Computing Books written by Ian Williamson

The following is a list of Computing Books written by Ian Williamson in the Centre for Computing History collection. It is not an exhaustive list of and other books may have been published. If you have a book that you would like to donate to our collection, please view our donations page.

There are 2 Computing Books written by Ian Williamson in our collection :
Order By : Title - Release Date - Publisher
Digital Computer Design - A self-instruction course from Cambridge Learning Date: 1982 Digital Computer Design - A self-instruction course from Cambridge Learning

This book, published in 1982, explains how computers work from the very basics to much more advanced topics.  It begins by explaining when numbers and counting first became vital for human civilisation - when agriculture was first developed - before moving on to the computer's ability to manage these numbers.  By the end of the book, specific languages and components are discussed.

The book was written with contributions from Ian Williamson, previously a trustee of the Centre for Computing History and the donor of this item.

Publisher: Cambridge Learning Enterprises
Author: Ian Williamson
Platform: Design

Microprocessors and Microelectronics Date: 1983 Microprocessors and Microelectronics

A Self Instruction Course from Cambridge Learning

"Now you can learn all about microprocessors - their construction, design, and operation - using our programmed learning technique.

Suitable for all ages, all levels of interest, this course has been designed for ease of understanding. It assumes no prior knowledge other than arithmetic; and at the end you will know what that piece of "black plastic" in your computer is actually doing!"

Publisher: Cambridge Learning Limited
Author: Ian Williamson
Platform: Microprocessors

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