ICL Personal Computer Model 30 8120/05

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The ICL Personal Computer (ICL PC) started production in 1981. Despite the name, it was a CP/M computer. The ICL PC uses an Intel 8085 for its CPU. It can run either CP/M-80 or M/PM. Unlike the model 36 this was a Personal Computer as it did not have a facility for further workstations which was in effect a multi-user business system.

Model 30 with a 5 MB hard disc, CP/M O.S.

ORIGIN: United Kingdom 1981
KEYBOARD: Full-stroke 102 keys with function keys and numeric keypad
CPU: Intel or AMD 8085A
RAM: 64 KB up to 512 KB
TEXT MODES: 80 characters x 25 lines
SIZE / WEIGHT: 50.5(W) x 40.5(D) x 14(H) cm.
2 x serial ports. Serial printer and keyboard on terminal
Price from £1,800

This is in excellent condition and complete with original monitor, keyboard, manuals and software.

ICL Model 30
Catalogue Serial No - 8120/05
Build Control - 82/1447

Catalogue No - 6402/00
Build Control Serial No - 3423

We are extremely grateful to Mike Read for his very kind donation.

The machine was purchased in 1982 Mike's late friend Les Teare who worked for ICL as a development programmer who was involved with network development and early work on the "world wide web". Sadly he died before the internet as we know it was introduced. The standard purchase price was £6000 (luckily he was entitled to a staff purchase scheme concession!). However, it was still a price which, in today's terms, would buy several, much more powerful, machines.

It was used to write two text books and several articles with Wordstar 3, which are still on the archive disks in the box of documentation. It went into retirement in the mid 90s as more user friendly GUI systems became available.

Manufacturer: ICL
Date: 1981

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ICL Personal Computer Model 30 8120/05 Manuals:

Item Manufacturer Date
EMTH - ICL Magnetic Tape Housekeeping Package Unknown
KDF 9 Programming Manual English Electric 1960
KDF 9 ALGOL Programming Manual English Electric 1960
English Electric Leo KDF9 Algol Programming english electric 1964
ICT 1900 Series System Manual ICT May 1965
ICT 1900 Series Introductory Manual ICT Nov 1965
Programming in MIRFAC Feb 1967
ICL Engineers Reference Book ICL 1969
Edinburgh Regional Computing Centre- Edinburgh Fortran Reference Manual University of Edinburgh Dec 1969
ICL GIN Reference Manual ICL Feb 1970
ICL 4-70 Engineers Pocket Book ICL 13 Apr 1970
ICL 1900 Series George Implementation Manual GIM 5.2.4 to GIM 8.1.2 ICL 8 May 1970
ICL 1900 Series George Implementation Manual GIM 8.1.2 to GIM ICL 8 May 1970
ICL - Thinking as a Programmer - Basic Principles of Flowcharting ICL 1971
ICL Dataskil - Modular Programming Techniques ICL Aug 1971
ICL 1900 Series George Implementation Manual GIM 9.4 to GIM 14.3 ICL 30 Oct 1971
ICL 1900 Series George Implementation Manual GIM 14.4 to GIM 18.DD.1 ICL 30 Oct 1971
ICL 1900 Series George Implementation Manual GIM 14.4 to GIM 18.DD.1 ICL 30 Oct 1971
ICL 1900 Series George Implementation Manual GIM 0.1 to GIM ICL Mar 1972
ICL 1900 Series George Implementation Manual GIM to GIM ICL Mar 1972
ICL 1900 Series PLAN Programming Information Leaflet ICL 1974
ICL 2900 Series Technical Overview ICL 1974
User's Guide to ALGOL 68-R algol 1974
ICL - Introduction to 1900 Programming ICL 1974
ICL New Range Glossary Feb 1974
ICL Usercode System 4 Digest Sep 1975
ICL Usercode System 4 Digest Sep 1975
Systime RSTS/E Pocket Guide Systime 1976
ICL IDMS Technical Overview ICL 1976
OPUS The GEC Computers Multi-access System GEC Computers Limited 1976
IBM - Program Product - VS BASIC for VSPC - Terminal User's Guide IBM Sep 1976
ICL DDS Technical Overview ICL 1977
ELECTRIC Users' Manual Science Research Council Jan 1977
Nascom-1 Construction Article Nascom Aug 1978
Transam Documentation Transam 1979
Apple II: The DOS Manual (DOS 3.3) Apple 1981
ICL System 25 - DMF III Tester ICL Oct 1982
ICL DRS 8801 User Guide ICL 1983
ICL Employee's Reference Book ICL 13 Sep 1983
ICL Training - VIDMI - SPEC/SYLL & Timetable ICL 1984
ICL Training - VIDMI - SCL Commands ICL 1984
ICL Training - VIDMI Workbook ICL 1984
ICL Personal Computer User Guide ICL 1 Jun 1984
ICL System 25 Plus 2780/3780 Communications & Communications Access Manager - CAM-X25 ICL 1985
ICL - System 25 Plus - Conversational System Manager - Manual ICL Sep 1985
ICL PERQ TECDOC User Guide and Reference Manual 1986
BBC Master Series Reference Manual Part One (Signed) Acorn Computers Limited Mar 1986
BBC Master Series Reference Manual Part One Acorn Computers Limited Mar 1986
ICL Training - Tuning Programs Via Collector ICL Apr 1986
ICL Training - IDMS Design ICL 1987
ICL Training - Exploiting VME Series 39 ICL 1987
ICL Training - VME Implementation of TP Facilities ICL 1987
ICL Training - VITPF Course Exercise ICL 1987
ICL Training - S39VSIS2 ICL 1987
ICL Training - TPMS Performance and Tuning Workshop ICL 11 Jul 1989
ICL DRS/NX V4.0 System Administrator's Guide Volume 2 ICL 1990
ICL Training - Loader VME Workshop ICL 12 Mar 1990
Mentec - RSTS/E Maintenance Notebook Mentec Aug 1990
ICL DRS/NX SVR4 System Administrator's Guide Volume 2 ICL 1991
ICL DRS/NX SVR4 System Administrator's Guide Volume 1 ICL 1991
ICL DRS PWS Handbook ICL 1991
ICL DRS PWS Installation Guide ICL 1991
ICL Peritas - Quickbuild Online Systems Development using Application Master ICL 1994

ICL Personal Computer Model 30 8120/05 Articles:

Item Manufacturer Date
Higher Systems Unknown
Memories - From Hollerith to a Laptop by Bubbles Whiting Unknown
John Aeberhard: Reminiscences around LEO Unknown
Memories - Co-ordinating the Domesday System Unknown
Secrets of Eastcote Government Office Site: The Customs Excise Years Unknown
Memories - Learning with the ZX81 Unknown
From Cambridge to Café, The LEO Story LEO Unknown
Memories - A Personal History of a Cambridge Concern Unknown
Memories - MZ80B - Fond Memories Unknown
LEO I: The Construction of the World's First Business Computer LEO Unknown
Vintage ICL Computers Unknown
Mike Finlay: Memories of LEO Unknown
Personality Profile: T.R. Thompson Unknown
David Holdsworth: Reminiscence Unknown
Stan Holwill: My LEO Involvement & Memories Unknown
Ron Marshall: Reminiscence Unknown
Anthony Robin Davies: Commentary LEO Unknown
Joe McNulty: Memoir LEO Unknown
W.E.J. (John) Parry: Memoir LEO Unknown
Chris Reynolds: Memoir LEO Unknown
Tony Weber: Commentary LEO Unknown
John Winterbottom: Memoir LEO Unknown
Copy Protection Systems For Home Micros Unknown
Barbara Dickens: Reminiscence Unknown
Nigel Furness: Reminiscence Unknown
I Love ICL Unknown
Museums Victoria, Melbourne Unknown
A brief history of STL Unknown
Peter Baker: Reminiscence Unknown
Memories - Notes on Ferranti, 1974-1991 Unknown
Alison Taylor: Reminiscence Unknown
Tom Carrington: the real story of II/11 Unknown
Memories - Tesco and the IBM PC - 1982 Unknown
Memories - The Novachord and the father of ENIAC by Dan Wilson Unknown
Memories - How I Learned to Love Autocode Unknown
Predicting Waveshapes Using a Computer - Part I - The Resistor-Capacitor Circuit Unknown
Memories - Notes by a physicist who dabbled with computers - John Yates Unknown
Memories - Commodore Plus/4 Unknown
Memories - Computers in the Dark Ages (Apricot Computers) Unknown
Memories - The Tatung Einstein (2) Unknown
The History of the Computer Mouse Unknown
Predicting Waveshapes Using a Computer - Part II - The Capacitor-Resistor Circuit Unknown
Predicting Waveshapes Using a Computer - Part III - The Resistor-Inductor Circuit Unknown
Memories - The Tatung Einstein (1) Unknown
Memories - Memories of a Programmer Unknown
Memories - TI990 Unknown
Predicting Waveshapes Using a Computer - Part IV - Transformer Mutual Induction Unknown
Predicting Waveshapes Using a Computer - Part V - The Resistor-Inductor-Capacitor Circuit Unknown
Memories - TI990 - An Engineer's View Unknown
Memories - UK101 and using Computers in the RAF Unknown
Memories - Using the Psion Organizer 1992 to 2004 Unknown
Predicting Waveshapes Using a Computer - Part VI - The Inductor/Resistor/Capacitor Series Circuit Unknown
Predicting Waveshapes Using a Computer - Part VII - The Rectifier Circuit Unknown
Memories - The origins of the commercial use of the spreadsheet in accounting? Unknown
Seymour Cray 7 Dec 1942
LEO Chronicle 1947-1954 LEO 1947
A Royal Visitor 1951
Who Else Used LEOs? 1951
Visual Presentation of Binary Numbers 1951
Automatic Frequency Control 1951
Look out you typists! 30 Mar 1953
The LEO System 1954
LEO: History and Technical Description 1954
LEO - Operations and Maintenance 1954
Electronic Abacus 1954
LEO - A Checking Device for Punched Pape Tape 1954
Operating and Engineering Experience Gained with LEO 1954
BBC Calling Europe 16 Feb 1954
Electronic Brain on the Payroll BBC 16 Feb 1954
Electronic Clerk Takes Over 27 Sep 1954
Automatic Square-Rooting on a Computer 1955
MP Sees LEO at Work 8 Jul 1955
GPO Origins of Billing Computer System 1957
Electronics in the Office 1957
Principles of Security 1957
A Discussion on the Use of Electronic Processing Equipment 1957
Will Automation Cost You Your Job? 3 May 1957
It’s Quicker by Computer: ‘LEO’ Works out Rail Distances LEO 24 Jun 1957
Electronic Computers in the Office 1958
Four Years of Automatic Office Work 1 Jan 1958
‘….And How to Avoid Them’ 1 Jan 1958
The Potentialities of a Computer in the Smaller Office 19 Sep 1959
Features of the LEO IIC Computer Dec 1959
Getting to grips with computers LEO 1960
Computers in Purchasing and Stores Departments: LEO at the Ford Motor Company Spares Depot 1960
Maintenance Procedures on a Computer Jan 1960
Notes on Commissioning of LEO Automatic Office at the Ministry of Pensions LEO Jan 1960
Problems of Auditing Computing Data: Internal Audit Practice and External Audit Theory 1 Apr 1960
Market Research Applications on LEO 5 Jul 1960
A Third Survey of Domestic Digital Computing Systems 1961
The Evolution of Design in a Series of Computers 1 Jan 1961
The Manchester University Atlas Operating System Ferranti Oct 1961
Living with Computers 1962
Current Developments in Commercial Automatic Programming 1 Aug 1962
Fundamental Principles of Expressing a Procedure for a Computer Application 1 Nov 1962
Time Sharing on LEO lll LEO 1963
User’s experience of CLEO 1964
The Operations Control Center Multi-Computer Operating System LEO 1964
The Management of a Large Commercial Computer Bureau LEO 1964
The gradual acceptance of a variety of commercial English languages 1965
The Post Office enters the Computer Age LEO 1965
An Introduction to Compiler Writing Jan 1965
The LEO I, there was a machine May 1965
Hardware in Europe May 1965
J. Lyons & Co: Annual General Meeting Report 14 Jun 1965
Large-Scale Computing in the Seventies 1966
Study of Static Charge on Paper Tape 1966
A Computer in the Mail Order Business 1966
Acoustic Noise in the Computer Room 1967
The Brains Behind The Buttons 5 Jan 1967
A Research Center for Augmenting Human Intellect 9 Dec 1968
Talking to the Computer 1969
Freemans (London, SW9) LEO 1970
Glider Fuselage Design with the Aid of Computer Graphics Computer Aided Design 1971
The Computer Aided Design Centre - Two Years On New Technology 1971
CAD Centre's Role in Construction Industry Projects Computer Weekly 1971
Performance Problems with LEO I Aug 1975
LEO III: a rave from grave 4 Sep 1975
The First Business Computer LEO 1977
Me and My Computer by Thomas Turnbull 29 Mar 1978
Memories - Working with the Commodore PET and the BBC Micro by Dr Geoff Luxford 1979
Behind the Iron Curtain LEO 1979
LEO and English Electric 1980
Computer Story 1981
Conversation: J.M.M. Pinkerton LEO 1983
Marketing Plans for the ICL OPD Feb 1985
Article - Cassette Recording with the BBC Micro Electronics and Wireless World Jun 1985
The Teashop Computer Manufacturer: J. Lyons, Leo and the Potential and Limits of High-Tech Diversification LEO 1986
Library's Computer Program - Press Article 17 Apr 1986
Landmarks: How the king of the jungle grew up on tea and cakes LEO 23 Apr 1986
The Early History of LEO: The First Data Processing Computer 1987
Press Cuttings on the AIDS Trojan Attack, 1989 The Independent 1989
The CCAT Videodisc - A New Resource for Physics Education CCAT 1989
Power for the People - Amstrad PC 2386 Review PC User Feb 1989
CODIL: The Architecture of an Information Language 1990
Designing a computer for data processing 1990
The Thinking Behind EDSAC 1990
LEO, the Pride of Lyons LEO 1990
The Institute of Administrative Management: Seventy-five Innovative Years LEO 1991
Taming LEO – Overcoming the Inherent Unreliability of LEO 17 Jan 1991
The Influence of the Cambridge Mathematical Laboratory on the LEO Project 1992
Pandora: Pandoring To Big Brother 1992
Computing was a piece of cake 1994
LEO, A Personal Memoir 1994
ICL and the Evolution of the British Main Frame LEO 1995
The Provision of Digital Computers to British Universities up to the Flowers Report (1966) LEO 1996
Systems Design – Then and Now LEO 1996
Systems Analysis for Business Applications 1996
LEO: The First Business Computer, Review LEO 1 Feb 1996
Lyons Teashops 1997
The General Post Office (ii) 1997
Glyn Mills Bank and Army and Air Force Officers Payroll 1997
LEO and its Applications: the Beginning of Business Computing 1997
The Early Days 1997
Into South Africa 1997
Evolution of Constructional Methods from Radios to Computers Apr 1997
User-Driven Innovation: Review LEO Jul 1997
User-Driven Innovation: the World’s First Business Computer: Review LEO 1998
LEO, The First Business Computer: A Personal Experience LEO 1998
Biography of John Maurice McClean Pinkerton 1998
The First Business Computer: A Case Study in User-Driven Innovation Oct 1998
Inventing Systems Engineering LEO Oct 1998
When Lyons roared 30 Sep 1999
Inventing Systems Engineering 2000
The First Business Computer: A Case Study in User-Driven Innovation 2000
The First Business Computer: A Case Study in User-Driven Innovation Review 1 Jun 2000
John Pinkerton and Lyons Electronic Office 2001
The Inaugural Pinkerton Lecture LEO 2001
David Caminer analyses what went wrong with one of the world’s first computers, the LEO LEO 2001
The lion that failed to roar, LEO LEO 20 Aug 2001
John Pinkerton and Lyons Electronic Office Oct 2001
Information Revolution 2002
History of the Kidsgrove Works 2002
The Case For The First Business Computer 2002
Lessons from LEO the Lyon LEO Jan 2002
The Day LEO Roared LEO Feb 2002
LEO and the Computer Revolution Dec 2002
Behind The Curtain at LEO 2003
LEO: II computer in una tazza da tè LEO 2003
Real-Time Software Design Tool. Applying Lessons from LEO Feb 2003
The Teashops that Ruled the IT World LEO May 2003
A computer called LEO: Review: 24 Jun 2003
Pioneers of Payroll on Computers: LEO, the Army, the Navy Dockyards and De Havilland LEO 2004
Timesharing History: An Update 2004
Timesharing History: the UK Story 2004
The Legacy of LEO: Lessons learned from an English Tea and Cakes Company: Pioneering efforts in Information Systems 2004
Computerised payroll's Golden anniversary 2005
Simmons, John Richardson Mainwaring LEO 2005
The First Business Application: a Significant Milestone in Software History Mar 2005
LEO II and the Model T Ford 2006
The curse of the monitor 1 Jul 2007
A look back at LEO 3 Dec 2007
Reflections on Decision Support Pioneers 2008
On being employed by a computing pioneer – Leo Fantl LEO 2008
Memories - A Tribute to the Simplicity of the GUI 4 Mar 2008
Teashop boffin who pioneered business computing 28 Jun 2008
David Caminer, a Pioneer of Computing Dies at 92 29 Jun 2008
Celebrating the UK’s Computer Pioneers 24 Jul 2008
Digital 60 - Manchester Baby Aug 2008
Appreciation of Professor Colin Tully (1936-2007) 2009
AIS, LEO and the Pursuit of Good Work 2009
Memories - My History of Computing - From a School Teacher Feb 2009
Memories - Toshiba T3200 Application and Usage 5 May 2009
Memories - Me and My Toys Jun 2009
The use of history in IS research: an opportunity missed? 2010
LEO - Lyons Electronic Office: world's first business machine 19 Mar 2010
Memories - BCL SUSIE MARK 2 27 Jul 2010
From Tea Shops to Computer Company: The Improbable Story of LEO 2011
Strategic Issues in Information Technology: Challenges, Strategies and Innovation in Managing Information Systems 13 Mar 2011
Eric Schmidt 2011 MacTaggart Lecture Google 26 Aug 2011
How Lyons Teashops Powered Computers 26 Aug 2011
David Caminer, creator of the first business computer LEO 27 Sep 2011
TR Thompson – The Leo Computer: A London connection Oct 2011
How a chain of tea shops kickstarted the computer age 10 Nov 2011
World’s First Business Computer Celebrates 60th Anniversary 14 Nov 2011
LEO Computers Marks 60th Anniversary 16 Nov 2011
Just 2KB of Memory: LEO the world's first business computer celebrates its 60th birthday 18 Nov 2011
Innovation in a tea shop, whatever next? 25 Nov 2011
Perspectives: Unlearnt lessons of Leo 6 Dec 2011
David Tresman Caminer (1915-2008) LEO 2012
Memories - Some Jottings From My Past R.P. CARTLEDGE 27 Jun 2012
Memories - Recollections of a Typewriter Mechanic John Holman 22 Aug 2012
The Story of LEO the World's First Business Computer 2013
Vale Wallace Weaving: An Appreciation 2013
The Big Battle with Blue LEO 2013
Software, A Progress Report on the LEO III Intercode and Master Routine Emulator LEO 2013
Memories - Post Office MATS (Mechanical Accounting & Trunk Sorting) Jan 2013
Memories - Early Computing with the Science of Cambridge MK14 and the SIB (Small Is Beautiful) Computer Mar 2013
Blighty's Revolutionary Cold War Teashop Computer - and Nigella Lawson 27 Mar 2013
The I.T. Girls 21 Aug 2013
Memories - Getting Started with the Texas Instruments TI-99/4A by Stephen Shaw 7 Oct 2013
Early Commercial Computing LEO 2014
How Brit Computer Maker Beat IBM's S/360 - and Soviet Spies 9 Apr 2014
Information Age: the (cake) computer that changed our world 22 Oct 2014
Widows from East Sheen and Esher gather for tribute to their husbands' pioneering computer work 6 Nov 2014
Algorithms aren't everything 2015
Early History of the Information Systems Discipline in the UK: An account based in living through the period 2015
Of Bunkers, Bytes, and Cakes 2015
A Brief History of Early British Computers 2015
A LEO III: 21st Century Hindsight 2015
LEO III Software Rescue LEO 2015
History of the Leo III Software Preservation Project: Blow by Blow Account 2015
Pioneer of Business Systems 'Father of Office Computing' LEO 2015
Defiance to Compliance: Visions of the computer in post-war Britain 2015
LEO: The Lyons Electronic Office. The story of the First Business Computer 2015
Information Age? The challenges of displaying information and communication technologies LEO 23 Mar 2015
Discover Corby’s computing heritage with new exhibition Sep 2015
How Technology Can Improve the UK Oct 2015
LEO in East Europe LEO 2016
1950s Computer Training Package 2016
Intercode and Master Routines 2016
LEO, the First Business Computer 2016
British transistor manufacturers in the 1950s 2016
Plaque: LEO - world's first business computer 2016
End of Moore’s Law? What’s next might be more exciting 25 Feb 2016
The heyday of computing: How the Brits ruled IT 15 Mar 2016
Unveiling the plaque LEO 29 Nov 2016
65 years ago the age of the computer began....to sell a better tea cake 4 Dec 2016
Key Points in 2001 2017
Teleprocessing and LEO 2017
Review: Programmed Inequality: How Britain Discarded Women Technologists and lost its Edge in Computing 2017
Sir Joseph Lyons: A double anniversary 2017
Academic Blog 2017
LEO in OZ 2017
Editorial: The History and Philosophy Department 2017
John Page: Interview 11 Apr 2017
Memories - Operating the Cadbury Orion computer in the mid-1960s Jul 2017
Coping with the 'American giants': mergers, relationships and attempted partnerships in the European computer industry in the early sixties Oct 2017
A Virtual LEO III 2018
Review: ‘Electronic Dreams’ by Tom Lean 2018
Commissioning LEOs — a Memoir 2018
LEO, Olivetti e i primi computercommerciali in Europa:un'occasione perduta? 2018
Reconstructing the early electronic computers 19 Apr 2018
One of the world's first computers gets VR reboot LEO 24 Oct 2018
LEO I Virtual Reality Project 2019
The Formation of ICL and the New Range 2019
A Life in Computing 2019
English Electric and its successors at Kidsgrove 2019
LEO: Publicising and preserving the World’s first business computer 2019
Grantchester 2019
Unearthing LEO and the Managers 2019
What makes a history 'hidden'? 2019
History of LEO in Australia: As recalled by Neil Lamming 2019
LEO Lives: LEO DME, Another story…… 2019
OBE for Frank Land of LEO fame Jun 2019
OBE for Frank Land 8 Jun 2019
Lifetime AIS Member Receives OBE 11 Jun 2019
Computer scientist Frank Land receives OBE 13 Jun 2019
IT pioneer is awarded OBE 14 Jun 2019
Alan Wakefield: reminiscence 21 Jun 2019
My family’s firm dished up tea to Britain and death to the Nazis 25 Aug 2019
Lyons: pride before a fall 31 Oct 2019
The Future of Computer History 18 Nov 2019
Why Lyon’s Leo was the Met Office’s cup of tea 30 Dec 2019
Software - LEO III 2020
Michael Hancock 2020
Michael Guy: LEO Master Routine 2020
Alan Hooker: Memoir 2020
Thoughts on the ICL Basic Language Machine 2020
John V Panter: Reminiscence 2020
Anthony (Tony) Thorpe: Reminiscence 2020
Ross Milbourne: Memoir and Tribute to Lyons, LEO and its People 2020
John Sutherland: Reminiscence 2020
Byting the Biscuit 2020
John Tomlinson: Memories 2021
Greg Wojtan: My Days with LEO 2021
Book Review: IT Girl: Ann Moffatt 2021
Wendy Forward: Memoir by her daughter Anna C Page 2021
Valerie Grose: Further Reminiscences 2021
Review: Conversation with Frank Land 2021
Bill Jack, English Electric Engineer (team leader) Ravenscraig LEO III, Recollection 2021
LEO: Office Automation is still going strong 1 Dec 2021
Chris Metcalfe: Reminiscence Apr 2022
Robert Murphy: Reminiscence Apr 2022
Mary Coombs Jun 2022
LEO Film Wins ABSW Video of the Year Award 2 Aug 2022
LEO Film Wins ABSW Video of the Year Award 2 Aug 2022
Remembering the World's First Business Computer Nov 2022
Review of “LEO remembered—By the people who worked on the world's first business computer” 2023
LEO remembered—By the people who worked on the world's first business computer 2023

Magazines RELATED to ICL Personal Computer Model 30 8120/05 in our Library

Item Manufacturer Date
Practical Computing - June 1988 Unknown
ACE - Advanced Computer Entertainment - August 1988 Future Publishing Unknown
ACE - Advanced Computer Entertainment - February 1989 Future Publishing Unknown
Edge - Issue 196 - Christmas 2008 Future Publishing Unknown
Edge - Issue 92 - Christmas 2000 Future Publishing Unknown
The Micro User - May 1985 - Vol 3 No 3 Database Publications Ltd Unknown
Byte April 1988 Unknown
Byte December 1997 Unknown
Byte March 1987 Unknown
Byte May 1987 Unknown
Byte July 1987 Unknown
Byte August 1987 Unknown
Byte December 1987 Unknown
Byte February 1988 Unknown
Byte December 1992 Unknown
The Computer Journal April 1958 The British Computer Society Limited Apr 1958
The Computer Journal July 1958 The British Computer Society Limited Jul 1958
The Computer Journal October 1958 The British Computer Society Limited Oct 1958
The Computer Journal January 1959 The British Computer Society Limited Jan 1959
The Computer Journal April 1959 The British Computer Society Limited Apr 1959
Journal of the SMPTE, Volume 68, Number 4, April 1959 Apr 1959
The Computer Journal July 1959 The British Computer Society Limited Jul 1959
The Computer Journal October 1959 The British Computer Society Limited Oct 1959
The Computer Journal January 1960 The British Computer Society Limited Jan 1960
The Computer Journal April 1960 The British Computer Society Limited Apr 1960
The Computer Journal July 1960 The British Computer Society Limited Jul 1960
The Computer Journal October 1960 The British Computer Society Limited Oct 1960
The Computer Journal January 1961 The British Computer Society Limited Jan 1961
The Computer Journal April 1961 The British Computer Society Limited Apr 1961
The Computer Journal July 1961 The British Computer Society Limited Jul 1961
The Computer Journal October 1961 The British Computer Society Limited Oct 1961
The Computer Journal January 1962 The British Computer Society Limited Jan 1962
The Computer Journal April 1962 The British Computer Society Limited Apr 1962
The Computer Journal July 1962 The British Computer Society Limited Jul 1962
The Computer Journal October 1962 The British Computer Society Limited Oct 1962
The Computer Journal January 1963 The British Computer Society Limited Jan 1963
The Computer Journal April 1963 The British Computer Society Limited Apr 1963
The Computer Journal July 1963 The British Computer Society Limited Jul 1963
The Computer Journal October 1963 The British Computer Society Limited Oct 1963
The Computer Journal January 1964 The British Computer Society Limited Jan 1964
The Computer Journal April 1964 The British Computer Society Limited Apr 1964
The Computer Journal July 1964 The British Computer Society Limited Jul 1964
The Computer Journal October 1964 The British Computer Society Limited Oct 1964
The Computer Journal January 1965 The British Computer Society Limited Jan 1965
The Computer Journal April 1965 The British Computer Society Limited Apr 1965
The Computer Journal July 1965 The British Computer Society Limited Jul 1965
The Computer Journal October 1965 The British Computer Society Limited Oct 1965
The Computer Journal January 1966 The British Computer Society Limited Jan 1966
The Computer Journal May 1966 The British Computer Society Limited May 1966
The Computer Journal August 1966 The British Computer Society Limited Aug 1966
The Computer Journal November 1966 The British Computer Society Limited Nov 1966
The Computer Journal August 1968 The British Computer Society Limited Aug 1968
The Computer Journal November 1968 The British Computer Society Limited Nov 1968
The Computer Journal February 1969 The British Computer Society Limited Feb 1969
The Computer Journal May 1969 The British Computer Society Limited May 1969
The Computer Journal August 1969 The British Computer Society Limited Aug 1969
Computer Weekly 25th September 1969 25 Sep 1969
ULCC News August 1970 Newsletter 23 Aug 1970
The Computer Journal February 1971 The British Computer Society Limited Feb 1971
The Computer Journal May 1971 The British Computer Society Limited May 1971
The Computer Journal August 1971 The British Computer Society Limited Aug 1971
ULCC News April 1972 Newsletter 42 Apr 1972
The Computer Bulletin July 1972 Jul 1972
The Computer Bulletin August 1972 Aug 1972
The Computer Bulletin September 1972 Sep 1972
The Computer Bulletin October 1972 Oct 1972
The Computer Bulletin December 1972 Dec 1972
Datamation January 1973 Datamation Jan 1973
ULCC News September 1973 Newsletter 59 Sep 1973
ULCC News October 1973 Newsletter 60 Oct 1973
ULCC News November 1973 Newsletter 61 Nov 1973
ULCC News December 1973 Newsletter 62 Dec 1973
ULCC News January 1974 Newsletter 63 Jan 1974
Computing 03/01/74 3 Jan 1974
ULCC News February 1974 Newsletter 64 Feb 1974
ULCC News March 1974 Newsletter 65 Mar 1974
ULCC News September 1974 Newsletter 70 Sep 1974
ULCC News November 1974 Newsletter 72 Nov 1974
Popular Electronics - February 1975 Feb 1975
Popular Electronics - June 1975 Jun 1975
Popular Electronics - July 1975 Jul 1975
Popular Electronics - September 1975 Sep 1975
Popular Electronics - November 1977 Sep 1977
Scientific American - Microelectronics September 1977 Scientific American Sep 1977
Popular Electronics - October 1977 Oct 1977
Popular Electronics - December 1977 Dec 1977
Personal Computer World - September 1978 Sep 1978
Practical Computing - October 1978 ECC Oct 1978
Electronics Today International - November 1978 Nov 1978
Practical Computing - November 1978 ECC Nov 1978
Practical Computing - December 1978 ECC Dec 1978
Practical Computing - January 1979 ECC Jan 1979
Personal Computer World - January 1979 Jan 1979
Personal Computer World - February 1979 Feb 1979
Personal Computer World - March 1979 Mar 1979
Practical Computing - April 1979 ECC Apr 1979
Personal Computer World - April 1979 Apr 1979
ULCC News May 1979 Newsletter 122 May 1979
Personal Computer World - May 1979 May 1979
Practical Computing - June 1979 ECC Jun 1979
Personal Computer World - June 1979 Jun 1979
Practical Computing - July 1979 ECC Jul 1979
Personal Computer World - July 1979 Jul 1979
Personal Computer World - August 1979 Aug 1979
Personal Computer World - September 1979 Sep 1979
INMC News Issue 5 1980
Personal Computer World - January 1980 Jan 1980
Personal Computer World - February 1980 Feb 1980
INMC News Issue 6 Feb 1980
Personal Computer World - March 1980 Mar 1980
INMC News Issue 7 Apr 1980
Personal Computer World - May 1980 May 1980
Personal Computer World - June 1980 Jun 1980
INMC 80 News Issue 1 Jun 1980
Personal Computer World - July 1980 Jul 1980
Personal Computer World - August 1980 Aug 1980
Personal Computer World - September 1980 Sep 1980
INMC 80 News Issue 2 Sep 1980
Personal Computer World - October 1980 Oct 1980
Personal Computer World - November 1980 Nov 1980
Personal Computer World - December 1980 Dec 1980
Cray Channels - Vol 3 No 2 Cray Research, Inc. 1981
Personal Computer World - January 1981 Jan 1981
Personal Computer World - February 1981 Feb 1981
INMC 80 News Issue 3 Feb 1981
Personal Computer World - March 1981 Mar 1981
Practical Computing - May 1981, Volume 4, Issue 5 IPC Electrical Electronic Press May 1981
INMC 80 News Issue 4 May 1981
INMC 80 News Issue 5 Oct 1981
Your Computer - November 1981 Nov 1981
Your Computer - December 1981 Dec 1981
Your Computer - January 1982 Jan 1982
Personal Computer World - January 1982 Word Processing Supplement Jan 1982
80-Bus News Vol 1 Issue 1 Jan 1982
TRS-80 Microcomputer News Volume 1 Number 1 Radio Shack - Tandy Jan 1982
Your Computer - February 1982 Feb 1982
TRS-80 Microcomputer News - Volume 1, Number 2 Radio Shack - Tandy Feb 1982
Your Computer - March 1982 Mar 1982
ULCC News March 1982 Newsletter 153 Mar 1982
Your Computer - April 1982 Apr 1982
80-Bus News Vol 1 Issue 2 Apr 1982
Your Computer - May 1982 May 1982
Sinclair User May 1982 May 1982
Your Computer - June 1982 Jun 1982
Beebug Newsletter - Volume 1, Number 4 - July 1982 Beebug Jul 1982
Your Computer - July 1982 Jul 1982
80-Bus News Vol 1 Issue 3 Jul 1982
Your Computer - August 1982 Aug 1982
Your Computer - September 1982 Sep 1982
Your Computer - October 1982 Oct 1982
Your Computer - November 1982 Nov 1982
80-Bus News Vol 1 Issue 4 Nov 1982
The Home Computer Course - Issue 5 Orbis 1983
The Home Computer Course - Issue 6 Orbis 1983
The Home Computer Course - Issue 7 Orbis 1983
The Home Computer Course - Issue 8 Orbis 1983
The Home Computer Course - Issue 9 Orbis 1983
The Home Computer Course - Issue 10 Orbis 1983
The Home Computer Course - Issue 12 Orbis 1983
The Home Computer Course - Issue 14 Orbis 1983
The Home Computer Course - Issue 17 Orbis 1983
The Home Computer Course - Issue 20 Orbis 1983
The Home Computer Course - Issue 21 Orbis 1983
The Home Computer Course - Introductory Booklet Orbis 1983
Home Computer Course - Dictionary of Computing Terms Orbis 1983
The Home Computer Course - Issue 4 (A) Orbis 1983
SERC Bulletin Spring 1983 1983
The Home Computer Course - Issues 1 and 2 Orbis 1983
80-Bus News Vol 2 Issue 1 1983
80-Bus News Vol 2 Issue 2 1983
80-Bus News Vol 2 Issue 3 1983
80-Bus News Vol 2 Issue 4 1983
80-Bus News Vol 2 Issue 6 1983
The Home Computer Course - Issue 19 Orbis 1983
The Home Computer Course - Issue 18 Orbis 1983
The Home Computer Course - Issue 16 Orbis 1983
The Home Computer Course - Issue 15 Orbis 1983
The Home Computer Course - Issue 13 Orbis 1983
The Home Computer Course - Issue 11 Orbis 1983
The Home Computer Course - Issue 3 Orbis 1983
Your Computer - January 1983 Jan 1983
Your Computer - February 1983 Feb 1983
Your Computer - March 1983 Mar 1983
Your Computer - April 1983 Apr 1983
Your Computer - May 1983 May 1983
Your Computer - June 1983 Jun 1983
Practical Computing - June 1983 Jun 1983
Practical Computing - July 1983 Jul 1983
Practical Computing - August 1983 Aug 1983
Practical Computing - September 1983 Sep 1983
Practical Computing - October 1983 Oct 1983
Computer Weekly 6th October 1983 6 Oct 1983
Your Computer - November 1983 Nov 1983
Practical Computing - November 1983 Nov 1983
Sinclair Projects December 1983/January 1984 ECC Publications Dec 1983
Your Computer - December 1983 Dec 1983
Practical Computing - December 1983 Dec 1983
The Home Computer Course - Issue 22 Orbis 1984
The Home Computer Course - Issue 24 Orbis 1984
The Home Computer Course - Completion Certificate Orbis 1984
The Home Computer Course - Issue 23 Orbis 1984
Practical Computing - January 1984 Jan 1984
Personal Computer World - January 1984 Jan 1984
Personal Computer World - February 1984 Feb 1984
Practical Computing - February 1984 Feb 1984
Personal Computer World - March 1984 Mar 1984
Practical Computing - March 1984 Mar 1984
Practical Computing - April 1984 Apr 1984
Sinclair Projects April/May 1984 ECC Publications Apr 1984
Personal Computer World - April 1984 Apr 1984
Practical Computing - May 1984 May 1984
Personal Computer World - May 1984 May 1984
Byte May 1984 May 1984
Practical Computing - June 1984 Jun 1984
Personal Computer World - July 1984 Jul 1984
Sinclair Projects August/September 1984 ECC Publications Aug 1984
Personal Computer World - August 1984 Aug 1984
Byte August 1984 Aug 1984
Practical Computing - September 1984 Sep 1984
Personal Computer World - September 1984 Sep 1984
Apple User - September 1984 Sep 1984
Practical Computing - October 1984 Oct 1984
Personal Computer World - October 1984 Oct 1984
Byte October 1984 Oct 1984
Practical Computing - November 1984 Nov 1984
Informatics November 1984 Nov 1984
Personal Computer World - November 1984 Nov 1984
Practical Computing - December 1984 Dec 1984
Personal Computer World - December 1984 Dec 1984
The Home Computer Course - File Directory Orbis 1985
The Home Computer Course - Issue 4 (B) Orbis 1985
Practical Computing - January 1985 Jan 1985
Practical Computing - February 1985 Feb 1985
Practical Computing - March 1985 Mar 1985
The Micro User - March 1985 - Vol 3 No 1 Database Publications Ltd Mar 1985
Practical Computing - April 1985 Apr 1985
The Micro User - April 1985 - Vol 3 No 2 Database Publications Ltd Apr 1985
Practical Computing - May 1985 May 1985
Practical Computing - June 1985 Jun 1985
The Micro User - June 1985 - Vol 3 No 4 Database Publications Ltd Jun 1985
Practical Computing - July 1985 Jul 1985
Private Enterprise Magazine Issue 1 IEUG Jul 1985
Practical Computing - August 1985 Aug 1985
Practical Computing - September 1985 Sep 1985
Private Enterprise Magazine Issue 2 IEUG Sep 1985
Practical Computing - October 1985 Oct 1985
Practical Computing - November 1985 Nov 1985
Private Enterprise Magazine Issue 3 IEUG Nov 1985
Practical Computing - December 1985 Dec 1985
Personal Computer World - December 1985 1 Dec 1985
Practical Computing - January 1986 Jan 1986
Practical Computing - February 1986 Feb 1986
Private Enterprise Magazine Issue 4 IEUG Feb 1986
Practical Computing - March 1986 Mar 1986
The Micro User - April 1986 - Vol 4 No 2 Database Publications Ltd Apr 1986
Computer Shopper April 1986 Apr 1986
Practical Computing - April 1986 Apr 1986
The Micro User - May 1986 - Vol 4 No 3 Database Publications Ltd May 1986
Practical Computing - May 1986 May 1986
The Micro User - June 1986 - Vol 4 No 4 Database Publications Ltd Jun 1986
Practical Computing - June 1986 Jun 1986
DEC User July 1986 Jul 1986
Practical Computing - July 1986 Jul 1986
University Computing Summer 1986 Aug 1986
Private Enterprise Magazine Issue 6 IEUG Aug 1986
Practical Computing - August 1986 Aug 1986
Practical Computing - September 1986 Sep 1986
Practical Computing - October 1986 Oct 1986
Call-A.P.P.L.E. - November 1986 Nov 1986
Private Enterprise Magazine Issue 7 Enterprise Nov 1986
Practical Computing - November 1986 Nov 1986
Practical Computing - December 1986 Dec 1986
Private Enterprise Magazine Issue 8 IEUG Jan 1987
The Micro User - February 1988 - Vol 5 No 12 Database Publications Ltd Feb 1987
Byte February 1987 Feb 1987
The Micro User - April 1987 - Vol 5 No 2 Database Publications Ltd Apr 1987
The Micro User - May 1987 - Vol 5 No 3 Database Publications Ltd May 1987
Practical Computing - May 1987 May 1987
The Micro User - June 1987 - Vol 5 No 4 Database Publications Ltd Jun 1987
Educational Computing - June 1987 Redwood Publishing Jun 1987
The Micro User - July 1987 - Vol 5 No 5 Database Publications Ltd Jul 1987
The Micro User - August 1987 - Vol 5 No 6 The Micro User Aug 1987
Practical Computing - August 1987 Aug 1987
The Micro User - September 1987 - Vol 5 No 7 Database Publications Ltd Sep 1987
Practical Computing - September 1987 Sep 1987
The Micro User - October 1987 - Vol 5 No 8 Database Publications Ltd Oct 1987
Zzap! - No.30 October 1987 Newsfield Oct 1987
Practical Computing - October 1987 Oct 1987
The Micro User - November 1987 - Vol 5 No 9 Database Publications Ltd Nov 1987
Practical Computing - November 1987 Nov 1987
The Micro User - December 1987 - Vol 5 No 10 The Micro User Dec 1987
Practical Computing - December 1987 Dec 1987
The Micro User - January 1988 - Vol 5 No 11 Database Publications Ltd Jan 1988
Byte January 1988 Jan 1988
Practical Computing - January 1988 Jan 1988
Practical Computing - February 1988 Feb 1988
University of Cambridge Computing Service March 1988 Newsletter 138 Mar 1988
Practical Computing - March 1988 Mar 1988
Practical Computing - April 1988 Apr 1988
Practical Computing - May 1988 May 1988
Practical Computing - July 1988 Jul 1988
Byte August 1988 Aug 1988
Practical Computing - August 1988 Aug 1988
Byte October 1988 Oct 1988
Byte November 1988 Nov 1988
Dragon User - January 1989 1989
Independent Commodore Products Users Group Vol 11 No 1 Independent Commodore Products Users Group Jan 1989
PC World Focus March 1989 Number 1 Personal Computer World Mar 1989
Independent Commodore Products Users Group Vol 11 No2 Independent Commodore Products Users Group Mar 1989
The Micro User - April 1989 - Vol 7 No 2 Database Publications Ltd Apr 1989
Independent Commodore Products Users Group Vol 11 No3 Independent Commodore Products Users Group May 1989
The Micro User - June 1989 - Vol 7 No 4 Database Publications Ltd Jun 1989
Independent Commodore Products Users Group Vol 11 No4 Independent Commodore Products Users Group Jul 1989
Acorn - Healthcare News 5 - September 1989 Acorn Computers Limited Sep 1989
Acorn - Education News 6 - June 1989 Acorn Computers Limited Sep 1989
Independent Commodore Products Users Group Vol 11 No5 Independent Commodore Products Users Group Sep 1989
Byte October 1989 Oct 1989
Independent Commodore Products Users Group Vol 11 No6 Independent Commodore Products Users Group Nov 1989
Byte January 1990 Jan 1990
Byte February 1990 Feb 1990
Byte March 1990 Mar 1990
Byte April 1990 Apr 1990
Byte May 1990 May 1990
Flagship 9 - June 1990 Science and Engineering Research Council Jun 1990
Byte June 1990 Jun 1990
Personal Computer World - January 1991 Jan 1991
Personal Computer World - February 1991 Feb 1991
Personal Computer World - March 1991 Mar 1991
Personal Computer World - April 1991 Mar 1991
Personal Computer World Special - April 1991 Apr 1991
PC Business World 16 April 1991 16 Apr 1991
Personal Computer World - June 1991 Jun 1991
Personal Computer World - July 1991 Jul 1991
Personal Computer World - August 1991 Aug 1991
Personal Computer World - September 1991 Sep 1991
Personal Computer World - October 1991 Oct 1991
Personal Computer World - November 1991 Nov 1991
Personal Computer World - December 1991 Dec 1991
Byte November 1992 Nov 1992
Personal Computer World - January 1993 1 Jan 1993
Byte February 1993 Feb 1993
Byte March 1993 Mar 1993
Byte April 1993 Apr 1993
Personal Computer World - June 1993 Jun 1993
Byte August 1993 Aug 1993
Personal Computer World - February 1993 1 Aug 1993
Personal Computer World - March 1993 1 Aug 1993
Personal Computer World - May 1993 1 Aug 1993
Personal Computer World - April 1993 1 Aug 1993
Byte September 1993 Sep 1993
Edge - Issue 1 - October 1993 Future Publishing Oct 1993
Edge - Issue 2 - November 1993 Future Publishing Nov 1993
Edge - Issue 3 - December 1993 Future Publishing Dec 1993
Edge - Issue 4 - January 1994 Future Publishing Jan 1994
Edge - Issue 6 - March 1994 Future Publishing Mar 1994
Edge - Issue 7 - April 1994 Future Publishing Apr 1994
Edge - Issue 8 - May 1994 Future Publishing May 1994
Personal Computer World - May 1994 1 May 1994
Edge - Issue 9 - June 1994 Future Publishing Jun 1994
Personal Computer World - June 1994 1 Jun 1994
Edge - Issue 10 - July 1994 Future Publishing Jul 1994
Personal Computer World - July 1994 1 Jul 1994
Personal Computer World - September 1994 Aug 1994
Personal Computer World - October 1994 Aug 1994
Personal Computer World - November 1994 Aug 1994
Personal Computer World - August 1994 Aug 1994
Edge - Issue 11 - August 1994 Future Publishing Aug 1994
Edge - Issue 12 - September 1994 Future Publishing Sep 1994
Acorn Publisher - Volume 1, Issue 1 (October 1994) Akalat Publishing Oct 1994
Edge - Issue 13 - October 1994 Future Publishing Oct 1994
Edge - Issue 14 - November 1994 Future Publishing Nov 1994
PC Pro Issue 1 November 1994 Dennis 1 Nov 1994
Acorn Publisher - Volume 1, Issue 2 (December 1994) Akalat Publishing Dec 1994
PC Pro January 1995 Dennis 1 Jan 1995
Acorn Publisher - Volume 1, Issue 3 (February 1995) Akalat Publishing Feb 1995
Acorn Publisher - Volume 1, Issue 4 (April 1995) Akalat Publishing Apr 1995
Acorn Publisher - Volume 1, Issue 5 (June 1995) Akalat Publishing Jun 1995
Acorn Publisher - Volume 1, Issue 6 (August 1995) Akalat Publishing Aug 1995
Acorn Publisher - Volume 2, Issue 1 (October 1995) Akalat Publishing Oct 1995
Acorn Publisher - Volume 2, Issue 2 (December 1995) Akalat Publishing Dec 1995
Edge - Issue 28 - January 1996 Future Publishing Jan 1996
Edge - Issue 29 - February 1996 Future Publishing Feb 1996
Acorn Publisher - Volume 2, Issue 3 (February 1996) Akalat Publishing Feb 1996
Edge - Issue 30 - March 1996 Future Publishing Mar 1996
Edge - Issue 31 - April 1996 Future Publishing Apr 1996
Acorn Publisher - Volume 2, Issue 4 (April 1996) Akalat Publishing Apr 1996
Edge - Issue 32 - May 1996 Future Publishing May 1996
Edge - Issue 33 - June 1996 Future Publishing Jun 1996
Acorn Publisher - Volume 2, Issue 5 (June 1996) Akalat Publishing Jun 1996
Edge - Issue 34 - July 1996 Future Publishing Jul 1996
Edge - Issue 35 - August 1996 Future Publishing Aug 1996
Acorn Publisher - Volume 2, Issue 6 (August 1996) Akalat Publishing Aug 1996
Edge - Issue 36 - September 1996 Future Publishing Sep 1996
Edge - Issue 37 - October 1996 Future Publishing Oct 1996
Acorn Publisher - Volume 3, Issue 1 (October 1996) Akalat Publishing Oct 1996
Acorn Publisher - Volume 3, Issue 2 (December 1996) Akalat Publishing Dec 1996
Computers for the Family - Volume 1 Issue 2 XL Communications 1997
Acorn Publisher - Volume 3, Issue 3 (February 1997) Akalat Publishing Feb 1997
Acorn Publisher - Volume 3, Issue 4 (April 1997) Akalat Publishing Apr 1997
Acorn Publisher - Volume 3, Issue 5 (June 1997) Akalat Publishing Jun 1997
Acorn Publisher - Volume 3, Issue 6 (August 1997) Akalat Publishing Aug 1997
Acorn Publisher - Volume 4, Issue 1 (October 1997) Akalat Publishing Oct 1997
Acorn Publisher - Volume 4, Issue 2 (December 1997) Akalat Publishing Dec 1997
Byte January 1998 Jan 1998
Byte February 1998 Feb 1998
Byte June 1988 Jun 1998
Acorn Publisher - Volume 4, Issue 5 (June 1998) Akalat Publishing Jun 1998
Edge - Issue 61 - August 1998 Future Publishing Aug 1998
Acorn Publisher - Volume 4, Issue 6 (August 1998) Akalat Publishing Aug 1998
Acorn Publisher - Volume 5, Issue 1 (October 1998) Akalat Publishing Oct 1998
Acorn Publisher - Volume 5, Issue 2 (December 1998) Akalat Publishing Dec 1998
Acorn Publisher - Volume 5, Issue 3 (February 1999) Akalat Publishing Feb 1999
Acorn Publisher - Volume 5, Issue 4 (April 1999) Akalat Publishing Apr 1999
Acorn Publisher - Volume 5, Issue 6 (August 1999) Akalat Publishing Aug 1999
Acorn Publisher - Volume 6, Issue 1 (October 1999) Akalat Publishing Oct 1999
Edge - Issue 79 - December 1999 Future Publishing Dec 1999
Acorn Publisher - Volume 6, Issue 2 (December 1999) Akalat Publishing Dec 1999
Acorn Publisher - Volume 6, Issue 5 (June 2000) Akalat Publishing Jun 2000
Acorn Publisher - Volume 6, Issue 6 (August 2000) Akalat Publishing Aug 2000
Edge - Issue 87 - August 2000 Future Publishing Aug 2000
Edge - Issue 89 - October 2000 Future Publishing Oct 2000
Edge - Issue 90 - November 2000 Future Publishing Nov 2000
N64 Magazine - January 2001 Future Publishing 2 Jan 2001
Acorn Publisher - Volume 7, Issue 3 (February 2001) Akalat Publishing Feb 2001
N64 Magazine - February 2001 Future Publishing 1 Feb 2001
Acorn Publisher - Volume 7, Issue 4 (April 2001) Akalat Publishing Apr 2001
N64 Magazine - April 2001 Future Publishing 1 Apr 2001
N64 Magazine - May 2001 Future Publishing 1 May 2001
Acorn Publisher - Volume 7, Issue 5 (June 2001) Akalat Publishing Jun 2001
N64 Magazine - June 2001 Future Publishing 1 Jun 2001
Acorn Publisher - Volume 7, Issue 6 (August 2001) Akalat Publishing Aug 2001
Acorn Publisher - Volume 8, Issue 2 (December 2001) Akalat Publishing Dec 2001
Acorn Publisher - Volume 8, Issue 3 (February 2002) Akalat Publishing Feb 2002
Acorn Publisher - Volume 8, Issue 5 (June 2002) Akalat Publishing Jun 2002
Edge - Issue 114 - September 2002 Future Publishing Sep 2002
Acorn User - October 2003 2003
Acorn Publisher - Volume 9, Issue 3 (February 2003) Finnybank Ltd Feb 2003
Acorn Publisher - Volume 9, Issue 4 (April 2003) Finnybank Ltd Apr 2003
Edge - Issue 123 - May 2003 Future Publishing May 2003
Acorn Publisher - Volume 9, Issue 6 (August 2003) Finnybank Ltd Aug 2003
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing - April-June 2004 2004
Edge - Issue 134 - March 2004 Future Publishing Mar 2004
Edge - Issue 135 - April 2004 Future Publishing Apr 2004
Edge - Issue 139 - August 2004 Future Publishing Aug 2004
Edge - Issue 140 - September 2004 Future Publishing Sep 2004
Edge - Issue 146 - February 2005 Future Publishing Feb 2005
Edge - Issue 165 - August 2006 Future Publishing Aug 2006
Edge - Issue 176 - June 2007 Future Publishing Jun 2007
Edge - Issue 184 - January 2008 Future Publishing Jan 2008
Edge - Issue 188 - May 2008 Future Publishing May 2008
Edge - Issue 189 - June 2008 Future Publishing Jun 2008
Edge - Issue 191 - August 2008 Future Publishing Aug 2008
Edge - Issue 195 - December 2008 Future Publishing Dec 2008
NGamer - January 2009 Future Publishing Jan 2009
Acorn User - April 1983 6 May 2009
Acorn User - May 1989 27 May 2009
Acorn User - January 1994 17 Jun 2009
Edge - Issue 203 - July 2009 Future Publishing Jul 2009
Byte January 1987 9 Sep 2009
Byte September 1987 9 Sep 2009
Byte December 1990 16 Sep 2009
Edge - Issue 208 - December 2009 Future Publishing Dec 2009
Edge - Issue 209 - Christmas 2009 Future Publishing Dec 2009
Edge - Issue 211 - February 2010 Future Publishing Feb 2010
Edge - Issue 212 - March 2010 Future Publishing Mar 2010
Edge - Issue 213 - April 2010 Future Publishing Apr 2010
Edge - Issue 216 - July 2010 Future Publishing Jul 2010
Edge - Issue 219 - October 2010 Future Publishing Oct 2010
Edge - Issue 221 - December 2010 Future Publishing Dec 2010
Edge - Issue 224 - February 2011 Future Publishing Feb 2011

Other Systems Related To ICL Personal Computer Model 30 8120/05:

Item Manufacturer Date
ICL Terminal 2255/1 ICL 1974
ICL Personal Computer Model 30 8120/11 ICL 1981
ICL PERQ 1 Workstation ICL 1981
ICL DRS8801 ICL 1983
ICL PERQ 2 T1 Workstation ICL 1983
Designer Prototype ICL OPD ICL 1984
ICL NB386S ICL 1984
ICL Personal Computer Model 36 - 8122/20 ICL 1st June 1984
ICL Perq 3A ICL 1985
BT Merlin Tonto ICL 1985
ICL OPD (Boxed) ICL 1985
ICL DRS M15 ICL 1988
ICL DRS M45 ICL 1988
ICL Fujitsu PCTV ICL March 1995

This exhibit has a reference ID of CH4585. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.


ICL Personal Computer Model 30 8120/05

  Book Archive   [8]
  Software Archive   [1]
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Click on the Image(s) For Detail


Memories - Notes by a physicist who dabbled with computers - John Yates
Marketing Plans for the ICL OPD
Article - Cassette Recording with the BBC Micro
LEO Chronicle 1947-1954
ICL and the Evolution of the British Main Frame
I Love ICL
The Formation of ICL and the New Range
Vintage ICL Computers
Thoughts on the ICL Basic Language Machine
Library's Computer Program - Press Article

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