BBC Micro Peripheral

The following is a list of BBC Micro Peripheral in the Centre for Computing History collection. It is not an exhaustive list of and other peripherals may have been produced. If you have any hardware that you would like to donate to our collection, please view our donations page.

There are 241 BBC Micro Peripheral in our collection :
Order By : Title - Release Date - Publisher
 Acorn BBC Winchester Disc 120 Date: 1984 Acorn BBC Winchester Disc 120

External Hard Disk for the BBC Microcomputer

Manufacturer : Acorn Computers Ltd

3.5-inch Disk Drive for BBC Date: 3.5-inch Disk Drive for BBC

Serial Number: 7110102

Manufacturer :

5.25-inch Disk Drive for BBC Date: 5.25-inch Disk Drive for BBC

Serial Number: 3270

Manufacturer : Watford Electronics

Acorn 1MB 'A' Second Processor Date: Acorn 1MB 'A' Second Processor

A prototype ARM1 second processor (Issue A) with 1MB (32 x 32kB) RAM

Manufacturer : Acorn

Acorn 32016 Co-Processor Date: 1985 Acorn 32016 Co-Processor

This is the 32016 2nd processor, the rarest of the Acorn 2nd processors

Manufacturer : Acorn Computers Limited

Acorn 6502 Issue F Second Processor Date: 1983 Acorn 6502 Issue F Second Processor

This unit connects via the Tube second processor interface and converts a BBC Micro into a dual-processor system

Manufacturer : Acorn Computers

Acorn 6502 Second Processor Date: Acorn 6502 Second Processor

This unit connects via the Tube second processor interface and converts a BBC Micro into a dual-processor system

Manufacturer : Acorn

Acorn A500 Second Processor - Development Board Date: Acorn A500 Second Processor - Development Board

We believe this was a precursor to the A500 development system, and because it could be hosted over Tube to a BBC, allowed the operating system to be developed for the A500 as the BBC could host the i ...

Manufacturer : Acorn Computers Ltd

Acorn AEH15 Type 1 Econet Terminator Date: Acorn AEH15 Type 1 Econet Terminator

The Acorn Type 1 Terminator is powered by an 8V DC power supply and has a single Econet socket

Manufacturer : Acorn Computers Ltd

Acorn ANE02 Prestel Adapter Date: Acorn ANE02 Prestel Adapter

The Acorn Prestel Adapter is a 1200/75 baud dial-up modem designed to connect a BBC Micro to the Post Office's Prestel viewdata system

Manufacturer : Acorn Computers Ltd

Acorn ANH01 BBC Micro Joysticks Date: Acorn ANH01 BBC Micro Joysticks

This pair of official Acorn joysticks was designed to be connected to the BBC Micro's analogue port

Manufacturer : Acorn Computers

Acorn BBC Micro 5.25-inch Disk Drive Date: Acorn BBC Micro 5.25-inch Disk Drive

This is a 40-track, single sided, 100k, 5

Manufacturer : Acorn Computers

Acorn BBC Micro Speech System Date: 1983 Acorn BBC Micro Speech System

A speech system upgrade for the BBC Micro

Manufacturer : Acorn Computers

Acorn BBC Upgrade Board Date: Acorn BBC Upgrade Board

This small board (marked 0223

Manufacturer : Acorn

Acorn BBC Winchester Disc 110 Date: 1984 Acorn BBC Winchester Disc 110

External Hard Disk for the BBC Microcomputer

Manufacturer : Acorn Computers Ltd

Acorn BBC Winchester Disc 130 Date: 1984 Acorn BBC Winchester Disc 130

This is an Acorn Computers Winchester Disc 130 with 30MB of storage

Manufacturer : Acorn Computers Ltd

Acorn Cambridge Co-Processor (32016) Date: March 1987 Acorn Cambridge Co-Processor (32016)

The Acorn Cambridge Co-processor is a development of the 32016 2nd processor

Manufacturer : Acorn Computers Limited

Acorn Computer ROM Emulator Date: Acorn Computer ROM Emulator

This expansion board for the BBC Microcomputer allows up to eight ROMs to be bankswitched into a single socket

Manufacturer : Acorn Computers Ltd

Acorn Data Recorder ANF03 Date: 1982 Acorn Data Recorder ANF03

The Acorn Data Recorder was the official tape player for the BBC Micro range of computers, featuring a 7-pin DIN connection to the BBC Micro, the tape motor was controlled by the BBC Micro thereby sta ...

Manufacturer : Acorn Computers Ltd

Acorn Econet Access Point Date: Acorn Econet Access Point

This small box allows two computers to connect to an Econet

Manufacturer : Acorn Computers Ltd

Acorn Econet Hardware Upgrade Kit Date: 1983 Acorn Econet Hardware Upgrade Kit

This kit contains the hardware parts necessary to upgrade any BBC Micro to include an Econet Interface

Manufacturer : Acorn

Acorn Econet Test Box Date: Acorn Econet Test Box

This Acorn box is designed to be attached between an Econet network and a unit to be tested

Manufacturer : Acorn Computers Ltd

Acorn Electron Tube Interface Date: Acorn Electron Tube Interface

Manufacturer : Acorn Computers

Acorn Filestore E01S Date: Acorn Filestore E01S

The FileStore is a development from earlier servers operating on a BBC microcomputer with a co-processor

Manufacturer : Acorn

Acorn Filestore E40S Date: Acorn Filestore E40S

The FileStore is a development from earlier servers operating on a BBC microcomputer with a co-processor

Manufacturer : Acorn

Acorn FIT Test Board Date: 1983 Acorn FIT Test Board

The Final Inspection Testing System (FIT) was designed to test the BBC Micro after it had been fully assembled, and just before it was packed and dispatched, whether by a manufacturer or a dealer who ...

Manufacturer : Acorn

Acorn IEEE 488 Interface Date: Acorn IEEE 488 Interface

This unit provides an RS488 interface for the BBC Micro computer

Manufacturer : Acorn

Acorn JP-101 Printer Date: Acorn JP-101 Printer

The Acorn JP101 "spark ink jet" printer was an Acorn badged Olivetti printer

Manufacturer : Olivetti

Acorn LVL P.L. Digitiser System Date: 1982 Acorn LVL P.L. Digitiser System

The A4 sales leaflet describes this system for the BBC Micro as follows:   The PL GRAPHICS SYSTEM is a complete hardware and software package for use with the BBC Model B Microcomputer, offerin ...

Manufacturer : LVL

Acorn Music 500 Synthesizer Date: 1984 Acorn Music 500 Synthesizer

The Acorn Music 500 is a sound and music synthesizer package consisting of hardware and software which will turn your BBC Micro into a sophisticated composition aid and sound effects generator

Manufacturer : Hybrid Technology

Acorn PET Test Board Date: 1983 Acorn PET Test Board

The Acorn Progressive Establishment Testing System (PET) was the middle stage in the test equipment supplied by Acorn (between FIT and ICE) for the BBC Micro

Manufacturer : Acorn

Acorn Prestel Adapter Production Field Test Unit Date: Acorn Prestel Adapter Production Field Test Unit

This Acorn Teletext/Prestel adaptor is a Production Field Test unit

Manufacturer : Acorn Computers Ltd

Acorn Second Processor Prototype PCB Date: Acorn Second Processor Prototype PCB

An unused printed circuit board for a BBC Micro 2nd processor

Manufacturer : Acorn

Acorn Teletext Adapter Date: Acorn Teletext Adapter

This unit for the BBC Micro allows it to access Teletext data

Manufacturer : Acorn

Acorn Type 2 Econet Clock Box Date: Acorn Type 2 Econet Clock Box

This box provides the timing signals required by an Econet network

Manufacturer : Acorn Computers Ltd

Acorn Universal Second Processor Unit Date: 1987 Acorn Universal Second Processor Unit

The Universal Second Processor Unit is a second processor unit that allows any BBC Master internal co-processor boards to be installed, thereby allowing the BBC B and B+ to use them as external co-p ...

Manufacturer : Acorn Computers

Acorn Z80 Second Processor Date: Acorn Z80 Second Processor

This unit connects via the Tube second processor interface and converts a BBC Micro into a dual-processor system

Manufacturer : Acorn

Adder EPROM Programmer Date: 1986 Adder EPROM Programmer

This EPROM programmer from Watford Electronics connects to the BBC Micro user port

Manufacturer : Watford Electronics

Adonic Electronics Light Pen Date: 1983 Adonic Electronics Light Pen

A light pen for the BBC Micro

Manufacturer : Adonic Electronics Ltd

Advanced Technology Products AuToPrommer Date: Advanced Technology Products AuToPrommer

The AuToPrommer is an EPROM programmer with auto-run from Advanced Technology Products Ltd

Manufacturer : Advanced Technology Products Ltd

Akhter UFD Bridge Dual Drive Date: Akhter UFD Bridge Dual Drive

 This dual disk drive 'User Friendly Drive' unit by Akhter sits over the top of the BBC Micro, providing two 5

Manufacturer : Akhter

Alfred the Robot Arm Date: 1984 Alfred the Robot Arm

Alfred from Robot City Technology The 'Alfred' arm made its first appearance in a series of constructional articles in Everyday Electronics magazine in late 1984

Manufacturer : Robot City

ALTA1 Special Joystick Date: ALTA1 Special Joystick

For BBC computers

Manufacturer : Alta

Alta1 Trackball Date: Alta1 Trackball

For use with BBC computers and video games

Manufacturer :

Altai Joystick Splitter Lead Date: Altai Joystick Splitter Lead

This lead by Altai allows you to connect two joysticks to the BBC Micro

Manufacturer : Altai

ANF01 Monochrome Monitor Date: ANF01 Monochrome Monitor

This green-screen monitor has composite inputs and was designed for use with the BBC Micro

Manufacturer : Novex

Aries B12 Date: 1984 Aries B12

The Aries B12, by Cambridge Computer Consultants Ltd, is a sideways ROM expansion for the BBC Micro Model B

Manufacturer : Cambridge Computer Consultants Ltd

Aries B20 Date: 1983 Aries B20

20K RAM expansion for the BBC Micro Model B, made by Cambridge Computer Consultants Ltd

Manufacturer : Cambridge Computer Consultants Ltd

Aries B32 RAM Board Date: 1985 Aries B32 RAM Board

The Aries-B32 is a single plug-in board for the BBC Micro, produced by Watford Electronics, giving an extra 32K of RAM plus a 16K sideways ROM socket

Manufacturer : Watford Electronics

Aries-B488 Interface for BBC Micro Date: Aries-B488 Interface for BBC Micro

Interface for BBC Micro model B, for interconnection of programmable laboratory instruments and control equipment

Manufacturer : Aries

ATPL Break-Lock Date: ATPL Break-Lock

Fix ATPL BreakLock to your BBC Micro and avoid disaster where inadvertant use of 'break' will cause loss of data and/or programmes

Manufacturer : ATPL

ATPL Sidewise - Sideways ROM/RAM Board Date: 1983 ATPL Sidewise - Sideways ROM/RAM Board

The ATPL (Advanced Technology Products Limited) Sidewise board provides an expansion of the Sideways ROM facility of the BBC Microcomputer, increasing support from four devices up to the maximum of ...

Manufacturer : ATPL

ATPL Sidewise+ ROM Expansion Date: 1986 ATPL Sidewise+ ROM Expansion

The Advanced Technology Products Ltd Sidewise+ board was developed to provide ROM expansion for the BBC Micro B+

Manufacturer : ATPL

Azimuth Head Alignment Kit/Joe Blade Date: 1st January 1989 Azimuth Head Alignment Kit/Joe Blade

Manufacturer : Interceptor Software

BBC Advanced Teletext Receiver Date: 1988 BBC Advanced Teletext Receiver

The BBC Microcomputer System Advanced Teletext Receiver was made by GIS (General Information Systems Ltd) with co-operation from the BBC

Manufacturer : Acorn

BBC AMX Mouse Date: 1985 BBC AMX Mouse

The AMX mouse was a 3 button mouse which plugged into the BBC Micro's User port

Manufacturer : AMX

BBC AMX Mouse Date: 1985 BBC AMX Mouse

The AMX mouse was a 3 button mouse which plugged into the BBC Micro's User port

Manufacturer : AMX

BBC Buggy Date: 1983 BBC Buggy

The BBC Buggy was a computer controlled vehicle released by Economatics in 1983

Manufacturer : Acorn

BBC Econet Module Adaptor Date: BBC Econet Module Adaptor

This circuit board is a home brew board that allowed a BBC Master Econet to talk to a BBC Micr

Manufacturer : Acorn Computers Ltd

BBC Interface DCP Bus Expansion Date: 1980 BBC Interface DCP Bus Expansion

This expansion unit connects to the BBC Micro/Master 1MHz user port

Manufacturer : DCP Microdevelopments

BBC Joystick Converter Date: 1984 BBC Joystick Converter

This handy box allows you convert the BBC's 15-pin joystick into the standard 9-pin Atari type one

Manufacturer : Bud Software

BBC Micro Dust Cover Date: BBC Micro Dust Cover

A Beige hard plastic dust cover for the BBC Micro

Manufacturer :

BBC Micro MMC Interface Date: BBC Micro MMC Interface

This modern accessory for the BBC Micro connects through the user port and allows a modern MMC card to be mounted as a DFS drive

Manufacturer :

BBC Micro Prototype PCB Date: 1983 BBC Micro Prototype PCB

A printed circuit board for a prototype BBC Micro

Manufacturer : Acorn

BBC Micro Red Box Date: 1986 BBC Micro Red Box

The Red Box system is an early home automation system designed to integrate with home computers

Manufacturer : Human-Computer Interface Ltd

BBC Micro ROM Paging System Date: BBC Micro ROM Paging System

A 13-ROM expansion board for the BBC Micro

Manufacturer : Watford Electronics

BBC-Z88 Link Date: BBC-Z88 Link

The cable allows you to connect your Z88 to a BBC Micro

Manufacturer : Watford Electronics

Beaver Control Kit Date: Beaver Control Kit

This free-standing interface connects to the BBC Micro through the user port and allows you to connect a variety of sensors and output devices

Manufacturer : Unilab Limited

Beaver Sensing Kit Date: Beaver Sensing Kit

The Beaver Sensing Card is a simple analogue interface that connects to a BBC Microcomputer or to the Archimedes range of computers

Manufacturer : Unilab Limited

BEEB Speech Synthesizer Date: 1984 BEEB Speech Synthesizer

The Watford Electronics BBC speech synthesizer uses an allophone system to give the user an unlimited vocabulary and the capability to speak any English word

Manufacturer : Watford Electronics

BeebOPL Kit (Assembled) Date: 2016 BeebOPL Kit (Assembled)

The BeebOPL is a modern peripheral designed for the BBC Micro

Manufacturer : Robert Lazarus

Beebug Archimedes Serial Link Date: Beebug Archimedes Serial Link

A serial link cable for transfering files between Acorn Archimedes and the BBC Micro or Master Series computers

Manufacturer : Beebug


The Acorn Bitstik Graphics System is a precision drawing instrument for use in schematic and component drawings, plans and layouts for the BBC Micro Model B

Manufacturer : Acorn Computer

Care Electronics PSU Date: Care Electronics PSU

This switch-mode power supply provides two output sockets compatible with the BBC Micro's disk drive power connector

Manufacturer : Care Electronics

Care Electronics User Port Switcher Date: Care Electronics User Port Switcher

The Care Electronics User Port Switcher allows enables two peripherals to use the same user port

Manufacturer : Care Electronics

CLARE Input/Output Board Date: 1985 CLARE Input/Output Board

CLARE (Control Logo and the Real Environment) has been designed to build on the open ended nature of Logo with the specific aim of providing a suitable environment for pupils to easily explore control ...

Manufacturer : Advisory Unit for Computer Based Education

Computek Trackball Date: Computek Trackball

The Computek Analog Trackball is specifically designed for use with the IBM Personal Computer, Apple II, Apple IIe, Radio Shack TRS-80 colour computer, or BBC Micro

Manufacturer : Computek

Computer Village CVX-16 Memory Expansion Board Iss 2 Date: February 1984 Computer Village CVX-16 Memory Expansion Board Iss 2

This expansion board for the BBC Micro allows up to 16 paged ROMs to be fitted or, in alternate configurations, software switched paged ROMs or paged RAM

Manufacturer : Computer Village

Computer Village Floppy Disc Controller Date: Computer Village Floppy Disc Controller

The Computer Village floppy disc controller is a board which plugs into the 8271 FDC socket and the 6522 socket (the 6522 is plugged into the contoller board)

Manufacturer : Computer Village

Computer-Printer Selector Date: Computer-Printer Selector

Printer interface for access to printer by multiple computers

Manufacturer : Care Electronics

Concept A3 Universal 2010 Keyboard Date: 1990 Concept A3 Universal 2010 Keyboard

The Concept keyboard was originally designed for the BBC Micro, having a touch sensitive membrane panel typically with 128 squares labelled 00 - 127

Manufacturer : Concept

Concept A3-128 Keyboard Date: 1990 Concept A3-128 Keyboard

The Concept keyboard was originally designed for the BBC Micro, having a touch sensitive membrane panel typically with 128 squares labelled 00 - 128

Manufacturer : Concept

Concept A4-128 Tablet Keyboard Date: 1990 Concept A4-128 Tablet Keyboard

The Concept Keyboard Company made overlay keyboards for Acorn, Research Machines and other computers

Manufacturer : Concept Keyboard Company

Concept Informatrix Keyboard Date: 1990 Concept Informatrix Keyboard

The Concept Informatrix 4096 keyboard is useful for making irregular shapes

Manufacturer : Concept

CTL Model 423 EPROM Programmer Date: 1985 CTL Model 423 EPROM Programmer

This CTL (Control Telemetry of London) EPROM programmer is a complete hardware and software package that enables you to program EPROM and EEPROM devices with an Acorn BBC micro

Manufacturer : CTL

Cumana 40/80 Track Disk Drive for the BBC Microcomputer (CSX400) Date: Cumana 40/80 Track Disk Drive for the BBC Microcomputer (CSX400)

This Cumana 5

Manufacturer : Cumana

Cumana 5.25-inch Disk Drive (CS400) Date: Cumana 5.25-inch Disk Drive (CS400)

Double-sided, 80-track, 5

Manufacturer : Cumana

Cumana 68008 Issue 1 Second Processor Date: 1985 Cumana 68008 Issue 1 Second Processor

A 68008 second processor board for the BBC Micro

Manufacturer : Cumana

Cumana 68008 Issue 2 Second Processor Date: 1985 Cumana 68008 Issue 2 Second Processor

A 68008 2nd processor board for the BBC Micro

Manufacturer : Cumana

Cumana 68008 Issue A Pre-Production Second Processor Date: 1985 Cumana 68008 Issue A Pre-Production Second Processor

A 68008 second processor board for the BBC Micro

Manufacturer : Cumana

Cumana Flat Dual Disk Drive Date: Cumana Flat Dual Disk Drive

Dual double sided, 80-track switchable 5

Manufacturer : Cumana

Cumana Flat Dual Disk Drive Non Switchable Date: Cumana Flat Dual Disk Drive Non Switchable

Dual double sided, 80-track switchable 5

Manufacturer : Cumana

Cumana Graphic Tablet Date: Cumana Graphic Tablet

This small graphics tablet connects to the BBC Micro and includes stylus and graphics software

Manufacturer : Cumana

Cumana Twin 5.25-inch Disk Drive Unit Date: 1982 Cumana Twin 5.25-inch Disk Drive Unit

This was commonly used with the BBC Microcomputer

Manufacturer : Cumana

Dolphin Mimic Speech Synthesizer Date: 1985 Dolphin Mimic Speech Synthesizer

This interface is a speech synthesizer designed to assist the visually impaired when using a computer

Manufacturer : Dolphin For People With Disabilities Ltd

Dual Power Supply for BBC Micro Disc Drives Date: Dual Power Supply for BBC Micro Disc Drives

This mains power supply allows you to power two BBC Micro disc drives (or other peripherals that use a compatible plug)

Manufacturer :

Econet System Kit Date: 1984 Econet System Kit

This kit provides everything needed to connect up to six BBC Microcomputers together with an Econet network

Manufacturer : Acorn Computers

Electroplan IEEE488 Interface Date: Electroplan IEEE488 Interface

This unit allows you to connect your BBC Micro to a standard IEEE 488 bus

Manufacturer : Electroplan

EMR BBC MIDI Interface Unit Date: EMR BBC MIDI Interface Unit

The ElectroMusic Research (EMR) BBC MIDI Interface connects an instrument with a MIDI socket to the BBC User port and 1Mz Bus

Manufacturer : ElectroMusic Research

Expansion Board Kit Date: October 1988 Expansion Board Kit

An electronics project kit designed to be used with Mike Cooks Body Building column in the BBC Micro User magazine

Manufacturer : Musbury Consultants

External ROM Expansion unit for the BBC Model B Plus Date: External ROM Expansion unit for the BBC Model B Plus

The external ROM expansion unit for the B plus is designed as a plug-in unit to allow easy expansion of total ROM capability up to the maximum the system will allow

Manufacturer :

Feedback CNC932 Control Unit with BBC Micro Interface Date: Feedback CNC932 Control Unit with BBC Micro Interface

A control unit for the CNC932, a three axis machine tool

Manufacturer : Feedback

Feedback CNC932 Three Axis Machine Tool Date: Feedback CNC932 Three Axis Machine Tool

The CNC932 is a three axis machine tool

Manufacturer : Feedback

Genie RAM Pack Date: 1987 Genie RAM Pack

The Genie RAM pack is an integrated desktop package for BBC B, B+, Master, and Compact

Manufacturer : Permanent Memory Software

HCR EPROM Programmer Date: HCR EPROM Programmer

Manufacturer : HCR Electronics

HCR Sideways RAM Board Date: HCR Sideways RAM Board

This RAM expansion board takes advantage of the BBC Micro's paged ROM sockets to add either 16KB or 32KB of RAM

Manufacturer : HCR Electronics

Hegotron Robotics Grafpad 2 Date: 1986 Hegotron Robotics Grafpad 2

The Hegotron Grafpad II is a graphic tablet from British Micro - A Hegotron Group Company, marketed by Grafsales Ltd

Manufacturer :

Home-made BBC Micro Z80 Second Processor Date: Home-made BBC Micro Z80 Second Processor

This second processor board for the BBC Micro computer is apparently home-made

Manufacturer : Home-made

Home-made Learning Keyboard Date: Unknown Home-made Learning Keyboard

This home-made keyboard has large buttons and is intended for use by children

Manufacturer :

Homebrew Double Disk Drive for BBC Micro Date: Homebrew Double Disk Drive for BBC Micro

Homebrew 3

Manufacturer : Homebrew

Hybrid Music 5000 Synthesiser Date: 1986 Hybrid Music 5000 Synthesiser

The Hybrid Music 5000 synthesiser unit is a powerful stereo digital synthesiser for the BBC Micro

Manufacturer : Hybrid Technology Ltd

Hybrid Music 6000 Sensor Date: Hybrid Music 6000 Sensor

The Hybrid Music 6000 Sensor was designed as a special needs educational tool where children could control the output of, and make music with, the Hybrid Music System simply by moving their body

Manufacturer : Hybrid

Ikon BBC Hobbit Tape Drive Date: July 1983 Ikon BBC Hobbit Tape Drive

Ikon Computer Products were makers of the Hobbit tape drive from July 1983

Manufacturer : Ikon

Integra-B Expansion Board Date: Integra-B Expansion Board

This expansion board for the BBC Micro by Computech adds additional RAM, eight ROM slots, and a real-time clock

Manufacturer : Computech

Interbeeb DCP Bus Expansion Date: 1980 Interbeeb DCP Bus Expansion

This expansion unit connects to the BBC Micro/Master 1MHz user port

Manufacturer : DCP Microdevelopments

Kempston BBC Pro Joystick Date: Kempston BBC Pro Joystick

Kempston Micro Electronics Ltd distributed this rebranded version of the Competition Pro 5000 joystick

Manufacturer : Kempston Electronics Ltd

Kortink ReCo6502 Date: 2010 Kortink ReCo6502

Kortink ReCo6502 is a remake, using modern parts, of the Acorn 6502 Second Processor, which was introduced in 1984 for the BBC Micro, and was created by John Kortink

Manufacturer : Kortink

LVL Echo Keyboard Date: LVL Echo Keyboard

  High-quality 3 octave keyboard with 37 full sized keys

Manufacturer : LVL

Magic Modem Date: Magic Modem

For the BBC Micro

Manufacturer : Watford Electronics

Marconi RB2 Tracker Ball Date: September 1985 Marconi RB2 Tracker Ball

The tracker ball was developed for military and industrial use and can give two dimensional manipulation which provides both fast movement and good fine control

Manufacturer : Marconi

Micrex Toy Control Interface Date: Micrex Toy Control Interface

The Toy Control Interface was developed jointly by MICREX and Manchester SEMERC to extend the educational possibilities of switches and electrical toys used with multiply handicapped and young physica ...

Manufacturer : Micrex

Micro Pulse ROM Box Date: Micro Pulse ROM Box

The ROM Box from Micro Pulse is a peripheral which enables you to access up to 11 ROMs

Manufacturer : Northern Computers

Micro-Robotics Snap Camera EV1 Date: 1984 Micro-Robotics Snap Camera EV1

This small camera connects to a BBC Micro computer system and allows you to view and save still images or short videos

Manufacturer : Micro-Robotics

Microvitec TouchTech 501 Date: Microvitec TouchTech 501

The Microvitec TouchTech 501 is a device that can be mounted onto the front of a monitor, which then enables the monitor to function as a touch screen

Manufacturer : Microvitec

Microwriter Quinkey Date: 1983 Microwriter Quinkey

The Quinkey was a cut-down version of the Microwriter MW4

Manufacturer : Microwriter

Midwich Double Disk Drive Date: 1985 Midwich Double Disk Drive

This is a 40/80 track, single sided, 100k disk drive, manufactured by Midwich for Acorn Computers and compatible with the BBC Micro

Manufacturer : Midwich

Minor Miracles BBC Light Pen Date: 1985 Minor Miracles BBC Light Pen

The Minor Miracles BBC Light Pen is an accessory for the BBC Micro Model B computer

Manufacturer : Miracle Technology Ltd

Morley Electronics EPROM Programmer v2 Date: Morley Electronics EPROM Programmer v2

This Morley Electronics EPROM programmer is controlled by a ROM-based menu system

Manufacturer : Morley Electronics Ltd

Morley Electronics RAM Disc Date: Morley Electronics RAM Disc

The Morley Electronics RAM Disc contains 1MB of RAM and provides 256 virtual drives with a DFS-like interface

Manufacturer : Morley Electronics

Morley Electronics Teletext Adapter Date: Morley Electronics Teletext Adapter

The Morley Electronics Teletext Adapter allows any BBC Micro or Master computer to receive teletext data

Manufacturer : Morley Electronics

Multiprom EPROM Programmer Date: Multiprom EPROM Programmer

This EPROM programmer for the BBC Micro can program EPOMs at either 12

Manufacturer :

National Micro Centres Hi-Fi Adapter Date: National Micro Centres Hi-Fi Adapter

This small unit is designed to be hooked in between the BBC Micro's sound output and the external connector

Manufacturer : National Micro Centres

NEC Jubilee/Economatics Computer Interface Date: NEC Jubilee/Economatics Computer Interface

This expansion board connects to the BBC Micro's user and analogue ports

Manufacturer : Economatics

Nidd Valley DigiMouse Date: 1986 Nidd Valley DigiMouse

This Nidd Valley Digimouse is compatible with BBC C, B+ and Master Series

Manufacturer : Nidd Valley Products Ltd

Nightingale Modem by Pace Date: 1985 Nightingale Modem by Pace

The Pace Nightingale modem operates at 1200/75 and 300/300 baud rates as well as 75/1200 in reverse Viewdata mode

Manufacturer : Pace

Nine Tiles BBC Network Board Date: 1983 Nine Tiles BBC Network Board

This board was designed to network the BBC Micro, not just to other Acorn machines, but also other manufacturers machines

Manufacturer : Nine Tiles

Opus 3-inch Disk Drive for the BBC Micro Date: Opus 3-inch Disk Drive for the BBC Micro

This 3 inch disk drive is designed to connect to the BBC Microcomputer

Manufacturer : Opus

Opus Challenger 3-in-1 Date: 1986 Opus Challenger 3-in-1

The Opus Challenger 3-in-1 combines a 5

Manufacturer : Opus

Opus Disc System 5400 Date: Opus Disc System 5400

This 5

Manufacturer : Opus

Opus Disk Upgrade for the BBC Model B Date: 1985 Opus Disk Upgrade for the BBC Model B

This upgrade kit allows you to connect Opus disc drives to your BBC Microcomputer Model B

Manufacturer : Opus Supplied Ltd

Pace Nightingale Multi-Function Modem Date: 1985 Pace Nightingale Multi-Function Modem

The Pace Nightingale modem operates at 1200/75 and 300/300 baud rates, as well as 75/1200 in reverse Viewdata mode

Manufacturer : Pace

Peartree Computers - Music 87 Synthesizer (M500) Date: December 1987 Peartree Computers - Music 87 Synthesizer (M500)

The MUSIC 87 has been designed to be a complete MUSIC COMPOSITION SYSTEM

Manufacturer : Acorn Computers Ltd / Peartree Computers

Permanent Memory Systems 64K Non-volatile RAM Module Date: Permanent Memory Systems 64K Non-volatile RAM Module

A 64K Non-volatile RAM Module for the BBC Micro, made by Permanent Memory Systems, better know for their 6502 second processor

Manufacturer : Permanent Memory Systems

Permanent Memory Systems 6502 Second Processor Date: Permanent Memory Systems 6502 Second Processor

This third-party second processor module connects to the BBC Micro via the Tube interface and provides a second 6502 CPU

Manufacturer : Permanent Memory Systems

Philip Harris Easy Memory Unit Date: 1988 Philip Harris Easy Memory Unit

The Philip Harris Easy Memory Unit was designed as an interface between a computer and a variety of scientific sensors, such as humidity, temperature or conductivity

Manufacturer :

Phloopy Drive Date: 1984 Phloopy Drive

The Phloopy Drive connects to the BBC Microcomputer and stores data on continuous loop of magnetic tape (similar to the Sinclair Microdrive or 8-track tape)

Manufacturer : Phi Mag Systems Ltd

Prism Modem 2000 Date: Prism Modem 2000

Together with the appropriate Prism Comms Pack, the Prism Modem 2000 connects your microcomputer to Micronet 800, Prestel and other viewdata services

Manufacturer : Prism

Prism Modem 2000 Date: 1984 Prism Modem 2000

Together with the appropriate Prism Comms Pack, the Prism Modem 2000 connects your microcomputer to Micronet 800, Prestel and other viewdata services

Manufacturer : Prism

Pro-Link (BBC Joystick Adaptor) Date: 1983 Pro-Link (BBC Joystick Adaptor)

Manufacturer : Aztec Software

RAMAMP Computers Sideways RAM/ROM Board Date: RAMAMP Computers Sideways RAM/ROM Board

Designed for the BBC Micro, the RAMAMP RAM/ROM Board is capable of accepting up to six extra language ROMs and 2x16K of dynamic RAM

Manufacturer : RAMAMP

RAMROM15 - Sideways RAM Expansion Unit Date: RAMROM15 - Sideways RAM Expansion Unit

External sideways ROM/RAM box

Manufacturer : GCC (Cambridge) Ltd

Raven-20 RAM expansion Date: 1984 Raven-20 RAM expansion

The Raven-20 is a 20K RAM expansion for the BBC Model 'B' Micro fitted with OS 1

Manufacturer : Raven Micro Products

Replay Disc Utility Date: 1985 Replay Disc Utility

Manufactured by Vine Micros for the BBC B with Opus Challenger

Manufacturer : Vine Micros

RetroClinic 1MHz IDE Compact Flash Kit Date: RetroClinic 1MHz IDE Compact Flash Kit

A full fit-yourself kit, to give your BBC B or Master up to 1GB of fast hard drive storage space

Manufacturer : RetroClinic

RetroClinic External Compact Flash Unit Date: 15th September 2009 RetroClinic External Compact Flash Unit

This modern upgrade for the BBC Micro (product id KIT-EXTU2CF) connects to the 1MHz bus and allows the computer to access up to two CompactFlash cards as if they were floppy disks

Manufacturer : RetroClinic

RetroClinic KIT/DCI - DataCentre Internal Upgrade Date: RetroClinic KIT/DCI - DataCentre Internal Upgrade

This kit is compatible with the BBC Micro Model B, B+ 64K, and 128K, as well as Master 128 computers

Manufacturer : RetroClinic

RH Electronics Light Pen Date: 1983 RH Electronics Light Pen

Light pen set that connects to the analogue port of the BBC Microcomputer

Manufacturer : RH Electronics

Romex 13 Date: 1984 Romex 13

The Romex 13 is a sideways ROM Extension board for the BBC Micro

Manufacturer : GCC (Cambridge)

Sideways RAM Utilities for BBC Micro Date: 1990 Sideways RAM Utilities for BBC Micro

Manufacturer : Redwood Publishing

SJ Research BEN Date: SJ Research BEN

This SJ Research product provides a bridge between an Econet and Nexus network

Manufacturer : SJ Research

SJ Research Dual Econet Socket Box Date: SJ Research Dual Econet Socket Box

For attaching computers to an Acorn Econet

Manufacturer : SJ Research

SJ Research Econet Starter Pack Date: 1st January 1992 SJ Research Econet Starter Pack

Contains everything needed to connect BBC Micros to an Econet system

Manufacturer : SJ Research

SJ Research MDFS - Econet File Server Date: 1986 SJ Research MDFS - Econet File Server

The SJ Research MDFS (Modular Disc File Server) is widely regarded as the best Econet file server

Manufacturer : SJ Research

SJ Research Secure Econet Terminator Box Date: SJ Research Secure Econet Terminator Box

This Econet terminator has the terminator on the inside, preventing users from removing them

Manufacturer : SJ Research

SJ Research Transient Suppressor Date: SJ Research Transient Suppressor

The SJ Research Transient Suppressor Kit consists of a pair of boxes designed to reduce the damage caused by high voltage spikes

Manufacturer : SJ Research

Slomo BBC Micro Speed Controller Date: 1985 Slomo BBC Micro Speed Controller

Slomo gadget for the BBC Micro from Nidd Valley Products Ltd

Manufacturer : Nidd Valley Products Ltd.

Solidisk 32K RAM Sideways Board Date: Solidisk 32K RAM Sideways Board

Includes four discs of software

Manufacturer : Solidisk Technology

Solidisk DFDC Date: 1985 Solidisk DFDC

This is a Solidisk Dual Floppy Disc Controller (DFDC) for the BBC Micro Model B

Manufacturer : Solidisk Technology

Solidisk EPROM Programmer Date: Solidisk EPROM Programmer

The Solidisk EPROM programmer connects to a BBC Micro computer and allows the user to read, write, compare, and test EPROM chips

Manufacturer : Solidisk

Solidisk Fourmeg BBC Micro Expansion Card Date: 1986 Solidisk Fourmeg BBC Micro Expansion Card

This expansion board plugs into the BBC Micro's IC1 socket

Manufacturer : Solidisk Technology

Solidisk PC Plus Date: Solidisk PC Plus

80168 second processor for the BCC Master 128

Manufacturer : Solidisk Technology Ltd

Solidisk Sideways 128K RAM Board Date: 1984 Solidisk Sideways 128K RAM Board

This is a Solidisk RAM expansion board for the BBC Micro

Manufacturer : Solidisk Technology

Solidisk Sideways RAM SWR64 Board Date: 1985 Solidisk Sideways RAM SWR64 Board

The SWR64 board was manufactured by Solidisk

Manufacturer : Solidisk Technology

Solidisk SWR256 Date: Solidisk SWR256

The Solidisk SWR256 is a RAM/ROM board for the BBC microcomputer

Manufacturer : Solidisk

Solidisk Two Meg 128 Upgrade Board Date: 1987 Solidisk Two Meg 128 Upgrade Board

This memory expansion board for the BBC Micro plugs into the 6502 socket and provides four ROM sockets plus shadow RAM

Manufacturer : Solidisk

Sound to Light Converter Date: 1983 Sound to Light Converter

This board was designed by Mike Cook and converts signals from the BBC Micro's cassette cable to signals which can be read from the user port

Manufacturer :

Special Access Systems Keyguard Date: Special Access Systems Keyguard

Produced by Special Access Systems Ltd, this keyguard simply attaches on top of the BBC Micro's keyboard

Manufacturer : Special Access Systems Ltd

Spectravideo Quick Shot Deluxe Date: Spectravideo Quick Shot Deluxe

The original Quick Shot Deluxe joystick controller, model number 318-101

Manufacturer : Spectravideo

Speech Recognition System Interface SR1 Date: Speech Recognition System Interface SR1

By William Stuart Systems

Manufacturer : William Stuart Systems

Stack Light Rifle (BBC) Date: Stack Light Rifle (BBC)

"The Stack Light Rifle is one of a range of accessories and software for Atari, BBC, VIC-20, Commodore 64, Spectrum, and other popular home computers

Manufacturer : Stack Computer Services Ltd

Stack Lightpen+ Date: 23rd June 1983 Stack Lightpen+

Stack Lightpen+ was a product of Stack Computer Services Ltd from Bootle, Lancashire, UK for the BBC personal computer

Manufacturer : Stack Computer Services Ltd

Star Microterminals Concept A4-128 Tablet Keyboard Date: 1984 Star Microterminals Concept A4-128 Tablet Keyboard

Star Microterminals Ltd made overlay keyboards for Acorn, Research Machines and other computers

Manufacturer : Star Microterminals Ltd

Super Pro Zip Stik for BBC Computer Date: Super Pro Zip Stik for BBC Computer

Connects to the BBC Micro's user port

Manufacturer : Sonmax Ltd

Sure Shot - The Ultimate Joystik Controller Date: Sure Shot - The Ultimate Joystik Controller

From the packaging: "If you have played on a British arcade video machine then there is a good chance you have played with an RP PRODUCT joystick before

Manufacturer : RP Products

Tandata TM100 Prestel System Date: 1983 Tandata TM100 Prestel System

The Tandata TM100 was a Prestel Viewdata system and was used for many applications including Homelink banking

Manufacturer : Tandata

Technomatic Epromer II EPROM Programmer Date: 1985 Technomatic Epromer II EPROM Programmer

This is an EPROM (Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory) Programmer for use with the BBC Microcomputer

Manufacturer : Technomatic

Technomatic TCS26 Printer Switch Date: 1985 Technomatic TCS26 Printer Switch

The Technomatic TCS26 is a simple switching device allowing a single BBC Micro to be attached to two printers

Manufacturer : Technomatic

Technomatic Time-Warp Real-Time Clock/Calendar Date: Technomatic Time-Warp Real-Time Clock/Calendar

This self-contained unit provides a real-time clock and calendar for the BBC Microcomputer

Manufacturer : Technomatic

Technomatic Winchester Disc Date: Technomatic Winchester Disc

The Technomatic Winchester Disc is a hard drive that provides 20 MB of storage space for the BBC Micro range of computers

Manufacturer : Technomatic

Telephone Tutor Date: 1991 Telephone Tutor

This peripheral was developed by the Bath Institute of Medical Engineering in 1991 to teach those with learning difficulties how to dial a telephone

Manufacturer : Bath Institute of Medical Engineering

Terrell Electronics Printer Switch Box Date: Terrell Electronics Printer Switch Box

This small box connects to a printer and two BBC Micro computers

Manufacturer : Terrell Electronics

Texas Instruments PHROM Emulator Board Date: Texas Instruments PHROM Emulator Board

This is the original board used by Acorn to develop the Kenneth Kendal speech ROM for use with the BBC Micro

Manufacturer : Texas Instruments

The Date: 1985 The "Barry-Box" Sound Processor

The "Barry-Box" is a sound processing unit that will allow your BBC Micro to record, store and play back audio samples

Manufacturer : BML Electronics

The Bar Code Reader Project Date: The Bar Code Reader Project

The materials in this pack have been designed to provide a supplementary input system for the microcomputer, to introduce students to the purpose and use of bar code readers and to provide the tools f ...

Manufacturer : Microelectronics Education Programme

The Magnus Connection Date: 1985 The Magnus Connection

A computer resource pack for the offshore oil industry

Manufacturer : BP Educational Service

The Micro User Dust Cover Date: The Micro User Dust Cover

A beige PVC dust cover for the BBC Micro with 'The Micro User' printed in the bottom right corner

Manufacturer :

The Micro User Dust Cover Date: The Micro User Dust Cover

A grey PVC dust cover for the BBC Micro with 'The Micro User' printed in the bottom right corner

Manufacturer :

The Micro User Light Pen Date: 1983 The Micro User Light Pen

This light pen is designed to be used with the BBC Micro

Manufacturer : The Micro User

The Robin Pen Date: 1983 The Robin Pen

The Educational Software Company's 'paintbrush' colour light pen for the BBC Micro Model B known as 'The Robin'

Manufacturer : The Educational Software Company

TMS6100 Speech Emulator Upgrade Date: 1981 TMS6100 Speech Emulator Upgrade

Texas Instruments created the TMS5220 voice synthesis processor as a means to add realistic speech output to home computers such as the BBC Micro, pinball machines, and children's toys

Manufacturer :

Torch Light Pen Date: Torch Light Pen

The Torch Light Pen has been designed for use with the Torch Computer and the BBC Micro Computer

Manufacturer : Torch Computers PLC

Touchmaster Date: Touchmaster

Touchmaster is a touch-sensitive surface that you can use to operate your home computer

Manufacturer : Touchmaster

UTA-3 Universal Teletext Adapter Date: UTA-3 Universal Teletext Adapter

This third-party teletext adapter allows the BBC Micro to receive and decode teletext transmissions

Manufacturer :

UVIPROM EPROM Programmer Date: UVIPROM EPROM Programmer

This EPROM programmer was manufactured by Ground Control, manufacturers of electronic and electrical test equipment

Manufacturer : Ground Control

Valiant Computer Interface Date: 1990 Valiant Computer Interface

The Valiant Computer Interface provides a cable and software to allow saving and restoring programs for the Roamer Educational Robot

Manufacturer : Valiant Technology Ltd

Valiant Turtle Date: 1983 Valiant Turtle

This robotic turtle is designed to be used with the LOGO graphical programming environment

Manufacturer : Valiant Technologies

VEL Beeb-Lock BL.2K Date: VEL Beeb-Lock BL.2K

This external genlock device from Video Electronics Ltd performs two functions: The Beeb-Lock unit synchronises the RGB output from a BBC Micro to a composite colour video signal from a camera, stu ...

Manufacturer : Video Electronics ltd

VEL Video Mixer for the BBC Micro Beeb-Lock Date: 1985 VEL Video Mixer for the BBC Micro Beeb-Lock


Manufacturer : VEL

Vela Mk 2 Data Logging Unit Date: 1984 Vela Mk 2 Data Logging Unit

The VELA (Versatile Laboratory Aid and later renamed to Versatile Laboratory Instrument) is a data logging tool that was produced by Data Harvest/Educational Electronics and Leeds University that can ...

Manufacturer : Educational Electronics

Viglen 20MB BBC Micro Disk Drive Date: Viglen 20MB BBC Micro Disk Drive

This hard disk drive from Viglen provides 20MB of storage

Manufacturer : Viglen

Viglen 28MB BBC Micro Disk Drive Date: Viglen 28MB BBC Micro Disk Drive

This hard disk drive from Viglen provides 28MB of storage

Manufacturer : Viglen

Viglen BBC Micro Keyboard Date: Viglen BBC Micro Keyboard

This Viglen product replaces the upper half of the BBC Micro case, allowing use of a full-sized keyboard

Manufacturer : Viglen

Viglen Sideways ROM Cartridge System Date: Viglen Sideways ROM Cartridge System

The Viglen Sideways ROM Cartridge system allows you to plug in any sideways ROM/EPROM (8k or 16k) without having to open up your BBC Micro each time

Manufacturer : Viglen

Voice 500 Recognition Date: 1986 Voice 500 Recognition

The Voice 500 Recognition is a prototype unit that never made it to retail

Manufacturer : Acorn

Voltmace Analogue Digital User Port Interface Date: 1984 Voltmace Analogue Digital User Port Interface

The Voltmace A/D User Port Interface plugs into the BBC Micro's Analogue and User ports (the User port is connected by the ribbon cable) and allows Voltmace Delta 14 joysticks to be used with the full ...

Manufacturer : Voltmace

Voltmace Delta 14/B Handset System Date: Voltmace Delta 14/B Handset System

This accessory for the BBC Micro attaches to the analogue and user ports, and can be used as either a single joystick attached directly to the analogue port (standard Acorn-compatible mode) ...

Manufacturer : Voltmace

Voltmace Delta 3b Date: Voltmace Delta 3b "Single" Joystick

Joystick for the BBC Model B or Model A with an analogue port fitted, or an Electron with analogue joystick interface

Manufacturer : Voltmace

Watford Electronics - Eureka 64K Date: 1986 Watford Electronics - Eureka 64K

The Eureka 64K Board is an add-on for the BBC model B computer which provides extra memory for programs and data

Manufacturer : Watford Electronics

Watford Electronics 12 ROM/RAM Board Date: 1985 Watford Electronics 12 ROM/RAM Board

The Solderless Sideways ROM board for the BBC micro enables the user to increase the sideways ROM capacity from the basic four sockets to the full 16 supported by the operating systems

Manufacturer : Watford Electronics

Watford Electronics 13 ROM Board Date: Watford Electronics 13 ROM Board

This Watford Electronics expansion board allows up to 12 ROMs to be installed inside a standard BBC Micro

Manufacturer : Watford Electronics

Watford Electronics 256K Printer Buffer Date: Watford Electronics 256K Printer Buffer

The Watford Electronics 256K Printer Buffer allowed a computer to print 256,000 characters in a short time thus freeing the computer very quickly, making light work of printing items such as large d ...

Manufacturer : Watford Electronics

Watford Electronics 3.5 Date: Watford Electronics 3.5" Disk Drive

This 3

Manufacturer : Watford Electronics

Watford Electronics 3.5-inch Single Disk Drive Date: Watford Electronics 3.5-inch Single Disk Drive

This 3

Manufacturer : Watford Electronics

Watford Electronics 32K RAM Extension Board Date: 1984 Watford Electronics 32K RAM Extension Board

The Watford Electronics 32K RAM Extension Board doubles the RAM capacity of the standard BBC Micro and is designed to fit in with other Watford Electronics products such as the Double Density Disc S ...

Manufacturer : Watford Electronics

Watford Electronics 5.25 Date: 1985 Watford Electronics 5.25" Disk Drive

This 5

Manufacturer : Watford Electronics

Watford Electronics 64K RAM-ROM Board Date: 1985 Watford Electronics 64K RAM-ROM Board

The Watford Electronics 64K RAM-ROM Extension Board expands the RAM capacity of the standard BBC Micro and allows up to five ROM/EPROM modules to be fitted

Manufacturer : Watford Electronics

Watford Electronics BBC Lightpen Mark II Date: 1st January 1985 Watford Electronics BBC Lightpen Mark II

More accurate version of the origina

Manufacturer : Watford Electronics

Watford Electronics BBC User Port & Analogue Port Card Date: 1992 Watford Electronics BBC User Port & Analogue Port Card

This card provides a 15-way D type analogue port socket and a 20 way IDC user port socket

Manufacturer : Watford Electronics

Watford Electronics BBC User Port Splitter Date: Watford Electronics BBC User Port Splitter

This port splitter converts the BBC user port into a double socket

Manufacturer : Watford Electronics

Watford Electronics Co Pro Adaptor Date: 1986 Watford Electronics Co Pro Adaptor

The Watford Electronics Co Pro Adaptor allows Master style co-processor boards to be used with the BBC Micro B and B+

Manufacturer : Watford Electronics

Watford Electronics DDFS Mk I Date: June 1983 Watford Electronics DDFS Mk I

This upgrade kit for the BBC Micro enables the use of the Watford double-density disc filing system

Manufacturer : Watford Electronics

Watford Electronics DFS Date: Watford Electronics DFS

This kit contains everything needed to upgrade a BBC B Micro to the DFS ROM

Manufacturer : Watford Electronics

Watford Electronics Disk Sharer Date: Watford Electronics Disk Sharer

The Watford Electronics disk sharer allows up to 3 BBC Micro computers to connect to the same disk drive

Manufacturer : Watford Electronics

Watford Electronics Le Modem Date: Watford Electronics Le Modem

Le Modem was manufactured by Watford Electronics and connects a BBC Micro computer to the telephone network

Manufacturer : Watford Electronics

Watford Electronics Mk II Double Density Disk Controller Date: Watford Electronics Mk II Double Density Disk Controller

This package contains: WD1770 disk controller expansion board (pictured) Watford Electronics DDFS ROM

Manufacturer : Watford Electronics

Watford Electronics Quest Mouse Date: 1987 Watford Electronics Quest Mouse

Package that includes Quest Mouse, a three-button mouse designed for the BBC Micro and Master 128, and Quest Paint, an art package for the BBC Micro series

Manufacturer : Watford Electronics

Watford Electronics Sideways ZIF Date: 1984 Watford Electronics Sideways ZIF

The Watford Electronics Sideways ZIF Socket allows you to change ROMs with the minimum effort, you do not need to open the BBC Micro or risk bending or breaking ROM pins

Manufacturer : Watford Electronics

Watford Electronics Solderless Sideways ROM Socket Board Date: 1985 Watford Electronics Solderless Sideways ROM Socket Board

The solderless sideways ROM board for the BBC Micro enables the user to increase the sideways ROM capacity from the basic four sockets to the full 16 supported by current operating system

Manufacturer : Watford Electronics

Wild Vision BBC Micro Chromalock Date: 1988 Wild Vision BBC Micro Chromalock

The Chromalock from Wild Vision is a genlock board for the BBC Micro B, B+ and Master, and Archimedes that permits gen-locking and PAL encoding

Manufacturer : Wild Vision

William Stuart Systems Chatterbox Date: 1983 William Stuart Systems Chatterbox

The Chatterbox is a speech synthesis unit that was made by William Stuart Systems and retailed for £50

Manufacturer : William Stuart Systems

Wizard Accessories Joystick Interface Date: Wizard Accessories Joystick Interface

This interface plugs into the BBC 15 pin connector, and converts to the more standard 9 pin board on the side for a regular joystick, a very good idea as BBC joysticks were expensive, and after 1 ...

Manufacturer : Wizard Accessories

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