Searching Cambridge University Press

Your search for 'Cambridge University Press' returned the following items...

Item Type Date
Ferranti Atlas Basic Language (ABL) Manual  1 Jun 1962 
A Child's Guide to the BBC Micro Book  18 Aug 1983 
A Child's Guide to the ZX Spectrum Book  1983 
A First Course in Information Technology - Tutor's Manual Book  1989 
A Glossary of Computing Terms - An Introdcution (Fifth Edition) Book  1987 
Acorn Cambridge Illustrated Dictionary Book  1986 
An Introduction To Logical Design Of Digital Circuits (Cambridge Computer Science Texts) Book  22 Nov 1972 
Astronomy with your Personal Computer Book  1988 
Biologia Scienze Alimentari Software  1985 
Box 033 - Various documents as per description Storage Box  Unknown 
Box 580 -Various Technical Publications, brochures etc Storage Box  Unknown 
Cambridge International Dictionary of English Software - Educational  2001 
Computer Systems Reliability Book  31 Jul 1979 
Creative Computer Graphics Book  1984 
David Wheeler Person  1927 
Eryl Wynn-Williams invents the scale-of-two counter Event  1938 
Explore our LEO Computers Collection Article  Unknown 
Faster Than Thought: A Symposium on Digital Computing Machines 1953 Book  1953 
Four-Figure Tables Book  1965 
Fun Mathematics on your Microcomputer Book  Unknown 
Iann Barron Person  16 Jun 1936 
Illustrating Basic (A Simple Programming Language) Book  1977 
Illustrating BBC Basic Book  1986 
Illustrating Fortran (The Portable Variety) Book  1982 
Illustrating Pascal Book  1988 
Illustrating Super-BASIC on the Sinclair QL Book  1985 
Introduction to Programming for the EDSAC Manual  1956 
Macro Processors Book  1976 
Max Newman Person  7 Feb 1897 
Memories - A Personal History of a Cambridge Concern Article  Unknown 
Memories - The Social Impact of Computers - One Man's Story Please Select  2012 
Numerical Recipes in C Book  1988 
Numerical Recipes in Pascal Book  1989 
People and Computers IV Book  1988 
Software Portability: An Advanced Course Book  1977 
The "Express" Ready Reckoner Book  Unknown 
Torch Computers Ltd Company  1982 
We Built our own Computers Book  1966 
LEO Catalogue Update: 22nd October 2020 Blog Post  22 Oct 2020 
LEO Catalogue Update: 22nd June 2021 Blog Post  22 Jun 2021 

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