Computing Books published by Granda Publishing

The following is a list of Computing Books published by Granda Publishing in the Centre for Computing History collection. It is not an exhaustive list of and other books may have been published. If you have a book that you would like to donate to our collection, please view our donations page.

There are 8 Computing Books published by Granda Publishing in our collection :
Order By : Title - Release Date - Publisher
Get More From the VIC-20 Date: 1983 Get More From the VIC-20

There is something for every member of the family in this book of twenty-one fascinating games. They have all been writen to exploit in full the excellent graphics and sound capabilities of the VIC 20 and are fully tested and crash-proof.

Each program is accompanied by instructions telling you how to play the game and often some tips on winning tactics.
Hints are also given on how to adapt the game to suit your own ideas wherever possible.

Publisher: Granda Publishing
Author: Own Bishop

Learning is Fun! 40 Educational Games for the Spectrum Date: 1983 Learning is Fun! 40 Educational Games for the Spectrum

The programs in this book have been designed to help the younger members of your family to handle the spectrum and to increase their general knowledge- whilst enjoying themselves.

Publisher: Granda Publishing
Author: Vince Apps
Platform: ZX Spectrum

Practical Programs for the BBC Micro Date: 1984 Practical Programs for the BBC Micro

Here are 14 highly practical programs to help you both at home and in the office.

Publisher: Granda Publishing
Author: Audrey Bishop and Owen Bishop
Platform: BBC Micro

Take Off With The Electron and BBC Micro Date: 1984 Take Off With The Electron and BBC Micro

there are hints and tips about how to use the programs and how to get the most fun and value from them. You also discover how to get the best from your computer.

Publisher: Granda Publishing
Author: Audrey Bishop and Owen Bishop
Platform: BBC Micro, Acorn Electron

The Complete Programmer Date: 1983 The Complete Programmer

This book is for basic programmers who want to get the most out of the language by mastering more advanced programming techniques.

Publisher: Granda Publishing
Author: Mike James

The Spectrum Book of Games Date: 1983 The Spectrum Book of Games

Here is a selection of twenty-one exciting, high quality games written specially for the ZX Spectrum. These games make full use of the Spectrum's facilities, and are fully tested and crash proof.

Publisher: Granda Publishing
Author: M. James, S. M. Gee and K. Ewbank
Platform: ZX Spectrum

The Spectrum Programmer Date: 1983 The Spectrum Programmer

This book takes the Spectrum user in esy stages from his first step in programming to a good level of competence.

Publisher: Granda Publishing
Author: S. M. Gee
Platform: ZX Spectrum

The ZX Spectrum and how to get the most from it Date: 1982 The ZX Spectrum and how to get the most from it

This book is written for the Sinclair SPECTRUM user who is a beginner or has used other machines, particularly the ZX 81. It covers the setting up and operation of the machine in detail but from the viewpoint of the beginner, highlighting the difficulties and illustrating how the machine responds to incorrect commands. The beginner is guided through the difficult early stages until he or she feels confident enough to start designing and entering BASIC programs. The book has also been designed to be used as a reference guide for the more experienced user.

Publisher: Granda Publishing
Author: Ian Sinclair
Platform: Sinclair ZX Spectrum

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