Searching Ian Sinclair

Your search for 'Ian Sinclair' returned the following items...

Item Type Date
Acorn BBC Micro Model B Hong Kong Computer  1981 
Advanced Amstrad CPC6128 Computing Book  28 Mar 1987 
Alien 8 Software - Game  1986 
Amstrad Computing with the CPC464 Book  1984 
Amstrad Plc Company  1968 
Argentinian Sinclair Spectrum Computer  1982 
Black Star Software - Game  1983 
Boots Guide to the ZX Spectrum Book  1 Jan 1983 
Box 026 - Various Sinclair, Commodore and lots of other spare parts Storage Box  Unknown 
Box 406 - Sinclair ZX81 Kit / Amstrad NC200 Storage Box  Unknown 
Box 504 Storage Box  Unknown 
Box 693 - Various Documentation & s/w Storage Box  6 Feb 2014 
Brian Clough's Football Fortunes Software - Game  1987 
BT Merlin Tonto Computer  1985 
Collins Computing Reference Dictionary Book  1988 
Commodore 64 computing Book  1983 
Commodore 64 Disk Systems and Printers Book  1984 
Commodore Plus 4 Computer  Jun 1984 
Communications with the Amstrad PC Book  16 May 1988 
Computer Programming Course Book  1984 
Computer Programming in BASIC - ZX81 Supplement Book  1981 
Conquest Software - Game  1984 
Cookie (Silver Inlay) Software - Game  1983 
Czerweny Personal 2 Calculator  Unknown 
Daley Thompson's Super Test 128 Software - Game  1985 
David Johnson-Davies Person  Unknown 
Didaktik M - V.D.Skalica Typ U9334 Computer  1990 
Electron Machine Code For Beginners Book  1984 
Embassy Assault (Sealed) Software - Game  1982 
Flags Software  1982 
Fun To Learn: Music 1 Software - Game  1982 
Games 1 Software - Game  1982 
Get more from the Atari Book  1983 
Guide to the Atari 600XL Book  1984 
Guide to The Dragon 32 Book  1983 
Gunrunner (Rack-It) Software - Game  1989 
Information Technology Year 1982 Info Page  1982 
Inside the Sinclair QL Book  28 Feb 1985 
Inside Your Computer Book  1983 
Introducing Dragon Machine Code Book  1 Jan 1984 
Introducing Microprocessors Book  1981 
Introducing Spectrum Machine Code - How To Get More Speed and Power Book  1983 
Introducing the BBC Micro Book  1983 
JetPac Software - Game  May 1983 
JetPac (ROM Cartridge) Software - Game  1983 
JetPac (Silver Label) Software - Game  1983 
Jim Westwood Person  Unknown 
Locoscript 2 on the Amstrad PCW Book  1987 
Locoscript 2 on the Amstrad PCW (amended) Book  1988 
Lynx Computing Book  1983 
Make the Most of Your ZX Microdrive Book  Unknown 
Mastering The Colour Genie Book  1983 
Mazogs Software - Game  1982 
Memories - A Personal History of a Cambridge Concern Article  Unknown 
Memories - Getting Started with the Texas Instruments TI-99/4A by Stephen Shaw Article  7 Oct 2013 
Memories - The Social Impact of Computers - One Man's Story Please Select  2012 
Memotech Computing Book  1984 
Music & Sound on Your Amstrad (CPC 464) Book  Jun 1995 
Newnes 8086 Family Pocket Book Book  31 Oct 1990 
Newnes Book of Personal Computing Book  1983 
OREL BK-08 - Ukraine Spectrum Clone Computer  1994 
Oric 1 16k Computer  1 Jan 1983 
Oric 1 16k Computer  1 Jan 1983 
Oric 1 48k Computer  1 Jan 1983 
Practical Electronics Handbook Book  1980 
Prototype of MK14 Computer  1977 
Prototype Sinclair ZX Microdrive Peripheral  1983 
PSSST (Silver Label) Software - Game  1983 
QDOS (for the QL) Technical Notes Manual  12 Jun 1984 
QL Super Backgammon Software - Game  1985 
Russian Clone of Sinclair Spectrum   Unknown 
Russian Clone of Sinclair Spectrum   Unknown 
Russian Clone of Sinclair Spectrum   Unknown 
Russian Clone of Sinclair Spectrum   Unknown 
Russian Clone of Sinclair Spectrum   Unknown 
Russian Clone of Sinclair Spectrum   Unknown 
Science of Cambridge MK 14 - Original Kit Computer  1977 
Sinclair Cambridge Scientific Calculator Calculator  1976 
Sinclair Scientific Programmable Program Library Manual  1975 
Sinclair ZX Spectrum 16K Tape - G1/S Software  1982 
Sinclair ZX Spectrum Micro-PROLOG Primer Book  1983 
Sinclair ZX Spectrum Micro-PROLOG Reference Manual Book  1983 
Sinclair ZX Spectrum Test Cartridge Peripheral  1983 
Sinclair ZX81 Junior Education 5 Software - Game  1981 
Sinclair ZX81 ROM Disassembly Part A Book  1981 
Sinclair ZX81 ROM Disassembly Part B Book  1982 
Sir Clive Sinclair dies aged 81 Event  16 Sep 2021 
Some Useful BASIC Subroutines Book  1983 
Spanish Amstrad CPC 464 (Schneider Keys & Cassette Deck) Computer  1988 
Spectrum Bookware Software - Game  1984 
Spectrum Hardware Manual Book  1983 
Spectrum Micro Drive Book Book  1983 
Stellar Holocaust (Unreleased) Software  16 Jan 1986 
Super Programs 5 Software - Game  1981 
Tales of the Arabian Nights Software - Game  1985 
Tapper Software - Game  1985 
Tatung Einstein TC-01 Computer  1984 
Technician Ted Software - Game  1984 
Technician Ted (Rack-It) Software - Game  1989 

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