DEC PDP-8/I Replica

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This is a 66% scale functioning model of the DEC PDP-8/I, first sold in 1968. The kit uses a Raspberry Pi running SIMH to emulate the PDP-8/I. The replica has a Pi V2 fitted, and usually runs the PDP-8s OS/8 system, but it can also run other operating systems. It also features an Extended Arithmetic Element (EAE) for multiplication and division with an additional register, the Multiplier/Quotient (MQ) Register. The original PDP-8/I was a low-cost computer available to the masses, featuring three programmer-visible registers: A 12-bit accumulator (AC), a Program Counter (PC), and a carry flag called the 'link register' (L)

Manufacturer: Digital DEC
Date: 1968

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DEC PDP-8/I Replica

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