Computing Games written by Peter Killworth
The following is a list of Computing Games written by Peter Killworth in the Centre for Computing History collection. It is not an exhaustive list of and other games may have been published. If you have any games or software that you would like to donate to our collection, please view our donations page.There are 9 Computing Games written by Peter Killworth in our collection :
Order By : Title - Release Date - Publisher |
Software House: Topologika
Author: Peter Killworth
Platform : Acorn Archimedes
A maths adventure for ages 10 to adult loosely based on Jack and the Beanstalk
Software House: Topologika
Author: Peter Killworth
Platform : Acorn Archimedes
Graphical representations of some of the puzzles from the adventure game Giant Killer intended to help players come to a solution if they are stuck
Software House: Topologika
Author: Peter Killworth
Platform : Acorn Archimedes
Kindly Donated By Chris Whytehead Contains the playing card set
Software House: Acornsoft
Author: Peter Killworth
Platform : Acorn Electron
An Adventure game that you need your wits for as you have to make decisions weigh up risks and more
Software House: Acornsoft Games
Author: Peter Killworth
Platform : BBC Micro
Kindly Donated By Chris Whytehead Contains hint shee
Software House: Acornsoft
Author: Peter Killworth
Platform : Acorn Electron
The best in British adventure game
Software House: Topologika
Author: Peter Killworth
Platform : BBC Micro
Part 3 of the DOOM Adventure TrilogyIncludes a copy of Hezarin
Software House: Topologika
Author: Peter Killworth
Platform : BBC Micro