Home > LEO Computers > Lyons Electronic Office (LEO) Archive > CMLEO/PB - Peter Bird Collection > CMLEO/PB/PH Photographs > Photographs of LEO III

Photographs of LEO III


Description: Photographs of LEO III collected by Peter Bird from a variety of sources, in preparation for his book LEO The First Business Computer (1994) , in which some of the images were published (plate numbers given in the catalogue entry where possible).

Archive Reference: CMLEO/PB/PH/3


61095  LEO III Xeronic Printer Fire (1967)
55714 LEO III/1 at Hartree House
60490 Duke of Edinburgh Visit to Minerva Rd
60894  LEO III/2 Action Module
60989  Prototype Document Reader
60990  Prototype Document Reader in use
60991  Kimball Tag Reader
60992  Lector Document Reader
60997  Lector Document Reader
60993  Lector Document Reader in use, 1 of 3
60994  Lector Document Reader in use, 2 of 3
60995  Lector Document Reader in use, 3 of 3
60998  LEO III/7 Autolector Document Reader
61006  Autolector Document Reader prototype
61015  Rank xerographic printer prototype
61010  The Men Who Made The Xeronic
61014  Xeronic Printer
61018  Bill Dunlop working on the Rank prototype xerographic printer
61019  Bill Dunlop working on wiring on the Rank prototype xerographic printer
61020 Close-up of board on the Rank prototype xerographic printer
61022  Cubicles housing the Rank prototype xerographic printer
61023  Control panel for Copyflo machine on the Rank prototype xerographic printer
61081  Rank xerographic printer
61085  Xeronic print rollers
61011  Xeronic Printer on display
61013  Xeronic Printer Core Module Wiring
61087  Xeronic printer installed at Commercial Union Insurance, Exeter
61088  Formhead of the Xeronic printer
61089  Xeronic printing close-up
61090  Thompson guillotines at Lyons
68557 Dr John Pinkerton with LEO III
68558 LEO III Circuit Card (in situ)
68559 LEO III Circuit Card (E6/5 946)
68565 LEO III/7 at Elms House (1)
68566 LEO III/7 at Elms House (2)
68567 Elliott Paper Tape Reader
68568 Anelex Printer
68614 LEO III Westrex High Speed Paper Tape Punch
68615 LEO III at the South African Bureau
68616 LEO III/8 Closing Down Ceremony at Tubemakers
68617 Tubemakers Computer Room
68618 LEO III/19 at Lytham, St. Anns
68619 LEO III/7 at J. Lyons & Co. Ltd
68620 LEO III Circuit Cabinets
68621 LEO III at John Humphries House, Greenwich
68622 Board of Trade Import Figures
68624 LEO III/27 at Freemans
68625 LEO III/1 at Lyons Bureau
68676 Ferrite Core Memory Plane
68680 LEO III/41 at New Metallurgical Plant of Klementa Gottwald, Czechoslovakia
68681 LEO III/25 at Inland Revenue, Worthing
68691 LEO III/36 at the Department of National Savings
68702 LEO III/24 at Minerva Road
68705 LEO III/27 at Freemans Ltd
68706 LEO III Punch Room at Tubemakers, Australia
68707 Tubemakers Computer Centre
68708 Elliott Paper Tape Reader
68709 LEO III Micro-programme Module
68759 Ampex Magnetic Tape
68760 Anelex Printer Connected to LEO III/27 at Freemans Ltd
68761 LEO III/1 Ampex Tape Deck
68762 LEO III/1 Ampex Tape Decks
68763 LEO III/1 Engineer Control Console Panels
68764 LEO III/1 Anadex Printer
68765 LEO III/1 Typewriter Control Panel
68769 LEO III/1 Delivery (1)
68770 LEO III/1 Engineer Control Console
68771 LEO III/1 Delivery (2)
68771 LEO III/1 Delivery (3)
68773 LEO III/1 Computer Room
68774 LEO III/1 Delivery Truck and Crane
68775 LEO III/1 Computer Room Delivery
68776 LEO III/1 Delivery (4)

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