Commodore VIC-20 becomes the oldest computer to tweet
20th February 2010 On the 20th February 2010 at approximately 11:06 AM, former Brantford Expositor city editor Richard Beales sent a tweet from a Commodore VIC-20. Released in 1981, the VIC-20 is the oldest computer that anyone has used to send a tweet. Syd Bolton, the curator of the Canadian Personal Computer Museum wrote the code that allowed this ancient computer to connect to the modern internet. Why anyone would want to enable a VIC-20 to send a tweet is not immediately obvious, but Syd explained his motives as follows: "For me, it was an engineering experiment. Taking a computer that was almost 30 years old and integrating it into modern society was all the drive I needed." The software which allows the VIC-20 to connect to the internet and tweet is on cassette tape and runs on an unexpanded VIC-20 with just 5K of RAM. The tweeting VIC-20 can be found at the Personal Computer Museum in Brantford, Canada and is still the oldest computer ever to tweet. Related information: Image:
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