Computing Books written by William Barden Jr

The following is a list of Computing Books written by William Barden Jr in the Centre for Computing History collection. It is not an exhaustive list of and other books may have been published. If you have a book that you would like to donate to our collection, please view our donations page.

There are 4 Computing Books written by William Barden Jr in our collection :
Order By : Title - Release Date - Publisher
Color Computer Graphics Date: 1982 Color Computer Graphics


"Want to use your Color Computer to draw a 'pie chart'? How about constructing a chessboard with all chess pieces represented in four colors? Interested in doing a precise plot of a mathematical function? How about animating figures in your Space War game? The Color Computer can easily do all of these things with its built in graphics capability."

Publisher: Tandy
Author: William Barden Jr
Platform: TRS-80

TRS-80 Assembly Language Programming Date: 1979 TRS-80 Assembly Language Programming

Publisher: Radio Shack
Author: William Barden Jr
Platform: TRS-80

TRS-80 Computer Reference Handbook Date: 1985 TRS-80 Computer Reference Handbook

TRS-80 Pocket BASIC Handbook

Publisher: Radio Shack Tandy
Author: William Barden Jr
Platform: TRS-80

TRS80 Color Computer Assembly Language Programming Date: 1983 TRS80 Color Computer Assembly Language Programming

"The Color Computer is an exceptionally good machine on which to learn assembly language. For one thing, it uses a 6809 microprocessor. The 6809 is a relatively new microprocessor with a powerful instruction set and addressing modes....We'll take you from the ground up (though some knowledge of BASIC is a definite help)."

Publisher: Tandy
Author: William Barden Jr
Platform: TRS-80

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