
 Home > Browse Our Collection > Software > Acorn > Acorn Archimedes Software > MathMania

An educational game in which players can escape from a maze by answering a number of maths related questions.

Platform : Acorn Archimedes
Format : 3.5 Floppy Disk
Publisher : Topologika
Authors : Martin Goldberg
Date : Unknown
Product Code :

Other Software by Topologika:

Item Manufacturer Platform Format Date
MathMania Topologika Acorn Archimedes 3.5 Floppy Disk Unknown
Polyominoes Topologika BBC Micro 5.25" Floppy Disk 1985
Whale Games Topologika BBC Micro 5.25" floppy disc 1987
Whale Facts Topologika BBC Micro 5.25" floppy disc 1987
Return To Doom Topologika Acorn Archimedes 3.5" Disk 1988
Music Box Topologika Software Acorn Archimedes 3.5" Floppy Disk 1993
Screen Turtle Topologika Acorn Archimedes 3.5" Disk 1994

Information About Topologika:




This exhibit has a reference ID of CH18337. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
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