Computing Games published by Sinclair
The following is a list of Computing Games published by Sinclair in the Centre for Computing History collection. It is not an exhaustive list of and other games may have been published. If you have any games or software that you would like to donate to our collection, please view our donations page.There are 31 Computing Games published by Sinclair in our collection :
Order By : Title - Release Date - Publisher |

Stranded on a hostile alien planet, you must track down your ship that has been captured by the locals and escape back to space
Software House: Sinclair
Author: Artic Computing
Platform : Sinclair ZX81

Text adventure in which a ship on an exploration mission is drawn onto an Alien craft by a graviton beam
Software House: Sinclair
Author: Artic Computing
Platform : Sinclair ZX81

A great program, using fast and efficient machine code, with graphics board, rolling dice, and doubling dice
Software House: Sinclair
Author: Psion
Platform : Sinclair ZX81

A prediction utilit
Software House: Sinclair
Author: R Clark
Platform : ZX Spectrum

Software House: Sinclair
Author: Victor Serebriankoff
Platform : ZX Spectrum

A utility for keeping track of a collection, just what every hobbyist needed back in 1982, the program could save 400 records of up to six items on one cassette, sorting them into order

This is a very simple game, one of the in pack games that came with the Spectrum Plus 2 series of computers after the take over from Amstrad
Software House: Sinclair
Author: Daren White, John Line Gem Software
Platform : ZX Spectrum

Emerging from deep underground are Mammut and the mindless cohorts, only the driller tanks can stop them invading the summer palace
Software House: Sinclair
Author: Hudsonsoft
Platform : ZX Spectrum

Who wrote 'Song of the Shirt'? Which playwright also played cricket for England? Programs: Poets Playwrights Modern Authors

Horace Goes Skiing is a sequel to the very successful Hungry Horace
Software House: Sinclair
Author: William Tang
Platform : ZX Spectrum

Includes: Solitaire Nim Find the Mate Tower of Hanoi
Software House: Sinclair
Author: International Computers Ltd
Platform : ZX Spectrum

Digital version of the boardgame Reversi
Software House: Sinclair
Author: Games of Skill Ltd
Platform : Sinclair ZX81

also known as Othell
Software House: Sinclair
Author: T Hughes
Platform : ZX Spectrum

Massive games set in a plain cardboard box, this was apparently to compnesate old owners of the computer when the price was dropped significantly
Software House: Sinclair
Author: Various
Platform : ZX Spectrum

Digital version of chess
Software House: Sinclair
Author: Psion
Platform : Sinclair ZX81

For ZX81 (and ZX80 with 8K BASIC ROM) Contains six games: Orbit - your space craft's mission is to pick up a very valuable cargo that's in orbit around a star
Software House: Sinclair
Author: Sinclair Research
Platform : Sinclair ZX81

For ZX81 with 16K RAM pack Contains seven programs: Crash - simple addition - with the added attraction of a car crash if you get it wrong
Software House: Sinclair
Author: Sinclair Research
Platform : Sinclair ZX81

A collection of Sinclair branded software in a large pack, various ones were available, our one contains Horace Goes SkiingScrabbleCheckered FlagMake-a-ChipChessSurviva
Software House: Sinclair
Author: Various
Platform : ZX Spectrum

Five games programs plus easy conversion between pints/gallons and litres

Five games plus currency conversion at will - for example, dollars to pounds