Computing Books published by Auerbach Publishers

The following is a list of Computing Books published by Auerbach Publishers in the Centre for Computing History collection. It is not an exhaustive list of and other books may have been published. If you have a book that you would like to donate to our collection, please view our donations page.

There are 5 Computing Books published by Auerbach Publishers in our collection :
Order By : Title - Release Date - Publisher
Auerbach on Alphanumeric Displays Date: 1971 Auerbach on Alphanumeric Displays

Auerbach on Alphanumeric Displays is a well-organized and comprehensive guide for hardware systems planners, computer and peripheral manufacturers, EDP equipment buyers, and computer graphics professionals. This valuable reference presents the inherent features of A/N displays - speed, noiseless operation, flexibility, and error reduction - in tabular and chart form or easy consultation and comparison.

Publisher: Auerbach Publishers

Platform: Alphanumeric Displays

Auerbach on Optical Character Recognition Date: 1971 Auerbach on Optical Character Recognition

Here is a timely reference book to help you sort fact from fanciful claim, evaluate suppliers' equipment and systems, and make the best buying decision. This book covers the new generation of optical character recognition (OCR) products).

Publisher: Auerbach Publishers

Platform: Optical Character Recognition

Decision Tables Date: 1972 Decision Tables

Here is a simple but comprehensive, non-technical book on decision tables that could become the definitive work on the subject. It dispels the mystique of difficulty that surrounds decision tables and puts the decision table in its proper perspective - as a tool in the pocket of every person in data processing.

Publisher: Auerbach Publishers
Author: Keith R. London
Platform: Decision Tables

The Auerbach Annual 1973 Best Computer Papers Date: 1973 The Auerbach Annual 1973 Best Computer Papers

The Auerbach Annual 1973 -- Best Computer Papers
This is a compendium of papers judged best among scores written in 1972. Six international organizations in the field of information science have submitted these papers; nearly every major technical society in the English-speaking world is represented between the covers of this book. Each paper represents a significant contribution to the state-of-the-art and to the growing literature on the computer sciences.

Publisher: Auerbach Publishers

Platform: Computing

The Best Computer Papers of 1971 Date: 1971 The Best Computer Papers of 1971

This is a compendium of papers judged best among scores written in 1971. Seven international organizations in the field of information science have submitted these papers; nearly every major technical society in the English-speaking world is represented between the covers of this book. Each paper represents a significant contribution to the state-of-the-art and to the growing literature on the computer sciences.

Publisher: Auerbach Publishers

Platform: Computing

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