Science of Cambridge releases the MK14

February 1978
Science of Cambridge releases the MK14

Science of Cambridge was Clive Sinclair's company which would go on to become Sinclair Research in 1981.

In February 1978, Science of Cambridge placed the first mail-order adverts for their latest product, the Microcomputer Kit 14 or MK14. A 31-piece computer kit, it retailed for £39.95.

The MK14 was based on a National Semiconductor SC/MP CPU. It provided 256 bytes of RAM, output was displayed on an LED seven segment display, and input was via a 20 key keyboard.

The first MK14 prototype was built by Steve Furber.

The MK14 eventually sold over 50,000 units.

Related information:


  • Detail from MK14 advert
    Credit: Science of Cambridge. Images remain the copyright of the original copyright holder. Used under fair use policy for educational purposes only.





Science of Cambridge releases the MK14

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