Apple II Software
The following is a list of Apple II Software in the Centre for Computing History collection. It is not an exhaustive list of and other software may have been published. If you have any software that you would like to donate to our collection, please view our donations page.There are 71 Apple II Software in our collection :
Order By : Title - Release Date - Publisher |

Access III (Access ///) is a communications control package that gives your Apple III the ability to communicate with remote computers, access timesharing systems, and tie into remote information serv ...
Software House : Apple
Author :

Apple Business BASIC is an extended version of BASIC for the Apple III
Software House : Apple
Author : Donn Denman

Apple II: Applesoft Programmer's Kit describes the fundamentals of BASIC and serves as a complete reference guide to the Applesoft BASIC language for programmers
Software House : Apple
Author :

Apple II Application Software this set of disks are for an Apple II (Apple //) and Apple IIe (Apple //e) and comprises mostly application disks
Software House : Apple
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Apple II DOS was a family of disk operating systems for the Apple II series
Software House : Apple
Author : Shepardson: Paul Laughton

Apple II DOS was a family of disk operating systems for the Apple II series
Software House : Apple
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The Apple III (Apple ///) has the capability to run Apple II software

Apple II Monitor ROM Listings was an Addendum to the Apple IIe Reference Manual which lists the monitor firmware source code
Software House : Apple
Author :

Apple II ProDOS meaning Professional Disk Operating System, became the most popular operating system for the Apple II family
Software House : Apple
Author :

Apple IIe The Inside Story - An IntroductionPascal Based and ProDOS based198
Software House : Apple
Author :

Programmed Inquiry, Learning, or Teaching (PILOT) is a simple high-level programming language developed in the 1960s, developed by John Amsden Starkweather, a psychology prof ...
Software House : Apple
Author : John Amsden Starkweather

Apple Post Mailing List System was an Apple II program
Software House : Apple
Author :

Apple Writer III (Apple Writer ///) is Word Processing for the Apple III (Apple ///) it allows you to create, edit, format, and print a wide range of written material quickly and accurately

Apple Writer III (Apple Writer ///) is Word Processing for the Apple III (Apple ///) it allows you to create, edit, format, and print a wide range of written material quickly and accurately
Software House : Apple
Author : Paul Lutus

Apple Writer III (Apple Writer ///) is Word Processing for the Apple III (Apple ///) it allows you to create, edit, format, and print a wide range of written material quickly and accurately

"Integrated Word Processing, Financial Modelling, & Data Base Management" AppleWorks was an integrated office suite containing a word processor, database, and spreadsheet
Software House : Apple
Author : Rupert Lissner

ASCII Express - A Complete Telecommunications Package - written for the Apple II series of computers when the use of the bulletin board system (BBS), or even telecommunications in gener ...
Software House : United Software, Southwestern Data Systems
Author : Mark Robbins and Bill Blue

Automate AppleWorks with Mail Merge, macros, mouse control, and file organising
Software House : The Software Touch
Author : Alan Bird

Backup III (Backup ///) is a utility program for making disk backups
Software House : Apple
Author :

Apple II/II+ DOS Bag of Tricks by Quality Software
Software House : Quality Software
Author : Don Worth & Pieter Lechner

This program enables students (11-16 age range) to analyse their diet in terms of intake of protein, fat, fibre, carbohydrates and selected vitamins and minerals
Software House : Cambridge Micro Software
Author : Christopher Forecast Five Ways Software

Beagle GPLE Global Program Line Editor lets you edit Applesoft program lines fast without time-consuming cursor-tracing and awkward "escape editing"
Software House : Beagle Bros
Author : Neil Konzen

Beagle Graphics, a complete Double Resolution graphics package that lets you access 560x192 pixels - over 100,000 individual points on the screen
Software House : Beagle Bros
Author : Mark Simenson

Copy II Plus (Copy ][ Plus) is a Disk Utility which includes both a powerful DOS disk utility package and a sophisticated Bit Copy program
Software House : Central Point Software
Author :

Terminal & Viewdata emulation software
Software House : Pace Micro Technology
Author : Ewen Wannop

DataStar was originally an add-on program to WordStar whose purpose was specifically to expedite creating of the data files used for merge printing
Software House : MicroPro International Corporation
Author :

Strobe SoftwareThe Strobe Plotting System consists of five sets of software programs, separately priced, in addition to the plotter hardware, the Strobe System is keyed to the Apple II
Software House : Strobe Inc
Author :

DiskQuik, Disk Drive Emulator, makes your Apple IIe believe an auxilliary disk drive is connected to peripheral slot 3
Software House : Beagle Bros
Author : Harry Bruce and Gene Hite

EduPak! - Aliencounter and Face Flash was educational software comprising two computer learning games which provide a combination of educational challenge and computer-generated fun
Software House : Milliken
Author :

Menu driven "dump to printer" routine for user's program (iNTEGER basic)
Software House : Computer Stations Inc
Author : David K. Hudson

Epson FXeditor allows creation of character sets or modification of existing ones, and then download to the printer
Software House : Leicester Computer Centre Limited
Author :

Expediter II (Expediter ][) converts a standard Applesoft program into a running 6502 machine language program, so that it will run up to 20 times faster
Software House : On-Line Systems
Author : S. A. Einstein, D. S. Goodrow

Apple Extended Memory Utility: Put 128K to work; Extra Variables; Extra Fast copies (nibble-copier duplicates and verifies disks in 35 seconds vs 1
Software House : Beagle Bros
Author : Mark Simonsen Alan Bird

FlashCalc was a Spreadsheet program introduced by VisiCorp in 1981 at a time when they were in litigation with Software Arts which designed VisiCalc, the 'killer app' which was part of the Apple II's ...
Software House : VisiCorp
Author : Nereid Systems Inc.

Format 80 The professional's Word Processor
Software House : Elite Software Company
Author : M.A.R. Hardwick and G.K. Beckmann

Format-80 was a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) word processing system including mailing list
Software House : Elite Software Company
Author : M.A.R. Hardwick and G.K. Beckmann

Hand-Holding BASIC was an implementation of the BASIC programming language for the novice programmer
Software House : Apple
Author : Neil Bennett

Little Genius Apple II Education provides self learning information on the Apple II computer, Applesoft BASIC language and Advanced Applesoft
Software House : Applied Data Education Services
Author :

LOCKSMITH - Apple Disk Copy Program is a utility nibble copy program that allows the creation of archival copies including so-called 'copy protected' disks
Software House : Omega MicroWare Inc
Author :

Mail List Manager lets you: Maintain almost 1000 mailing labels on each disk Print some or all of the labels Sort the list alphabetically or by zip code Merge two lists Print a phone list Find a label even if you don't know the exact spelling Platform: Apple III 128Kb RAM OS: SOS  

The Spelling Checker & Mail Merge Program for AppleWorks
Software House : Megahaus Corporation
Author : Megahaus Corporation

Merlin is a "Ted-based" editor-assembler for the Apple II, it adheres to and follows almost all of the conventions associated with TED II+
Software House : Southwestern Data Systems
Author : Glen Bredon

Microsoft SoftCard II was a hardware and software system to enhance the capabilities of Apple II or Apple IIe
Software House : Microsoft
Author : Don Burtis of Burtronix

TASC is a compiler for Applesoft BASIC, rather than the usual interpreter, that can make programs written in Applesoft BASIC run faster
Software House : Microsoft
Author : James Peak and Michael T. Howard

Whether you are a student, a businessperson, or a super-secretary, Typing Tutor II can be an invaluable aid for learning or increasing your typing or word processing skills
Software House : Microsoft
Author : The Image Producers Inc

Munch-A-Bug (MAB) is a MOS Technology 6502 program which assists in debugging 6502 assembly language programs under the Apple DOS Operating System
Software House : Southwestern Data Systems
Author : Wink Saville

PFS stores and retrieves the information you deal with every day
Software House : Software Publishing Corporation
Author : John Page and DD Roberts

pfs:report enables you to produce reports, in the form of tables, from PFS Files
Software House : Software Publishing Corporation
Author : John Page

ProDOS was marketed by Apple as meaning Professional Disk Operating System, and became the most popular operating system for the Apple II series
Software House : Apple
Author :

A full featured, interactive What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) desktop publisher (DTP) with page layout word processing typesetting and graphics
Software House : Timeworks
Author : Turning Point Software

Quelle Tete! and Jeu des menages extend the user's French Vocabulary by graphic and often amusing illustrations of meanings
Software House : Cambridge Micro Software
Author : Wac Brodzki Five Ways Software

Apple III (Apple ///) Quick File III organises information and keeps it up-to-date and easy to access, browse through and generate reports
Software House : Apple
Author : Rupert Lissner Productivity Software

Robo Graphics Robo 1000 Series Plotter Master for Hewlett Packard HP7470 Plotter
Software House : Robocom
Author :

All scientific and technological subjects require the ability to record, the reading given by measuring devices
Software House : Five Ways Software
Author : Alan Dell

This program, for 13-16 year olds, is a simulation of the formation of sea cliffs
Software House : Cambridge Micro Software
Author : Henry Lockorish Andrew Chapman Five Ways Software

Softerm was a terminal emulation program for Apple II, II Plus, or Ile
Software House : Softronics
Author :

Unlock the world of music - use Songs in the Key of Apple! Songs in the Key of Apple, written with you in mind, is both entertaining and easy to use
Software House : Hayden
Author : Ira Lopatin

Strobe SoftwareThe Strobe Plotting System consists of five sets of software programs, separately priced, in addition to the plotter hardware, the Strobe System is keyed to the Apple II
Software House : Strobe Inc
Author :

The Apple III (Apple ///) introduced an advanced operating system called Apple SOS, pronounced "apple sauce"

The Inspector - Apple Disk and Memory Utility does the following: Repairs Blown Disks Reads Nibbles Maps Disk Space Searches Disks Searches Memory Edits Disk Sectors Outputs Screen to Printer ...
Software House : Omega Microware
Author : Bill Sefton

Triple-Dump to Transfer any Screen Image from your Apple to your Printer
Software House : Beagle Bros
Author : Mark Simenson & Rob Renstrom

Apple III (Apple ///) Universal Parallel Interface Card Driver (UPIC) Software provides an extension to an Apple III by using the UPIC and a cable to do eight-bit parallel data transfers to a printer ...

VIDEOTERM 80 Column Display for Apple II combines an asynchronous serial interface card with the "guts" of a high speed terminal to transform a black and white video monitor into an intelligent ...
Software House : Videx
Author : Curtis White, Darrell Aldrich

Visible Calculator VisiCalc was the first spreadsheet computer program for personal computers devised by VisiCorp and originally released for Apple II in 1979 and c ...
Software House : VisiCorp Personal Software
Author : Dan Bricklin, Bob Frankston

Visicalc III (Visicalc ///) is a powerful electronic worksheet that lets you ask the tough "What if?" questions essential to modeling and forecasting
Software House : Apple
Author : VisiCorp, Software Arts

Visicalc III (Visicalc ///) is a powerful electronic worksheet that lets you ask the tough "What if?" questions essential to modeling and forecasting
Software House : Apple
Author : VisiCorp, Software Arts

VisiCorp was founded in 1976 by Dan Fylstra and Peter R
Software House : VisiCorp Personal Software
Author : Dr. Michael Posehn

A news-ticker-style newsfeed
Software House : XPress Information Services Ltd
Author : Siscom

ZARDAX is an easy to use Word Processor and Text Editor for the Apple II Plus Computer
Software House : Computer Solutions
Author : Computer Solutions