Music Master

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This software should come with a microphone unit, which is fitted to the user's recorder (the musical instrument!), and plugged into the BBC Micro user port.

Music Master has four parts:

  1. Learn the note - shows a diagram of the correct fingering for a particular note
  2. Listen to a tune - plays your choice of eight library tunes, shown in musical notation with a pointer moving note to note.
  3. Learn a tune - choose one of the eight tunes, the computer will wait for you to play the correct note before progressing.
  4. Play your own tune - the computer will draw four empty staves and wait for you to play music to fill them. This can be played back. It can hold a maximum of 64 notes and rest in total.

Music Master is also compatible with a dot-matrix printer, and the software can be tuned to your instrument.

Platform : BBC Micro
Format : 5.25" Floppy Disk
Publisher : AB European Marketing Division
Authors : Dr A J Brookes
Date : Unknown
Product Code :

Other Software by AB European Marketing Division:

Item Manufacturer Platform Format Date
Music Master AB European Marketing Division BBC Micro 5.25" Floppy Disk Unknown

Information About AB European Marketing Division:




This exhibit has a reference ID of CH67051. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
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