 / Commodore Plus 4

Questprobe Featuring Spider-Man Date: 1984 Questprobe Featuring Spider-Man

A text adventure with still images depicting various locations and characters throughout the story

Software House: Adventure Internaional
Author: Brian Howarth
Platform : Commodore 64

Spider-Man Date: Spider-Man

A text adventure in which players are put into the shoes of Spider-Man and must foil the plot of the dastardly Chief Examiner

Software House: Americana
Author: Brian Howarth
Platform : BBC Micro

Ten Little Indians Date: 1984 Ten Little Indians

Text Adventure

Software House: Paxman
Author: Brian Howarth
Platform : Commodore C16 / Commodore Plus 4

Ten Little Indians Date: 1983 Ten Little Indians

Mysterious Adventures: Ten Little Indians "The Train clatters along the lines relentlessly, you stare out of the window at the seemingly endless countryside rolling by

Software House: Digital Fantasia
Author: Brian Howarth
Platform : BBC

The Golden Baton Date: 1982 The Golden Baton

Software House: Digital Fantasia
Author: Brian Howarth
Platform : Acorn BBC Micro

The Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle Date: 1984 The Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle

Software House: Adventure International
Author: Brian Howarth
Platform : Commodore 64

The Time Machine Date: The Time Machine

Software House: Paxman Promotions
Author: Brian Howarth
Platform : Acorn Electron

The Time Machine (Mysterious Adventures) Date: 1987 The Time Machine (Mysterious Adventures)

"Trapped in a thick fog on the moors while searching for the house of Dr Potter, you begin to wonder just what sort of story will unfold for your newspapers about the strange goings on that have been ...

Software House: Paxman Promotions
Author: Brian Howarth
Platform : Commodore C16 / Commodore Plus 4

Time Machine Date: 1983 Time Machine

Software House: Digital Fantasia
Author: Brian Howarth
Platform : BBC Micro

Waxworks Date: 1983 Waxworks

Software House: Adventure Soft (UK) Ltd
Author: Brian Howarth
Platform : BBC Micro

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