
 Home > Browse Our Collection > Software > Dragon 32 > Shuttle

AKA Space Shuttle.  A space shuttle simulator. Control your craft through launch, fetch and finals.

Platform : Dragon 32
Format : Cassette
Publisher : Microdeal
Authors : John Fraysse
Date : 1983
Product Code :

Other Software by Microdeal :

Item Manufacturer Platform Format Date
Light Pen for The VIC20 and CBM64 Microdeal Software Commodore 64 Cassette 1982
Program Pack 3 Microdeal Computer Software Dragon 32 Cassette 1982
Program Pack 1 Microdeal Computer Software Dragon 32 Cassette 1982
Scarfman Microdeal Dragon 32 Cassette 1982
Storm Microdeal Dragon 32 Cassette 1982
BBC Air Traffic Control Microdeal Software BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Program Pack 5 Microdeal Computer Software Dragon 32 Cassette 1983
Arena 3000 Microdeal Software BBC Micro Cassette 1983
BBC Space Shuttle Microdeal Software BBC Micro Cassette 1983
Shuttle Microdeal Dragon 32 Cassette 1983
Machine Language Tutorial Microdeal Dragon 32 Cassette 1984
Programmers Utilities Microdeal Dragon 32 Cassette 1984
Syzygy Microdeal Dragon 32 Cassette 1984
Space Wrek Microdeal Software Dragon 32 Cassette 1985
Shock Trooper Microdeal Dragon 32 Cassette 1985
Cards Microdeal Software Atari ST 3.5 Floppy Disk 1986
Stone Raider II Microdeal Dragon 32 Cassette 1986

Information About Microdeal :




This exhibit has a reference ID of CH19166. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
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