Creature Labs Yeren Sales Material DVD

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DVD containing sales material documents relating to the never-published video game 'Yeren' from Creature Labs. There are five documents on the DVD, two videos, one with a close up of the Yeren character, and one of the opening introductory sequence, a 15-page PDF detailing the story, mechanics and characters of the game, a PowerPoint presentation with product overview, intro, story and characters, game mechanics, user interface, demo, and a positioning summary, and a two-page PDF with a walkthrough of the game.

Platform : Yeren
Format : DVD
Publisher : Creature Labs
Authors :
Date : 2002
Product Code :

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Item Manufacturer Platform Format Date
Creature Labs Yeren Sales Material DVD Creature Labs Yeren DVD 2002

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This exhibit has a reference ID of CH72227. Please quote this reference ID in any communication with the Centre for Computing History.
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